
COPEAM for UNESCO - Media and Climate Change

  • Andato in onda:12-07-2011
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COPEAM Secretary General took part in the session “Making climate knowledge accessible: Networks and available resources” of the "Broadcast & Climate Change" UNESCO Conference. This video has been produced by COPEAM on Media responsabilities in spreading awareness on Climate Issues. All images in the video are taken from project carried on or supported by COPEAM: - COPEAM University - All News Channels International Meeting - "Language of Water" documentary production project - produced by ARCA Consulting The Soundtrack "Pray for Rain" is by Allison Crowe Album: Live at Wood Hall on Creative Commons licence Artistic direction: Sara Lacomba Editing and Post-Production: Massimiliano Fatur

Sito UNESCO International Conference on Broadcast Media and Climate Change

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