The TGR, Testata Giornalistica
Regionale, is: 23 production units
which produce the news and
information closest to the people every
day, with the aim of representing the
whole country through its diversities,
complexities and riches.

  Starting with the Giornale
Radio at 7.20 a.m. until
the Telegiornale della
Notte at 10 past
midnight, the TGR marks
the daily lives of Italians,
accounting them with a
series of appointments
providing news on their
torna su
TGR vai giu'


In a setting like that of broadcasting, characterised in 2009 by profound and structural changes, Rai's regional information has strengthened its position thanks to the excellent results achieved by Buongiorno Regione.

The new appointment with the TGR which, from 19 January 2009 has been on air in all the regions, responded brilliantly to the rising demand for local news, giving regional information a new identity.

The programme, broadcast live on RaiTre from Monday to Friday, from 7.30 a.m. to 8.00 a.m., has enhanced the already vast offering of the TGR, extending the space dedicated to local information to the morning time slot.

The initiative has made it possible to offer a better guarantee of the interests representing the different cultures within the country.

This makes the presentation of the Testata Giornalistica Regionale stronger and more youthful as it celebrates its 30th birthday.

Rai's biggest production unit, thanks to its 707 journalists, the TGR is ready to take on the challenges that present themselves in a constantly evolving competitive context, thanks mainly to the digitalisation process of the broadcasting network.

Under this profile, the strategic investments channelled by Rai into the birth of a channel devoted entirely to regional programming will be fundamental.

With this in mind the TGR intends to set up an organisation which is increasingly detached from the traditional production model.

Writers and cameramen must be able to respond to new requirements quicker, ensuring prompt information and being open to suggestions by the public.

From this point of view, the new Channel Management, which took up office in October 2009, immediately marked its management by launching highly innovative enterprises with regard to internal communication, with the design of a new information "relay" which will enable a more structured exchange of information between the regional departments and those of the national news programmes.

As regards television programming, the Management is studying the launch of a new informative appointment which, exploiting existing production energies, will complete the offering in the morning time slot, with a unique product in the broadcasting panorama.

In a context still characterised by an economic recession which hasn't spared the communication sector, the Testata Giornalistica Regionale has paid considerable attention to costs, adhering strictly to the budgets set and closely observing the cost containment policies.

During 2009, the TGR, has substantially confirmed the excellent results of the two main editions of the news with a 19.46% share for the 2.00 p.m. edition of the Tg and a 16.08% share for the 7.30 p.m. edition. With Buongiorno Regione, RaiTre's viewing figures for the specific time slot have doubled from 6.05% to 12.79%.