The public service stations provide
a range of services centred around a
variety of radio offerings: Isoradio,
Cciss Viaggiare Informati, Canali
Metropolitani and Filodiffusione.
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The public service stations

The unit's management has representation in the Italian National Civil Protection System, the Italian Interior Ministry's Centre for Traffic Coordination and the Italian National Motorway Security Council.

In 2009, the broadcasting programme launched the year before was developed, improving and intensifying links with the aforementioned services.

The Isoradio network intensified links with the Motorway Concession Holders and with the other Departments operating throughout the territory, such as the Civil Protection Corps, Highway Police, Carabinieri, Fire Brigade, Government Forestry Department and the Harbour Offices. A series of links were activated with Trenitalia and the Authorities for Regulating and Controlling the Civil Aviation System (ENAC) in order to offer a broader picture of the country's transport situation.

During the period of the earthquake in L'Aquila, programming was strengthened via links with the Civil Protection Emergency Room and with programme specialists sent by Management to monitor the developments of the emergency services operating on site.

The Channel was also kept open at night for several days after the disaster.

During the G8, a Civil Protection Corps project enabled an expansion of the area of coverage along the whole length of the A24 and A25 motorways (Rome-Teramo-L'Aquila), improving ratings. All the work carried out during the summits of the Heads of Government were monitored, with particular attention paid to the implications on transport.

As regards the service of Cciss- Viaggiare Informati a tender announced by the Ministry of Transport allowed the renewal of the IT systems and TV graphics for displaying the news. Relations were also intensified with the TV News Programmes in order to increase the number of bulletins when necessary (exceptional snowfall, summer holiday traffic peaks, etc.).


As regards the content of Filodiffusione, the programming of station IV (easy-listening music) was completely renewed, while new productions were broadcast on station V (classical music) and the website was improved.