
The Prix Italia Cross Platform Special Prize is also being introduced in 2019. This Special Prize, open to every broadcaster member organisation of Prix Italia free of charge, envisages the entry of multimedia projects developed on various platforms and interactive with the audience in a number of different ways. The Special Prize will be based on the Festival's theme: "Celebrating Cultural Diversity in a Global Media World".


The award consists of a prize of Euro 7,150.00 gross (seven thousand one hundred and fifty) offered by Prix Italia to the winning broadcasting member organisation.


The Special Prize is to be awarded by a jury composed of experts in the field, invited by the Prix Italia Secretariat, also on the basis of suggestions received from the radio and television member organisations. The online jury will pre-select a maximum of 7 projects from all the submitted entries and will convene during the course of the Festival to proclaim the winner.

On judging the projects, the jury will take into account the following criteria:


Synergy and interaction between platforms and media.


Ability of project to raise awareness and increase the spread of civic values and positive sentiments, such as a sense of belonging, sharing, solidarity, citizenship, etc.


Participation is free.

Each broadcaster can enter only one project, with no limit of genre, length and production date. This project may not be simultaneously entered in any other official section of the 2019 Radio, TV or Web Competition. The broadcaster declares and guarantees it is the holder of the rights of the work entered in the competition and that by taking part in the competition the rights of eventual thirds parties will not be violated, releasing Prix Italia, Rai and Rai Group companies from any liabilities or claims, there being no exception, which may derive from whatever use of the work. The broadcaster furthermore declares and guarantees that the project entered in the competition has been made in compliance with every applicable regulation, in any capacity, whether it be with primary and/or secondary and/or contained in Self-regulation Codes and/or decisions/measures by Authorities in the Sector.


The projects in competition may only be submitted by one competing organisation. Were this found not to be the case, only the broadcaster that was the first to submit the project will be permitted by Prix Italia to enter it in the competition.

The winning project must show both the Prix Italia and Rai logos in its credits and promotional material.


In order to take part, please refer to the ( Cross-Platform Special Prize) special entry form. The entry forms of the projects in competition as well as the description in English of the project, naming the platforms and media which were used, must be received by the Secretariat by 3rd June 2019, failing which they will be inadmissible.

By 17th June 2019, competitors should also send to the Secretariat the following:

- were the project to include audio/visual content, English subtitles;

- were the project to include audio content, the English translation;

- any illustrative material and information which may aid understanding of the programme, such as explanatory notes, biographies, filmographies and photographs of the creators.


On submitting the entry forms, the member organisations accept the Regulations and authorise the free use of what follows below:

- the widest possible broadcast of the entries, making it as easy as possible for the projects to be used by organisations requesting them;

- the listening/viewing of projects by jurors, delegates, accredited members of the press, observers, academics or persons invited by the Secretariat;

- the placing of the competing projects in Prix Italia's digitalised Archive. The Archive may only be exclusively consulted by members of Prix Italia. On special request, consultation may be authorised for the purpose of documentation, study and academic research;

- the use of up to 3 minutes of each work in competition during programmes made by Rai to promote and report the Festival;

- the use on the Internet, for promotional purposes, of clips of the competing projects;

- the posting on Prix Italia's website of the finalists and subsequently of the winner.


For anything not envisaged in this set of Regulations, please refer to the 2019 Prix Italia Radio, TV and Web
