The philosophy of RaiNews 24 is
consolidated year by year: it doesn’t
want to be just another news
programme, but intends to add
something to Rai’s offering, proposing
live news and information which the
other news programmes can only
present summaries of.
‘Permanent revolution’
for RaiNews 24, the
Italian satellite channel.
Not a slogan, but the
way forward to continue
competing in the field of
news and information, in
stimulating confrontation
with the other satellite
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Again in 2009, the channel's tenth anniversary, RaiNews 24 showed a good capacity for relating world events, thanks in part to its possibility to use Rai correspondents and take advantage of the relationships built up over the years with non-governmental organisations, missions and Italian communities abroad.

Its strength lies increasingly in largescale national and international live broadcasts, which support the flow of information that characterises this type of channel at world level. All-news channels have a different way of providing information, proposing the news in real time, without being obliged to repeat the complete presentation expected of the evening news programme in every edition. Furthermore, all-news channels are more flexible and can be used on different platforms, from digital to satellite, from the Internet to services for mobile phones.

Despite the fact that there are still some difficulties in obtaining all the elements needed for the development of the channel, an important event occurred during the year: the arrival of the new Sonaps server, which has been up and running since July, albeit with ample margins for development and fine tuning.

Thanks to this innovation, material can now be stored on the server for a consistent length of time, allowing processes which were previously impossible, as well as more targeted and consistent archiving, with obvious advantages both for the news ad for programming, particular at weekends.

The channel continues to grow steadily, in terms of viewers and in the way it is seen by its interlocutors, from politics to civil society.

This success is also reflected on the website, which has now become a real web newspaper, capable of monitoring the development of events and giving a scale of priority in real time. Members of the public participate via blog, bearing witness to the interactive potential of RaiNews 24 and to the increasing integration between web and television. The Internet production team now also produces Scenari, a sort of inquiry via web only.

As regards the television offering, RaiNews 24 has had to remodel its morning time slot following the launch of Buongiorno Regione, and alongside Il caffè, we have appointments like Altre voci � Diritti negati, on employmentrelated issues, disability and social difficulties, and Noi e loro, which discusses racism, immigration and the way immigrants are welcomed into the country. These are followed by the new "container" Meridiana, dedicated to the local press and big foreign issues and international politics.

Tempi dispari has also been restyled: initially created as an appointment with culture and entertainment, it is now also open to big news stories and national and international politics.

A special mention should go to Il punto, the end of the day "container" which aims to systematise and analyse the days events, also devoting attention to the prime time offering by the main international news programmes. The programme also looks at the newspapers, highlighting the headlines and offering a preview of what will be on the newsstands the day after.