RaiNet’s mission is to bring new
Internet technologies to all Italians,
multiplying opportunities to enjoy Raiproduced
Strongly focused attention on the user
is the lynchpin of the editorial policies
which inspire the choice of content
and its arrangement on the portal,
offering visitors organized access and
a layout compliant with the new
Internet parameters, enabling Rai to
continue fulfilling its role as a public
service to the best of its ability.
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Over one billion pages visited, with a monthly average of 5.7 million users (+8% and +19% on 2008) are the results achieved by Rai web in 2008. This proves the growing alignment between TV and web and the growing appreciation of the public for editorial offering proposed.

The result of the video portal Rai.tv is particular appreciable, with over 167 million pages seen, tripling the number since 2008.

The excellent results in terms of traffic confirm our decision and encourage RaiNet to carry on with the preparation of a competitive, high-quality editorial offering.

The solidity of the project and the development of activities, within an attentive cost-containment framework, made it possible to record a gratifying economic result for management and shareholders.

10 February 2009 was the launch date of the new portal Rai.it, designed and created with the following main aims:
- to give the connected offerings a better graphic identity, in order to improve the recognition by users of Rai brand and content on the web;
- to strongly highlight the multimedia contents available, such as the simulcast offering, live radio and TV broadcasts and the vodcast and podcast offering;
- highlight the increased frequency with which the editorial contents offered are updated;
- to offer dynamic, modular layouts with the possibility for the user to customise them to suit personal preference with regard to contents and graphics;
- to present the offering via flexible and streamlined interfaces based mainly on the use of CSS and graphic elements;
- to clearly highlight the latest contents published on Rai platforms (latest videos, latest launches, latest podcasts);
- to implement the search functions, offering users the chance to perform free and advanced searches;
- to implement a new, more flexible use of the Rai.it surfing bar;
- to highlight Community functionality.

The number of streaming channels on Rai.tv increased considerably, almost doubling (from 7 to 13), and enjoying remarkable success not only in terms of the number of pages visited and single users, but also in terms of on-lie reputation of the Rai.tv product.

Web TV

A dedicated daily offering, arranged into a bouquet of theme-based channels for use at any time of day, regardless of timing and the rigidity of traditional programming, both in linear and video on demand formats.

Rai's offering of theme-based web TV channels, Rai.tv, was implemented during 2009, focused on segmentation and on the richness and appeal of the contents.

There are now 21 theme-based web channels available on demand on Rai.tv, available for use in specific templates accessed through the videowall of the Rai.tv hp and the 'Web channels' dedicated page.

This is an offering which is always aimed at specific groups of users, proposing daily programming of contents on demand relating to the theme of the channel.

In the second half of 2009, the offering was expanded with the addition of new channels, including several theme-based channels dedicated to a specific programme or event. The channels currently broadcast are:

- Comedy
- TV fiction series
- Primo Piano
- Rai Music
- Millepagine
- Science & Technology
- Viaggi e Paesi
- Rai Kids
- Rai Tween
- 1 su mille
- Anteprima
- Celebrity
- Trenta Secondi
- Ricette in Tv
- Salute
- Cinema
- X Factor
- Sanremo
- Mostra del Cinema di Venezia
- Scalo76 Talent
- Miss Italia


During 2009, with over 900 websites on line (entertainment, information, service websites), the Rai Portal achieved a new absolute record in terms of users: a total of 1,082 million pages visited and a monthly average of 5.7 million single users, recording growth of +8% and +19% respectively on 2008.

162 million videos were released, with an increase of 300% on 2008.

The most-visited websites were:
1. Rai.tv, with +93% on 2008 in terms of single users (and +252% in terms of pages seen);
2. Rai.it homepage, with +29% on 2008 in terms of single users and +12% in terms of pages seen;
3. RaiNews24, up one place with +33% for single users and +20% in terms of pages seen;
4. RadioRai, down one place with -3% on 2008 for single users but +6% in terms of pages seen;
5. Teletext, with +7% once again in terms of users and -14% for pages seen.

Here are some details of figures during the year.

The most relevant event during 2009 was recorded in February, thanks to the launch of the new Rai.it and Rai.tv portals (on 10 February) and the 59th Sanremo Festival, with 102.8 million pages seen and 6.3 million single users (with increases of about 10% on the previous month and 30% on February 2008).

Another important peak was recorded in October, November and December, with 310 million pages seen altogether and over 6.5 million single users a month, thanks to the excellent result recorded by the Rai.tv Video Portal and to the success of the roughly 1,000 audio tracks of Sanremo Nuova Generazione.

The Internet market (excluding applications like instant messenger, media player, media sharing etc.) with 22.1 million single users during December, recorded a 2% increase on the previous month and an 8% increase on the previous year.

Comparing the monthly averages over 12 months (January-December) over the years, the Rai Portal remains stable, in line with the market trend.

As regards the foreseeable development of operation, 2010 will be characterised by web 3.0 broadcasting proposals aimed at increasing the involvement of users on the Rai portal.

Three important broadcasting projects will characterise 2010: the launch of Replay Tv, the implementation of the Rai Mobile portal and the creation of a sort of Rai Social Network.