
Stefanella Campana e il web culturale Prix Italia 2010

  • Andato in onda:12-07-2011
  • Visualizzazioni:

Several media, in particular television, tend to limit female image to its physical representation. Women representation in television affects both women self image as well as the idea that men, elders and youngsters, have about women. This topic was discussed by COPEAM Women Commission on the occasion of the 62nd edition of Prix Italia in Turin, through two investigation tools: the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) and the Italian version of the “Screening Gender” toolkit, an important training means for TV communicators. The participants’ reflection was encouraged by Loredana Cornero, President of COPEAM Women Commission, together with other women journalists and communication experts such as Claudia Padovani, Monia Azzalini, Stefanella Campana, Marina Cosi, Iman Sabbah and Federica Turco.


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