‘Radio1, the news can’t wait’. With
this motto, which isn’t simply a slogan
but an authentic strategy implemented
in programming choices and work plans, the main Public service radionews and information channel hasrelaunched its mission with live
broadcasting 24/7.
At the same time, the Giornale Radio
has reformulated the organisation of its
work to comply with the increasing
need for differentiation which has led
to the creation of different radio news
programmes on the three channels.
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2009 was the year of alternation in the management of the news department between Antonio Caprarica and Antonio Preziosi. It was a period of change which the department reacted to with maturity, guaranteeing continuity in the flow of information and responding positively to the new stimuli.

Numerous big events that characterised 2009 were reported in real time, with the direct, on-site commitment of the Gr production staff and the Radio1 team.

These included the tragic earthquake that struck the people of Abruzzo, the G8 at L'Aquila, Pope Benedict 16th's trip to the Holy Land and the floods in Messina.

Also: the taking of Oath by President Obama at the White House, the twentieth anniversary of the Berlin Wall and the elections in Iran with the public protests, the attack against the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in Piazza del Duomo in Milan, the European elections and the Italian local elections, the Confederation Cup in South Africa and the international showcase, for Italy and Rai, of the World Swimming Championship in Rome. All these events were proposed to users with the maximum use of the workforce, long live broadcasts, on-line specials, microphones open for comments by listeners, analytical moments to offer a complete range of viewpoints, ensuring that a plurality of opinions were voiced.

The Giornale Radio is particularly proud of its decision to go back to Abruzzo on a regular basis to offer its support to the local people and really guarantee complete informative coverage, in compliance with its mission as a public service broadcaster.

Alongside the network's leading personalities, such as Enrica Bonaccorti (Tornando a casa, from 5.40 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.) and Maurizio Costanzo (L'uomo della notte, from Monday to Thursday, after the midnight edition of the Gr), new formats capable of making the most of the internal resources were tested. In particular Start (from Tuesday to Friday, from 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.) developed, in the strategic mid-morning slot, a synergy between the news department, Network, Internet team and Radio1 Musica structure capable of offering users easy entertainment while informing them promptly of the latest news updates. This model was then also exported to other time slots.

Despite being a season lacking in big events like the Olympics and the World Cup, sport succeeded in exploiting its wealth of experience to relaunch an event which saw Rome and Italy at the centre of attention of sports enthusiasts all over the world. We're talking about the World Swimming Championship, in which Rai played a leading role in terms of supply and services and in which RadioRai was also essential to the provision of complete media coverage.

The excellent work on optimising Radio1's sporting programmes focused on strengthening titles like Zona Cesarini, Sabato Sport and Domenica Sport, which had more guests and live events, and on enhancing A tutto campo, the daily appointment with the analysis of sporting events on air after the 1.00 p.m. edition of the Gr1.

Radio1 Musica underwent a veritable revolution. The structure responded to the challenge launched by Antonio Preziosi's management, increasing the generalist profile of the style on which Radio1's programming is based.

At the same time, it also redesigned the channel's 'sound', making a big contribution to the concept and realisation of programmes like Start and re-elaborating the presence of live guests, top quality artists called in not only to sing and play, but also to talk about themselves and answers questions from the public (like in Invito personale). Interactive mechanisms with listeners were also relaunched: live interventions, text messages and e-mail.

Radio1 and Giornale Radio also multiplied their commitment and visibility on the web.

In view of the launch of a new unified website, envisaged for March 2010, the Internet team expanded its offering of news and information on line, contributing articles and interviews to the Gr and other programmes. It also realised live streaming products from the studio as well as remote events, covered the Sanremo Festival 2009 with its own reporter and enhanced its podcast offering.

Lastly, it laid the foundations for testing digital radio and using mobile phones as a source of information through text and videotext messages. All these products will be presented in the new year.

A map of Radio

Rai Radio1
Information: GR1 (over 30 editions a day)
Analysis: Questione di soldi, Radio anch'io, Tutto il calcio minuto per minuto - Serie A and B, Zapping, Zona Cesarini
Culture, School and Learning: News Generation, Con parole mie
Work, Society, Social Communication: Italia, Istruzioni per l'uso, La radio ne parla
Music and Entertainment: Festival di Sanremo, Start, Tornando a casa
Service: Oggi duemila,
Variety: Ho perso il trend

Culture, School and Learning: Dispenser
Society, Work, Social Communication: Ventotto minuti, Donne che parlano, Un giorno da pecora
Music and Entertainment: Caterpillar, Il ruggito del coniglio, Gli spostati, Radio2 Live, Grazie per averci scelto, Catersport, Hit Parade Eurosonic, Moby Dick, Decanter
Variety: Io Chiara e l'oscuro, 610 - Sei Uno Zero, Traffic, Ottovolante, Black Out

Analysis: Prima pagina, Radio3 Mondo, Pagina 3, Tutta la città ne parla, Chiodo fisso
Culture, School and Learning: Fahrenheit, Hollywood party, Ad alta voce, Radio3 Scienza, Zazà, Piazza Verdi
Music and Entertainment: I Concerti del Quirinale, Concerti Euroradio, Momus, Passioni, Radio3 Suite, Primo movimento, Sei gradi
Service: Uomini e profeti
Variety: Dottor Djembè, La Barcaccia