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2009 was, for RaiTre, the year that
confirmed the network’s mandate.
The programming, 90% of which was
accounted for by public service
broadcasting genres, marked the
natural evolution of the work carried
out in recent years in terms of
innovation and broadcasting
consolidation, both with regard to
news and information and for
entertainment. All this makes RaiTre a
network which is attentive to the
defence of the general public, as
individuals and consumers, to whom
differentiated programming with
formats of consolidated success must
be offered.
  In the world of
increasingly standardised
contemporary Tv, RaiTre
has a guiding thread all
of its own, it has
character and it’s
RaiTre is a network with
brand value and visibility
which have been far
superior to its audience
shares for years.
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The inquiries of Report, the political information of Ballarò, the investigations of Chi l'ha visto and the reports of Mi manda RaiTre flanked informative and entertainment programmes (both in the day time and prime time slots), such as Ulisse, Geo & Geo, Elisir, Alle falde del Kilimangiaro and Cominciamo bene which confirmed good results with audiences and critics once again in 2009.

The Specials of Che tempo che fa dedicated to single themes of undisputed interest were a huge success. Roberto Saviano, author of Gomorra, who has become the symbol of the battle against the camorra, stimulated by the direct questions posed by Fabio Fazio, told the audience about his passions and hopes, conditioned by an 'armoured' life. For the opening of the season at Milan's La Scala Theatre with Bizet's Carmen, Maestro Daniele Barenboin accompanied RaiTre viewers on an unforgettable journey in the world of classical music. Another exciting evening dedicated to music, starring Fabrizio De Andrè, as remembered by his wife, colleagues and friends.

2009 also confirmed the excellent results of Presa diretta, the inquiry programme with which Riccardo Iacona, recommencing his journey across Italy, tackles topics related to politics and society from a different angle, generating innovative analyses. Two episodes were of particular interest, Caccia agli zingari, which showed viewers the less obvious aspects of the world of the Rom people, and La stangata, which revealed the long chain of contracts and subcontracts of the TAV (high-speed train) to seek the reasons for this veritable blow to public accounts.

In the sphere of entertainment and satire, the programme Parla con me increased its viewing figures compared to the previous year. The 'band' led by Serena Dandini keeps viewers company, involving and entertaining them from Tuesday to Friday with the imitations of the brilliant Neri Marcorè and Caterina Guzzanti, the irony of Dario Vergassola, the irreverence of Andrea Rivera and the comedy of the Trio Medusa.

The new scientific information programme is Nati Liberi, presented by Licia Colò who, with her usual elegance, presented the exclusive documentaries of National Geographic, accompanying viewers during four interesting prime time slots of immense success, dedicated to the world of animals and nature.

RaiTre's historical programmes dedicated to nature, the environment and the animal kingdom continue with unquestionable success: Geo & Geo and Alle falde del Kilimangiaro, always full of reportages and advice for informed tourism.

The increase in viewers in a time slot which is notoriously difficulty for the channel, at 13.10, must be highlighted. It was conquered by the programming of Terra nostra which, besides being a classic soap opera which besides telling a deeply troubled love story, also realistically portrays the situation of the Italians at the end of the 19th century, as well as their hopes of leading a better life in Brazil than that reserved to them in the newly created Italy.

RaiTre couldn't avoid tackling the economic situation which negatively characterised 2009: the collapse of the US merchant bank Lehman Brothers, which devastated the world's stock exchanges.

And it did so with Da Wall Street a Gran Torino: a documentary � inquiry � lasting three months, spent travelling in America to tell of the economic recession, the collapse of Wall Street and the arrival of Fiat in Detroit.

With its usual attention to politics and current affairs, just one day after the earthquake in L'Aquila, Ballarò dedicated a whole episode to the event. It took an analytical look at the causes, the possibilities of preventing the event and the initial conditions after the earthquake.

2009 also confirmed the offering aimed at younger viewers, with Melevisione, Trebisonda, È domenica papà, Il gran concerto.

As regards viewing figures, RaiTre, with some of its leading programmes such as Che tempo che fa and Report succeeded in reaching excellent results with younger (share above 13% for the 25-54 target) and more educated (share between 25% and 30% for the university graduate target) viewers.

RaiTre: combining public service and high ratings

RaiTre is the network where the public service achieved excellent audience figures in 2009, such as:
- 22.7% for Che tempo che fa (8 March);
- 21% for Ballarò (15 December);
- 14.8% for Report (19 April);
- 12.7% for Presa diretta (22 February).

Worthy of mention during the lateevening time slot were:
- 17.8% for Amore criminale (18 April);
- 16.6% for Parla con me (1 December);
- 14.3% for Glob (18 October);
- 13.9% for Sfide (4 September);
- 13.8% for Un giorno in pretura (28 March);
- 13.3% for Storie maledette (10 October).

Daytime television highlights included:
- 16.9% for Geo & Geo (2 January);
- 12.9% for Alle falde del Kilimangiaro (4 January);
- 10.8% for Cominciamo Bene (20 February).

A map of RaiTre

News & Information: Ballarò, In 1/2 ora, Cominciamo bene

Inquiries: Report, Presa Diretta, Blu notte, C'era una volta

Irony: Che tempo che fa, Blob, Parla con me, Glob, Tatami

Memory: La Grande Storia, Enigma, Correva l'anno, Sfide, Ritratti

Commitment: Mi manda RaiTre, Chi l'ha visto, Racconti di vita, Doc3,

Culture: Passepartout, Le Storie di Augias, Per un pugno di libri, Prima della prima, La musica di RaiTre

Noir: Un giorno in pretura, Amore criminale, Storie maledette

Emotions: Un posto al sole, Agrodolce, Terra Nostra, La scelta di Francisca, La nuova squadra, Medium, Un caso per due, Il circo

Nature and Science: Ulisse, Superquark, Geo & Geo, Nati liberi, Elisir, Pronto Elisir

Travel: Alle falde del Kilimangiaro

Children: Trebisonda, Melevisione, È domenica papà, Il Gran Concerto, Mamme in glob