GR Parlamento is the representation
of the public service as a whole: it is
Rai station for news and information
on the activity of Republic Senate and
the Chamber of Ministers. It is the
radio of the government institutions
which gives voice to Parliament and
the representatives of the People, as
well as the country’s leaders, enabling
them to make direct contact with the
    GR Parlamento is the
first radio network that
focuses on European
institutions. It brings the
institutions close to the
people and the people
close to the institutions.
This goal, which
represents the ultimate
purpose of modern
democracies, inspires all
the network’s
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GR Parlamento

The station's mission was attributed by law in 1998 and is expressed in the broadcasting Service Contract. The station, which has been independent since 2006, also manages a daily segment on Radio1 dedicated to parliamentary news and information. The programming, which begins at 7.30 a.m. is divided between live parliamentary broadcasts and major political and institutional events, news and analyses. The 14 hours of daily broadcasts (with an average of 5,000 hours of broadcasts a year) include: four radio news programmes on the political activity of Parliament during the day (7.30-8.00 a.m. - 1.30-8.30 p.m.), a look at the newspapers, the updating of the website and live broadcasts. When recorded coverage is broadcast, it concerns the whole political activity of Parliament, party congresses and conventions.

A direct, unbroken line which, every day, enables the complete monitoring, moment by moment, of the work carried out by the Chamber, the Senate, Commissions, the press conferences and interventions at Palazzo Chigi and the Quirinale, the institutional activities of the Prime Minister, the Head of State and the Presidents of the Senate and the Chamber, as well as the most important sessions of the Constitutional Court, the Higher Magistrate's Court and the Supreme Court.
First-hand documentation which enables citizens to follow and receive constant explanations of the provisions under debate and the procedures underway, with theme-based segments, debates, interventions by experts and commentators.
In addition to the daily appointments with the Gr, the station analyses all the aspects of legislative provisions and political and parliamentary activities, with 10 weekly segments concerning the subjects of justice and security, health, the environment, diet, culture, ecumenism and sporting policy, and with specials on Saturday (Radio7) and Monday (Sessantaminuti) on current issues, with debates and confrontations between the leaders of the institutions, politics and society. Everything is achieved while keeping company costs as low as possible, on a minimum budget.
The arrival of the digital radio age is opening interest development prospects, particularly for public service channels, on which the company ought to reflect.