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Human Resources
In 2009, the main focus was on the
adoption of staff policies in keeping with
the aims defined by the 2008/2010
Industrial Plan.
With a view to rationalisation and
marked attention to the need to save
money, initiatives to keep down
accessory remuneration and variables
were strengthened.
At the same time, particular importance
was attributed to negotiations and the
definition of the renewals of the various
labour contracts used by the company:
extension to Rai of the National Labour
Contract for Journalism, renewal of the
company's supplementary agreement
for executives, renewal of the Collective
Labour Contract for middle
management, white collar and blue
collar workers and of that for Orchestra
In general terms, a mention must go to
the coordination of the Rai Group's
management policies, the gradual
transferral to the Company of
guidelines, standards and monitoring
systems already in use or undergoing
application within Rai. Theories for
implementing the decision taken by the
Board of Directors to internalise RaiSat
were also launched, along with the
extension of the insourcing process to
other Group Companies.
In detail, activities were focused on
operations to rationalise resources, with
provisions of internal mobility and
conversion of professional profiles, but
also be careful use of staff, as indicated
in the trade union agreement dated 4
June 2008 (entered into to implement
law 247/2007) which established the
issue of permanent contracts to
employees who have been used under
temporary contracts for a total of 36
months on 1 April 2009 and who have, after such date, been given further
temporary contracts by the same
employer). As regards temporary
contracts, operation was inspired by
caution and severity, implemented by
containing those of first use and those
to replace absent staff, prioritising the
use of staff in the compulsory
employment areas and lists. Leaving
incentives continued, tending also to
offset � at least partly � numeric growth
and the growth of staff costs linked to
the aforementioned law 247/2007, 147
new incentive-related retirements were
agreed to, 107 of which have already
taken place. From the numeric
viewpoint, the number of company
employees in December 2009 was
9,953 as compared to 9,874 at the
beginning of the year, as a result of 272
terminations (107 of which were
incentive-related) and 351 new hires:
282 in application of trade union
agreement, 12 transfers within the
group; 30 (including entries following
the arrival of the new Board of
Directors) regard entries for the
reformation of the workforce and to
cover the new requirements of the
structures (Orchestra Professors and
webmasters for RaiNews 24); 27
following legal action for reintegration.
Rai SpA's payment policies for 2009
included the application of specific
actions to optimise the use of available
resources, taking into consideration the
well known initiatives to contain costs
taken at company level. The plan
concentrated on particularly selective
and targeted operations, mainly
influencing variable payment, limiting
the use of fixed provisions to strategic
cases or new posts. The combined
action of the above-mentioned
initiatives (incentives, operations
targeting payment and control of
payment variables) enabled the
complete achievement of the aim to
control labour costs, providing results which were even better than expected,
both in the three-year plan and in the
draft of the budget. Costs were lower
than the previous year both in terms of
overall value and average value per
As regards trade union activities, on 27
March 2009, following complex
negotiations last over 4 years, the Italian
National Press Federation and the
Italian Federation of Newspaper
Publishers signed a draft for an
agreement for the renewal of the
National Labour Contract for
Journalism, approved by the Presidency
of the Council of Ministers on 5 May
2009 and then extended by written
agreement dated 23 June 2009, also to
Rai. In short, it was confirmed that the
top figures of the Director, Co-director
and Deputy Director are permanent
functional posts � allowing for
placement within the qualification of
origin � and not qualifications as
envisaged by the new CNLG (National
Labour Contract for Journalism). The
agreement on the re-positioning of
Directors and Deputy Directors during
changeovers in the top positions of the
Network was reviewed, with the
extension of the alternative duties that
can be proposed to those concerned.
The decision was also made not to go
ahead with the introduction of the new
qualifications of 'expert editor' and
'senior editor' envisaged by the
agreement for the renewal of the
With reference to executives, the
renewal of the additional company
agreement was signed by Rai and Adrai
on 6 August 2009. On 28 October
2009 the agreement for the renewal of
the CCL for middle management, white
collar and blue collar workers was
reviewed, with which the economic part,
in particular, was defined, deferring the
debate regarding the legislative part
until 2010.
With reference to the path undertaken
with the trade union agreement dated 4
June 2008, professional catchment
basins were established also for the
Regional Offices (agreement dated 14
January) and for the Rai Group
companies Rai Cinema, RaiNet, RaiSat
and Rai Trade (agreement dated 20
February). Lastly, on 3 December 2009,
the agreement for the renewal of the
economic part of the CCL for Orchestra
Professors was signed.
As regards legislation, work was carried
out, partly using complex IT procedures,
to prepare the consolidated book on
employment, on the complete
computerised management of sickness
indemnities payable to blue collars with
permanent employment contracts, the
application of the new laws related to
the detaxation of production bonuses
and adaptations to be made, by request
of the social security institutions, to the
computerised declarations.
Within the sphere of Recruitment and
Training activities, the complex project for
the modernisation of the website
dedicated to the recruitment activity
carried out in communication with RaiNet
should be remembered. In the portal
www.rai.it the new website 'Work with us'
is destined to accept applications for jobs
and announce job offers.
There is also the training project
destined by Rai to a target taken from
the latest recruitment of new university
graduates for the processing of projectwork
on themes of interest to the
company, with the formation of work
teams made up of participants from Rai,
Microsoft and Vodafone.
The Company's Health Service, besides
carrying out its usual activity (5,000
inspections, 410 preventive interventions
to defend the health of staff on foreign
missions and health assistance for 29 important production events), worked on
the preparation of preventive measures
to reduce the risk of exposure to
influenza A (H1N1) in the workplace.
There are defibrillators and EGC
diagnostic supports for cardiology
emergencies in the Production Centres
of Turin, Milan, Naples and Rome,
preceded by training certified in
compliance with European standards for
medical and nursing staff.
As regards safety in the workplace, the
progressive implementation of initiatives
to strengthen awareness and use of
instruments dedicated to preventing
accidents and professional illness
enabled Rai to continue benefiting for
the reduction of the INAIL contributions
for the second year running. Activities
continued to confirm and gradually
extend the Health and Safety
Management System certified in
compliance with OHSAS 18001 to Rai
offices, extended in 2009 to the offices
of Cosenza and Potenza. The
documents that make up the Security
System (Regulations, Form 231, Policy,
etc.) were adapted to the latest
legislative interventions.
Rai supplied a service to launch a
coordinated activity aimed at the
Subsidiaries (Rai Cinema, Rai Trade, 01
Distribution, NewCo Rai International,
RaiSat and RaiNet), the objective of
which is to ensure standardised
assessment and behaviours in terms of
prevention and the protection of
employees within the Rai Group. As far
as Security is concerned, a first update
was made to the Data Security
Programme (DSP) to align it to the new
instructions issued by the Privacy
Authority, also extended under the form
of collaboration to all the Rai Group
Finally, internal communication activities
� as well as interventions by the Rai
Place intranet site � included the
organisation of the third edition of
Bimbo Day, the day on which the
company opens its doors to the children
of its staff, creating an effective moment
of contact between the professional and
personal lives of the company's