Tg1 is Rai’s leading news and
information product: the moment
when people are able to meet the
world of government agencies,
politics, society, the economy, culture
and religion, with considerable
attention dedicated to what’s going on
outside of Italy.
    Once again in 2009
Italians preferred the
Tg1 as their leading
source of information, a
result which confirms the
appreciation of the
completeness, credibility
and quality of the
information offered.
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The past year has been characterised by numerous events. In chronological order: the taking of office at the White House by America's new President, Barack Obama, the case of Eluana Englaro and the consequent debate on euthanasia, the earthquake that destroyed L'Aquila, the European elections and the G8 conference; the killing of six Italian soldiers in Kabul and the tragic floods in Messina.

In this setting, Tg1 confirmed its status and a reference point for viewers in terms of completeness, authority and promptness, remaining faithful to its elegant, institutional style, maintaining a serious yet calm approach and implementing a series of broadcasting initiatives which allowed Rai's leading news programme to improve its viewing figures in all the time slots and occupy the first 99 places in the classification of most watched TV news programmes in 2009.

The productive efforts made by Tg1 have made it possible to create a quantity of broadcasts (news reports, specials, features, analyses and special editions) totalling about 1,343 hours, compared to 1,220 hours in 2008.

The 8.00 p.m. edition of the Tg1, with an average 6,065,000 viewers and a 28.5% share, is confirmed not only as the leading source of information, but also as the most watched TV programme every day. The advantage over the Tg5 was 691,000 viewers (3.4 share points).

In 2009, the 1.30 p.m. edition of the Tg1 was confirmed as the most watched news programme in the afternoon, reaching an average number of over 4 million viewers (27.7% share).

The Tg1 Specials also achieved excellent results, especially the edition broadcast on 1 November in relation to swine flu, which reached over 2 million viewers.

The Tg1 also worked in cooperation with the production team of Porta a Porta to create two prime time and four later evening programmes on the earthquake in Abruzzo and the G8 Meeting in L'Aquila, which obtained average viewing figures of 3,227,000. The programme Porta a Porta -Tg1 Speciale broadcast to provide information on the dreadful earthquake that hit Abruzzo on 6 April 2009 gained 6,777,000 viewers and a share of 26.94%.

Since last October, alongside the 13 daily editions of the Tg1, the programming of the analytical features has been renewed and improved. There are 14 altogether, ranging from books to politics, from art to technology, from entertainment to food, offering a detailed and curious view of the world around us: Mostre & eventi, Persone, Note, Atlante, Prime, Storia, Fa' la cosa giusta, Doctors, Tendenze, Turbo, Techno, Terra e sapori, Doreciakgulp and Billy. The huge public success of the weekly broadcast Tg1 Storia was confirmed again in 2009, reaching an average 1,197,000 viewers with a 26.6% di share.

Lastly, the website, recorded a considerable rise in viewing figures and will see the strengthening of the web production team in the new year, with a staff of 12 journalists.