Since 1996, Rai Notte has been a
unique experiment in Italian television,
one intended to create and constantly
rethink nighttime television. The result,
consolidated by fourteen years of
experience, is full-scale programming
on all three of Rai’s networks, with the
aim of capturing the very essence of
the night and – above all –
transmitting it to the many nighttime



  The night is when we
spend time with
ourselves. The needs of
the day are no longer
pressing, the pace slows
down and confusion
Some people see the
night as a time for
dreaming; for others it’s
the ideal time for
thinking. Rai Notte
cultivates both of these
souls: imagination and
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Rai Notte

Night creates a different sort of focus, a different way of watching and listening. This is why designing nighttime programming means focusing as much as possible on that which, inevitably, is missing from or marginalized in daytime television.

We begin with the imaginary, with fiction and films (primarily concentrated on RaiUno). With regard to film, the programming choices are always centred around high-quality films, but without being excessively elitist. For Rai Notte, the focus is always on the preferences and differences of this particular viewing audience, which means, for example, Italian and American cinema, re-proposing the great westerns, noir films and thrillers, artistic and otherwise, science-fiction and horror. All this while leaving room for art films.

With regard to fiction series, 2009 continued Rai Notte's tradition of recalling the past. Nothing has impacted upon the imaginations of Italians more deeply than dramas from the past, so providing viewers with an opportunity to take another look is not just a pleasure, it's a cultural obligation. Some of the most appreciated broadcasts that made another appearance through Rai Notte included La Piovra, Don Matteo, Linda e il brigadiere, Provaci ancora prof.

Rai Notte's other focus is reflection. This theme is concentrated on production (particularly on RaiDue), with a series of programmes, broadcast within the "containers" Attualità Magazine and Anima Magazine, which typically deal with important social and political issues, as well as culture and the environment, using language that is as simple and direct as possible. After all, at night, we don't need complicated turns of phrase.

Rai Notte's programmes also discuss philosophy and psychology for example. Soul, Jung, Hermetic tradition and iconology. But with an attempt at keeping these words accessible to everyone, capable of bringing viewers loser to even the most complex concepts. All without sacrificing the depth of the ideas.

In 2009 this occurred in programmes such as Inconscio e magia, Medicina per voi, Il mare di notte, Gli occhi dell'anima and Anima Good News.

The programmes of Rai Notte also talk about justice � the justice of daily life, real justice, which tangibly affects people's lives � in Avvocato per voi, a programme that responds in detail to viewers' questions. It also talks about politics and information in agile programmes such as Quarto Potere and Focus, or in Parola di�, a programme in which the editors of leading Italian newspapers lead the audience through the lines and folds of their newspapers. And about current affairs in appointments such as La voce dei cittadini and I nostri problemi