“The future has an old heart”.
These words were written by Carlo
Levi way back in 1956, but never
before have they so perfectly
described the tasks and the mission of
the Teche Management, which will
have to make a determined
contribution to the offering of new
television channels on the DTT
  Rai archive is a unique
company asset and a
great treasure for the
country. This is why
UNESCO has included
Teche Rai in its official
register of Italian
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Rai Teche

In this context, the ongoing enhancement of Teche's Multimedia Catalogue (CMM) is even more useful. The catalogue is expanded each year by digitally storing all Rai television and radio broadcasts and by gradually recovering past material: on 31 December 2009, a total of 1,585,738 hours were available for consultation in the catalogue.

Television content is being recovered, stored and catalogued all the way back to 1954. The CMM's advanced technologies make it possible to view or listen to the archived material from any corporate workstation. The 'grabber' system is operational within the Teche Management to export the material in the quality stored in the CMM onto DVD or other digital formats ('matrix' system). This utility, which was initially assigned experimentally to the New Media management and to Rai Quirinale structure, is now also operational in the regional offices of Puglia and Umbria.

Besides the documentation of the programmes broadcast every day by the three general-interest networks and the radio channels, the recovery of material from the past is also taking place in the regional offices. This includes rough material from the TGR and Tg2, in view of the digitalisation of the programmes' production process. The national recovery of past material however has now partly diminished, due mainly to technical reasons.

Certain significant changes have taken place, such as those in the Rights Archive. The number of hours of material released to third parties for institutional reasons (schools, universities, local authorities, etc.) is rising constantly, with significant participations by management in events of particular importance and in agreements with cultural institutions, like the Indro Montanelli Foundation and the Museo del Vittoriano. At the Casa del Cinema in Rome, the Teche organised the event Quando la Rai parlava inglese, presenting 30 drama based on English literature, broadcast at weekends from January to May. During the Roma Fiction Festival, the Teche worked on the mystery stories in TV and on the portrayal of the first landing on the moon, 40 years later. During the Premio Italia held in Turin, management contributed to the production of the documentary Torino gira and created a 7-hour production using materials from the archives regarding Piedmont, which was projected all night long at Turin's Piccolo Regio Theatre. The Teche also set up a photography exhibition in the venue which hosted the Premio, entitled Radio e TV in posa, 150 shots in Turin. Management worked in conjunction with Rai Cinema on the production of the documentary film presented at the Torino Film Festival, Come mio padre, by Stefano Mordini. Other important productions for institutional purposes were the documentaries Il paese dove sgorga il vino, for Rai's activities in Japan (broadcast by Rai Storia) and Il futurismo in collaboration with the Art Quadrennial in Rome. The research ad editorial partnership with Rai Storia underwent extensive development.

The European project Presto Prime was launched, with management contributing in terms of organisation of the database for audiovisual broadcasting rights. Numerous technological consultancy projects were also launched during the year. The Teche renewed their website in 2009 to allow searches for materials in the Internet database as well as Rai channel database on Youtube.

February was the month in which Rai Eri volume, Teche series, La prima volta del telefono, il 3131, was presented, accompanied by a DVD containing lots of recordings of the history programme, photographs and films from the archives.