Election of Jury Presidents


The Jury Presidents for the Radio, TV and Web contests as well as for the President of the Italian Republic, Cross-Platform and Signis’ Special Prizes have been appointed at the 70th Festival of Prix Italia (Capri, 25th – 29th September 2018).


Starting from this morning until tomorrow in the afternoon, jury members will convene and listen to/ view the short-listed entries in each category. The winning entries will be announced during the Award Ceremony, on Friday September 28th, starting from 3:30 p.m.


Radio Competition: for Music was selected Mihaela Liliana Schefer (RAI, Italy), for Drama Kevin Reynolds (RTÉ, Ireland), for Documentary and Reportage Sara Jane Hall (BBC, United Kingdom).


TV Competition: for Performing Arts Emma Cahusac (BBC, United Kingdom), for Drama Francesco Nardella (RAI, Italy), for Documentary Charlotte Hellstrom, (SVT, Sweden).


Web Competition: Antonella Di Lazzaro (RAI, Italy).


Finally, for the President of the Italian Republic Special Prize Satu Keto (YLE, Finland), for the Cross-Platform Special Prize Mizuto Tanaka (NHK, Japan) and for the Signis Special Prize Mariachiara Martina (Italia).