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The main task of RaiDue is to
propose a complementary offering in
relation to that proposed by RaiUno,
in order to enhance the choice of
programmes placed at the general
public’s disposal by the Company. The
intention is to organise programming
which has a strong impact on viewing
figures and is also very different from
that of the ‘flagship channel’.
  RaiDue knows that it
has a demanding and
active public, which
watches its programmes
by choice and not out of
habit, a public which
knows how to move
among the various
platforms but
appreciates the
programming dynamics
of RaiDue and
particularly its products.
A contemporary
audience which shares
the channel’s awareness
that, in an ever changing
world, only movement
can guarantee
torna su
RaiDue vai giu'


RaiDue is a general-interest broadcaster and does not restrict its programming to specialised contexts like the theme-based and sectoral broadcasters. Its profile is not aimed at just one category, but at a vaster audience, so it uses the entire spectrum of 'genres', TV series, variety, news and information and culture, presented in an original and typical key.

The channel's 'diversity' lies in the decision to target culturally young and dynamic audience, moving away from an overly generalist and institutional model.

These lines, drawn up in agreement with the Company Management and structured as the channel's historical configuration, were also confirmed via the managerial activities during the year.

This type of choice means TV series based on series purchased outside, entertainment with an alternative style, unconventional informative analysis and a culture based on curiosity. Mass viewing is waived in favour of provocation, innovation and a sense of adventure.

Overall, once again in 2009 RaiDue succeeded in beating its direct rival, achieving a 10.4% share in prime time over the whole year, compared to Italia 1's 9.7%.
Another positive element to be highlighted is the drop in the average age of viewers during the whole day, from 52.72 years in 2008 to 52.44 in 2009.

The figures show that RaiDue has managed to securely maintain its third place in the national competitive setting, while continuing its repositioning towards younger viewer segments. These results have been achieved despite the absence of the channel's leading programme, L'Isola dei Famosi which was off air for a long time, being replaced by two editions of X Factor. In general there was an increase in 'light music' in the channel's offering. This was a strategic choice and a calculated risk, against a current opinion which sees this kind of music as being in difficulty with television viewers. A visible innovation in language took steps in this direction with Due, a variety programme which sacrificed the traditional role of the presenter, preferring a direct impact between its two stars, Tiziano Ferro and Laura Pausini. The experiment had excellent results and the formula will be reproposed in 2010.

As regards TV series purchased outside, RaiDue favours a choice of multiplicity and dynamism. New formats are searched for all the time and an attempt is made to place the public in a relation with the 'World' and with other cultural worlds. This is a modern view of entertainment which cannot be shut off in a strictly nationalist and self-referential dimension, but must try to expand horizons. It isn't a question of a simple market choice in pursuit of viewers, but the decision to give RaiDue a particular and significant profile, as requested by its broadcasting mission: a mission of generalist and never minimalist experimentation.

The strong commitment to journalistic analysis is also part of this strategy. Along with Michele Santoro's Anno Zero which is now a fixed point of reference in the Italian journalistic panorama, 2008 witnessed the debut of Malpensa Italia by Gianluigi Paragone.

Il fatto del giorno by Monica Setta, which joined the autumn programming, was an innovative offering in a time slot, that of the early afternoon, historically entrusted to "sentiment" as opposed to journalistic analysis. This experiment was rewarded by the viewing figures, a new space dedicated to confrontation from a female point of view.

Within the sphere of more typically cultural programmes, and, as such, closer to the sensitivity of the public service, RaiDue hosts important productions by Rai Educational, like La storia siamo noi. This same sphere is also characterised by Palco e Retropalco dedicated to the theatre.

More articulated is the role of Voyager, presented by Roberto Giacobbo, which moves on the fine line between mystery and knowledge and is now a small factory of documentaries and specials. RaiDue offsets outward cultural openings with a very "internal" choice with regard to the productive arrangement.Obviously there isn't an aprioristic refusal of contracts, but an attempt is made at making widespread use of the company's means, both at the production Centre in Rome and the Production Centre in Milan. All the weekly daytime programmes are made internally, from Affari tuoi to In famiglia, from Italia sul due to Il fatto del giorno. This increases the typicality of the offering and especially favours a professional growth which is enhanced by company know-how.

The final aim assigned to RaiDue is to combine a relationship of loyalty towards its traditional public with the boost to continue innovating specific contents. The idea is maintaining the aim of a consistent share with a modern network model addressed at a more dynamic audience.

A map of RaiDue

Entertainment: Desperate Housewives, Ghost whisper, I Fatti vostri, Mattino in famiglia, Mezzogiorno in famiglia

Comedy and satire: Il Sorriso di Palco e Retropalco, Quelli che il calcio, Scorie, Stracult

Music: X-Factor, Due, Pavarotti la voce degli Angeli News & Information: Anno Zero, Il fatto del giorno, Malpensa Italia

Customs and culture: XXII round, Il Grande gioco, La Linea d'ombra, Magazine 2, La storia siamo noi, Sereno Variabile, Un paese chiamato Po, Voyager

Talk Shows: Ci vediamo domenica, Italia allo specchio, L'Era glaciale, L'Italia sul due, Ricomincio da qui, Ricominciare

Thrillers: NCIS, Criminal minds, Cold case, Life on Mars, Lost, Senza traccia, Primeval, Squadra speciale Cobra 11, Supernatural

TV series: L'ispettore Coliandro, Nebbie e delitti 3 Children: Cartoon flakes, L'Albero azzurro

Sport: Domenica sportiva, Champions League, 90° minuto, Tim Cup, Tour de France