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Raitalia is the Italian public service
TV conceived and designed for Italians
living abroad and for those who,
while not of Italian origin, love our
country, our culture and our history.During 2009, Rai International pursued a series of innovations to offer a better response to the need to promote the Italian image in the world and to provide information for Italians living abroad. Through a wide variety of
programmes respecting the time
differences in the various continents
which receive the signal, the offering
is addressed at enhancing the value of
the Italian language, culture and
enterprise, as well as guaranteeing an
adequate level of information for
Italian communities abroad.

Rai is the country’s
leading cultural entity
and Raitalia becomes the
privileged vehicle of all
things Italian.
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Raitalia is distributed in all the continents, with four different channels (Americas, Australia, Asia and Africa, Europe and also in Italy on Sky channel 804). It offers viewers the best of Rai's television production, of every kind: from TV series to entertainment, from information to journalistic analysis and cultural productions.

The television offering of the best of RaiUno, RaiDue and RaiTre is completed by the original productions of Raitalia and information takes on a fundamental role within this sphere. Daily information is provided by Italia News � a self-produced news and information programme designed for Italians abroad � and by the daily analysis of Italia Focus. Culture, international political and economic issues, science, European policies, Italian excellence abroad and international cooperation analysed for 30 minutes every day.

Another appointment with information comes in the evening with Italia World, the analytical talk show which tackles big social and political themes of interest for Italians living abroad.

The information pages close with the service broadcast, represented by Italia chiama Italia and Sportello Italia, an open window at the service of Italians living abroad to help them cope with the problems in relations with their home country. A religious slot, Cristianità, completes the offering of information.

A special space is dedicated to sport which, with La Giostra dei Gol tells Italians living abroad all about Italian football, offering all the matches played in the Serie A and Serie B Football Championships. During the programme, broadcast every Saturday and Sunday, comments and confrontations liven up the studio.

The information programmes are joined by those of the network.

The programming of Storie d'Italia continued. The programme was conceived and designed for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, March 1861/2011, which provides an excellent opportunity to tell the story of our country, with immense appreciation by viewers.

Made in Italy tells the past and present of the men who, with their hard work and intelligence, have made and continue to make Italy great in the eyes of the whole world. Daily appointment with L'Almanacco di domani, the slot which spans, with its numerous pages, from the historical events that took place on that date to advice for the day about to begin.

Culture and music are presented every week in Il Caffè, the lounge where Italian personalities from the worlds of culture, theatre, literature, music, film and comedy take turns at talking.

Bringing the numerous foreign viewers, but also Italians or the children and grandchildren of Italians, back to or closer to the use of our language is the ambition of Parliamo italiano. Raitalia is also radio and Internet, for a complete media offering.

The radio with news and information and the historical broadcasts of Taccuino Italiano and Notturno Italiano.

Taccuino Italiano continues its journey through literature, art, music, entertainment and society. Notturno Italiano, the oldest programme in Rai galaxy, together with La Domenica Sportiva, on air every night from 20 past midnight to 6.00 a.m., has disseminated the tradition for Italian music of all times, also presenting, with live link-ups, come of the most important light music events that take place in Italy. The Radio offering is completed with Racconto Italiano, drama-documentaries and TV series which tell the life and vicissitudes of famous Italians loved all over the world.

For a complete media offering, Raitalia is also the Internet, with two portals, both online in English and Spanish versions too.

The first, Rai Internazionale online ( is linked to radio and television production where users can consult the programming and enjoy TV on demand and radio via streaming. It is an information and analysis service on the TV and radio programming of Italian public television abroad and the distribution of the signal in the world.

The second portal, Italica ( is dedicated to Italian culture. A veritable virtual encyclopaedia of our country, dedicated to its history, customs and tradition, with the institutional aim of disseminating and promoting the knowledge of the Italian language and culture throughout the world.

In 2009 Rai Internazionale online and Italica totalled about 30 million pages viewed and over 4.3 million single users (Nielsen figures).

The average monthly traffic is about 2.4 million pages viewed and 360 thousand single users.

The total number of pages online is over 90,000, with about 170,000 pictures and over 7,000 audio and video files.

The programming of the Television Channels (Raitalia Tv), the radio broadcaster (Raitalia Radio) and websites published by Rai Internazionale observe the inspiring criteria indicated by the Convention between Rai - Radiotelevisione Italiana and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, signed in 2007, in force until 31 December 2009.