
COPEAM University ed 3 ORAN

  • Andato in onda:12-07-2011
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Theme of this year: Oran, crossroad of Mediterranean music. The TV trainers who closely followed the work of the 12 TV teams during shootings, editing’s and throughout editorial conferences, have been made available by Canal France International (France Télévisions group). The TV journalists, cameramen and editors have produced 12 reports of different formats (13’, 6’30’’, 3’, 1’15’’ , 45’’) trying to give rise to the precious musical heritage of the region of Oran. To quote a few titles :
The musical instruments of Oran
Music from Oran is made of many traditional instruments. This magazine of 13 minutes is telling its story and describe all the influences that we find in the contemporaneous music from Oran. The saga of the Amarri family The 110 professionals who participated to the COPEAM University were representing 25 broadcasters from 19 different countries : 
B.T.V (Bahrein), CFI (France), COPEAM (Italy), France Télévisions (France), ENRS (Algeria), ENTV (Algeria), ERT (Greece), ERTT (Tunisia), HRT (Croatia), LJB (Libya), ORTAS (Syria), Rai (Italia), Radio France (France), RFI (France), RTSI (Switzerland), RTVSH (Albania), SMTV (San Marino), SNRT (Morocco), SRR (Romania), SURTV (Sudan), TL (Lebanon), URTE (Egypt), JRTV (Jordan), Y.TV (Yemen), 2M (Morocco).

Sito uni-copeam3

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