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  The present, the past
and the future presented
on several multimedia
platforms and as part of
a single line linking the
reasons of a society and
its prospects.
A public service mission
which aims to investigate
history, art, science,
economy, current affairs,
observation and
reflection. A project
which comprises generalinterest
networks, two
dedicated digital
channels, interactive
websites, series of DVDs,
books co-published by
Rai Eri, arrangements
with authorities and
A public service
broadcasting project, to
help create awareness
among people of their
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Rai Educational

In 2009 Rai Educational remained true to its public service broadcasting role, creating top quality analytical programmes, proposing them both on general-interest TV and on the two digital channels, Rai Storia and Rai Scuola. Rai Educational's big commitment to production during 2009 was rewarded, within the sphere of national and international events, with the highest number of acknowledgments compared to the other Rai Managements and Networks: a grand total of 21 awards to programmes, with 11 going to La Storia Siamo noi, 5 to Magazzini Einstein, 2 to Explora Science Now!, 1 to FuoriClasse Canale Scuola lavoro, 1 to Un Mondo a colori e and 1 to the RaiEdu 1 channel.

On general-interest TV, we find the titles that characterise the production of Rai Educational.

La Storia Siamo noi � aired in the usual morning slots on RaiTre, the very late night slot on Wednesday on RaiTre and the late night slot on Wednesday on RaiDue.

The programme's usual approach to the topics of history past and soon to be, is based on meticulous use of documents, reports by the participants and film clips.

The introduction of the new DTT theme channel, Rai Storia, enables a further expansion of the broadcasting project, via the recovery of previously unpublished materials, the combination (by analogy or contrast) with documents from Rai Teche, the proposal of the programmes to different audience targets on several days and at different times.

Crash: contatto, impatto, convivenza is the title of a new Rai Educational programme born of the experience of Un mondo a colori, broadcast on RaiDue at 9:45 a.m. and in the very late night slot on RaiTre with specials.

Crash is a weekly analysis programme, featuring reportages, inquiries and current affairs, in which, also with the aid of studio debates, all the aspects linked to the most important phenomenon to affect our country in recent years, immigration, are discussed. In its mission as public service broadcaster, Rai has to constantly monitor the developments of a situation which is becoming increasingly difficult, and sometimes characterised by conflict, as time goes by and the immigrant population gets bigger and bigger. The aim of Crashis to explain to television audiences what is going in Italy since our country has become a Country of mass immigration, showing the different stances taken by the political forces and the world of culture and associationism. It compares the experiences of other European countries which began taking in immigrants twenty years before Italy and tackles the delicate debate regarding intercultural exchange and inter-religious communication. Extensive space is dedicated to the consequences of the economic recession and respect for human rights among weaker areas of the population, including immigrants: women, children, the unemployed, the problem of illegal immigration and the exploitation of workers paid cash in hand.

RaiTre's Saturday morning slot from 9 until 11 is occupied once again by Tv Talk, the analytical programme and talk show on TV, with the participation of communications experts, university students and professors and the television celebrities themselves. It is followed by Art News, the weekly programme on current affairs in the world of Italian and international art ad culture.

The new titles include:
- Teatro in corto, on air in RaiTre very late night slot, proposes an anthological journey of about 50 years in contemporary drama.
- Big 'Grandi � si diventa', on air in RaiTre very late night slot, offers an unprecedented presentation, with a long studio interview, of the lives of public figures who have accompanied our lived with their work as artists, doctors, politicians, sportsmen and women and writers.

The biggest innovation in 2009 was definitely the consolidation within DTT of the identity of the Rai Storia channel. Now, over a year after its launch, Rai Storia, with a glance at the past of the Rai Teche and at the present of La Storia Siamo Noi, looks to the future with a richer and richer programming which combines the facts of the present with the weight of history.

Since 1 November 2009, 13 hours of new programming every day to propose the best of historical production in the European and world panorama.

RES is the programme around which the programming of Rai Storia revolves, proposing the rebroadcasting of documents taken from the Teche and making specific programmes like:

- Come eravamo, snippets from the past to rediscover the way we were, how we related to the television, how we expressed our feelings, with amateur films collected by the Teche or sent in by viewers;

- 100 Secondi con.., 100 very special seconds entrusted to seven professors, one for each day of the week. Every day, from Monday to Sunday, the day's most important historical event is taken up, commented on and analysed by a historian.

Dixit, television instruments to understand the world around us, from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m., in prime time, is the new analytical programme occupying 5 evenings. A series of theme-based itineraries presented to viewers for constructive use of the documents, sources, testimonials, problems and possible solutions. From the classic appointment with the history of the Second World War to the news events of yesterday and today, to the great biographies of international politics, great scientific discoveries and, to end with, music, film and entertainment, with unprecedented clips, indiscreet anecdotes, atmospheric scenarios and unforgettable music in a single story of the uses and history of our country.

Another prime time programme was Rewind, broadcast on Saturday and proposing great men in great programmes.

But Rai Storia is also the consolidated production of Rai Educational: Magazzini Einstein, Cult book, Scrittori per un anno, Visioni private.

In November 2008, Rai Storia, which was still RaiEdu 2 at the time, had an average monthly share of 0.01%, registering an average monthly share of 0.11% in December 2009, which reached 0.12% in prime time.

n 19 October 2009 RaiEdu 1 became Rai Scuola the Rai Educational channel dedicated to learning and education.

The channel broadcasts programmes in agreement with the Ministry of Public Education:
- In Italia, the project dedicated by Rai Educational to teaching the Italian language to foreign adults and young adults with the ambitious aim of creating the foundations for a renewed concept of citizenship which is not inherited, but chosen.
- II D, a mutliplatform project which aims to respond, through the television teaching aid accompanied by the web, to the need to the develop linguisticcommunication and foreign language cultural skills of students at every level of education (particularly primary school children), to encourage the integration of families into the social fabric ad support the linguistic training of teachers.
- Medita, the project intended to disseminate teaching content for Italian teachers via satellite, which also makes it possible to use the audio-visual materials through a specifically designed Internet portal.
- FuoriClasse, the project aimed at contribution to guiding youngsters and families in choosing education and learning paths.
- Esplora science now, aimed at offering students, as well as a broader television audience, technical and scientific culture, with particular reference to maths and themes relating to technological innovation.