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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
1) Introduction
The Rai Group consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Italian Civil
Code and Legislative Decree 127 of 9 April 1991. The following documents are annexed to the consolidated financial statements:
the reclassified statements comprised of tables for the analysis of the balance sheet and income statement, and of
cash flows.
In order to render the consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2010 fully comparable with those of the previous
year, certain items have been reclassified.
The consolidated balance sheet, income statement, notes and related schedules are expressed in millions of euros.
The consolidated financial statements reporting date is 31 December 2010, which is the year-end date for all consolidated
The financial statements of consolidated companies are those approved by their Shareholders and have been adjusted, where
necessary, to apply accounting standards consistently.
The consolidated financial statements and the accounts of the individual consolidated companies, except for those of Rai
Corporation Canada due to its small relevance, have been audited by Pricewaterhousecoopers SpA.
The reconciliation between Rai and Group results and equity for 2010 and 2009 is presented on page 265.
2) Scope of consolidation
Rai and all Italian and foreign in which the Parent Company Rai holds - directly or indirectly - the majority of voting rights at
ordinary Shareholders' meetings are included in the scope of consolidation.
The following companies are consolidated on a line-by-line basis (figures for share capital are at 31 December 2010):
• Rai Cinema SpA; registered office in Roma, Piazza Adriana 12, share capital 200,000,000.40 euros; shareholders: Rai
99.997678%, Rai Trade 0.002322%.
• Rai Corporation - Italian Radio TV System; registered office in New York, 32 Avenue of the Americas; share capital
500,000 US$; shareholders: Rai 100%.
• Rai Corporation Canada - Italian Radio TV System; registered office in Woodbridge (Ontario) L4H 4V9 Canada - 80
Carlauren Road - Suite 23, share capital 1,394 Canadian dollars; shareholders: Rai Corporation 100%.
• Rai World già NewCo Rai International SpA; registered office in Rome, Viale Mazzini 14, share capital 1,300,000
euros; shareholders: Rai 99.954%, Rai Trade 0.046%.
• RaiNet SpA; registered office in Milan, Corso Sempione 27, share capital 5,160,000 euros; shareholders: Rai 100%.
• Rai Trade SpA; registered office in Roma, Via Umberto Novaro 18, share capital 8,000,000 euros; shareholders: Rai
• Rai Way SpA; registered office in Roma, Via Teulada 66, share capital 70,176,000 euros; shareholders Rai 99.99926%,
Rai Trade 0.00074%.
• Sipra SpA; registered office in Turin, Corso Bernardino Telesio 25, share capital 10,000,000 euros; shareholders: Rai
• 01 Distribution Srl; registered office in Rome, Piazza Adriana 12, share capital 516,456 euros; shareholders: Rai Cinema
With the deed of merger dated 23 September 2010, backdated to 1 January 2010, RaiSat SpA was merged by incorporation
into Rai.
The following companies are recorded using the equity method:
• Audiradio Srl; registered office in Milan, Largo Toscanini 1, share capital 258,000 euros; shareholders: Rai 30.23%, others
• Auditel Srl; registered office in Milan, Largo Toscanini 1, share capital 300,000 euros; shareholders: Rai 33%, others 67%.
• Euronews - Société Anonyme; registered office in Lione Ecully (France), 60 Chemin des Mouilles; share capital 3,630,585
euros; shareholders: Rai 22.84%, others 77.16%.
• San Marino RTV SpA; registered office in the Republic of San Marino, Viale Kennedy 13; share capital 516,460 euros;
shareholders: Rai 50%, E.Ra.S. 50%.
• Tivů Srl; registered office in Roma, Via di Villa Patrizi 8, share capital 1,000,000 euros; shareholders: Rai 48.16%, others
3) Consolidation principles and foreign currency translation methods
These can be summarised as follows:
a)The book values of equity investments in consolidated companies and the corresponding portion of their net equities have
been eliminated against the total incorporation of the assets, liabilities, costs and revenues of such companies (regardless
of percentage of ownership); minority interests' shares in equity (and the results for the year) are shown in specific items.
Any differences emerging have been taken directly to consolidated equity.
b) Payables and receivables, expense and income, dividends and other transactions made between consolidated companies
have been eliminated.
c) Financial statements denominated in foreign currency have been translated into euros, applying to each individual asset
and liability item on the balance sheet the exchange rate in force at 31 December 2010 (Euro/US$: 1.33620; euro/Can$:
1.33220), while the items on the income statement have been subject to application of the average exchange rate for
2010 (euro/US$: 1.326799; euro/Can$: 1.366505) and equity items have been valued at the historical rate. Differences
arising from the change in the exchange rate used in relation to equity items compared with the previous year are taken to
a special consolidated equity reserve.
d) For consolidation purposes, the financial statements of consolidated companies have been brought into line with the accounting
policies and methods described hereunder.
4) Accounting policies
Before examining the individual items, we have provided an overview of the main accounting policies used, which were
adopted from the perspective of the Company as a going concern and comply with the provisions of Articles 2423 et seq. of
the Civil Code and Legislative Decree 127 of 9 April 1991. Such policies are substantially unchanged from those applied in
the previous year.
a) Industrial patents and intellectual property rights:
The acquisition and production costs of programmes, composed of external costs that can be allocated directly to each
project and the cost of internal resources used to create programmes, are recorded according to the following criteria:
1) costs for repeat-use television productions are capitalised under intangible assets and, if such productions are usable
at year-end, are carried under industrial patents and intellectual property rights and amortised on a straight-line basis
over the period of their estimated useful life. If such programmes are not yet usable at year-end, the costs are carried
under intangible assets under development and payments on account.
The objective difficulty of establishing an appropriate correlation between advertising revenues and licence fees and
the amortisation of the rights, which is further complicated by the many ways in which they can been used, has led to
the useful life of repeat-use programmes being estimated as follows:
• three years for TV series productions or in general for all non-film productions;
• four years for football library exploitation rights;
• five years for free TV rights acquired by Rai Cinema, except for products for which the whole range of rights has
been acquired (film, television, home video etc.) the useful life of which is estimated at seven years.
Costs for concession rights with a shorter duration are amortised over the period they are available.
In addition, an impairment provision has been established for programmes for which transmission, re-broadcasting or
commercial exploitation is at risk.
2) Costs for immediate-use television programmes are expensed in a single year, which is normally that in which they are
used. More specifically:
• News, light entertainment and all radio programming. Costs are expensed in the year in which they are incurred,
which is normally the year in which the programmes are broadcast.
• Sports events. Costs are booked to the year in which the event takes place.
• Documentaries, classical music and drama. Costs are charged against income in a single amount at the time the
programmes are ready for broadcasting or the rights are usable.
b) Software licences are carried with industrial patents and intellectual property rights net of amortisation and are amortised
over three years from the year they enter service.
c) Costs incurred for the construction of the digital terrestrial network are capitalised under intangible assets net of
amortisation and amortised on a straight-line basis over the forecast period of use from the date the service is activated.
d) Trademarks are amortised substantially over ten years from the year they enter service.
e) Deferred charges are carried under other intangible assets net of accumulated amortisation. They regard improvements
to leased or licensed property and accessory charges on loans. Amortisation for leasehold improvements is determined
on the basis of the shorter of the residual duration of the related contracts and the estimated period of benefit of the
costs, calculated using amortisation rates which reflect the rate of economic deterioration of the relative assets. Accessory
charges on loans are amortised in relation to the duration of the loan.
f) Tangible assets - which are shown net of accumulated depreciation - are recorded at cost, increased by internal personnel
costs incurred in preparing them to enter service, increased following revaluations pursuant to laws.
The costs of tangible assets as determined above are amortised in accordance with Article 2426 (2) of the Civil Code.
Ordinary maintenance costs are expensed in the year in which they are incurred.
g) Financial leases have been booked by recording the asset and relative debt in the consolidated balance sheet in amounts
which, at the beginning of the contract, are equal to the normal value of the leased asset. Depreciation of such leased assets
is calculated on a straight line basis at 6% per annum. Leasing instalments are split between the portion representing
financial charges, which are taken to the income statement as such, and the principal portion, which is taken as a reduction
to the relative debt.
h) Equity investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and associated companies are carried at equity; equity investments
below 20% and interests in consortia are shown at cost adjusted for any permanent impairment in value. In the event of
investee companies with negative equity (in deficit), the investments are written down in full and an additional amount is set
up in the provisions for risks and charges for the portion of the deficit pertaining to the Group. Adjustments for permanent
impairment are reversed in the event that such impairment is subsequently recovered due to sufficient operating earnings
by the investee company.
i) Fixed-income securities carried as non-current financial assets are valued at purchase cost. Positive or negative differences
between purchase cost and redemption value are taken to income in the amount accruing for the year.
j) Non-current assets which, at the balance sheet date, have suffered a permanent impairment in value, are carried at the
lower value. Should the reasons for the writedown made in previous years no longer apply, the assets are revalued within
the limits of the amount of the writedown.
k)Other securities carried under current financial assets are valued at the lower of purchase cost - determined as the
weighted average cost - and estimated realisable value, which is given by market value.
l) Inventories of raw materials, supplies and consumables (technical materials) are valued at purchase cost, which is determined
on the basis of weighted average cost, written down taking account of market trends and estimated non-use due
to obsolescence and slow turnover. Inventories of items for resale (books, DVDs, etc.) are carried at the lower of purchase
cost, which is determined on the basis of weighted average cost, and estimated realisable value as determined by market
m) Accrued income and prepaid expenses, and accrued expenses and deferred income, are recorded on an accruals basis
for the individual entries.
n) Provisions for pension and similar liabilities, which comprise the provision for supplementary staff severance pay, the social
security benefits provision and the company supplementary pension fund, are made in accordance with collective bargaining
agreements. The Company supplementary pension fund is valued on the basis of an actuarial appraisal.
o) The provision for taxes includes probable tax liabilities arising out of the settlement of tax disputes and includes deferred
tax liabilities calculated on timing differences which have resulted in lower current taxes. Deferred tax assets arising from
charges which are tax-deductible on a deferred basis and from tax losses are taken up under Current Assets caption 4 ter
("Deferred tax assets") if there is reasonable certainty that they will be recovered in the future.
p) Other provisions for risks and charges include provisions to cover specific losses or liabilities, the existence of which is
certain or probable, but the amount or date of occurrence of which is uncertain. They are set up on a case-by-case basis
in relation to specific risk positions and their amount is determined on the basis of reasonable estimates of the liability that
such positions could generate.
q) The provision for staff severance pay is determined in conformity to applicable law and labour contracts. It reflects the
accrued entitlement of all employees at the balance-sheet date net of advances already paid.
r) Payables are shown at nominal value; receivables are carried at estimated realisable value, net of the provision for bad
debts as determined on the basis of a case-by-case assessment of the solvency risks of the individual debtors.
s) Payables and receivables denominated in currencies other than the Euro - with the exception of hedged positions, which
are valued at the rate applying to the financial instrument - are recorded at the exchange rates applying at the balance
sheet date. Profits and losses ensuing from such conversion are taken to the income statement as components of financial
income or expense. Any net profit is taken to a specific non-distributable reserve until the profit is realised.
t) Payments on account include advances paid by customers for services that have not yet been performed.
u) Costs and revenues are taken to the income statement on a consistently applied accruals basis.
v) Dividends are taken to income in the year in which they are received.
w) Income taxes are recorded on the basis of an estimate of taxable income in conformity with applicable regulations, taking
account of deferred tax positions. The tax liability to be settled on presentation of the tax declaration is carried under taxes
payable, together with liabilities relating to taxes already assessed and due. The tax charge in the Group's consolidated
financial statements reflects the tax charges in the individual financial statements of consolidated companies, which have
been aligned on the basis of uniform accounting policies and prepared on a prudent basis.
Companies consolidated using the line-by-line method with the exception of Rai Trade, Rai Corporation and Rai Corporation
Canada, have opted to be taxed on a Group consolidated basis and have transferred to the Parent Company the duty
of attending to all requirements regarding the settlement and payment of IRES tax. The procedure for the consolidation of
the Group's taxable amounts is regulated by a specific agreement between the Parent Company and the subsidiaries. The
fundamental standards that regulate this agreement are neutrality (absence of negative effects on the single companies),
proportionality in the use of losses and their integral remuneration on the basis of the rate of IRES in force at the time of
effective use, offsetting the incomes booked.
x) During consolidation, the tax effects on consolidation adjustments resulting in timing differences on the Group's result
have been recorded as prepaid taxes and deferred taxes.
y) In order to hedge interest rate and exchange rate risk, the Company uses derivative contracts to hedge specific transactions.
Interest differentials to be collected or paid on interest rate swaps are taken to the income statement on an accruals
basis over the duration of the contract. Accrued interest differentials that have not been settled at the end of the year
or which have been settled before they actually accrue are taken to accrued income and prepaid expenses, or accrued
expenses and deferred income, as the case may be. Derivative contracts hedging exchange rate risks are used to cover
contractual commitments in foreign currencies and entail adjusting the value of the underlying item. The premium or
discount arising from the differential between the spot and future exchange rates for hedging transactions carried out via
future acquisition of value and premiums paid in relation to options is taken to the income statement over the duration of
the contract.
If the market value of derivatives contracts that do not fully qualify for hedge accounting is negative, a specific risk provision
is set up for this value.
z) Collections are recorded by bank transaction date; for payments account is likewise taken of the instruction date.
5) Consolidated Balance Sheet
Non-current assets
Intangible assets
This caption includes the cost of non-physical factors of production with lasting utility, net of amortisation and writedowns in
the event of permanent impairment of value.
These total 964.7 million euros, with a net increase of 48.7 million euros on the preceding year, represented by the balance
between new investment (529.1 million euros), the amortisation charge for the year (532.9 million euros), and writedowns
and eliminations for 44.5 million euros, as well as other decreases for 0.4 million euros.
Formation, start-up and expansion costs. These disclose an insignificant value (31 December 2009: insignificant) booked
to the financial statements of Rai World formerly NewCo Rai International (see Schedule 1).
Industrial patents and intellectual property rights. As shown in Schedule 1, these amount to 648.0 million euros, as
• 642.6 million euros for the cost of television programmes and films available for use, booked mainly to the financial
statements of the Parent Company and Rai Cinema, showing a net decrease of 43.9 million euros compared to the figure
relating to 31 December 2009. This decrease is represented by the difference between new assets for 512.4 million euros
(of which 177.3 million euros transferred from intangible assets under development and payments on account for rights
that became available during the year), a writedown against the risk of non-transmission, repeatability and commercial
exploitation of certain programmes amounting to 36.7 million euros and the amortisation charge for the year of 519.6
million euros;
• 5.4 million euros for software rights, showing a net increase of 3.3 million euros compared to the figure relating to 31
December 2009. Specifically, the aforementioned increase is represented by the difference between new assets for 6.8
million euros (of which 5.3 million euros transferred from intangible assets under development and payments on account
for rights that became available for use during the year) and the amortisation charge for the year of 3.5 million euros.
As regards television and film products available for use, at 31 December 2010 the item total, gross of writedowns, was split
• rights to television programmes owned or held under unlimited-term licences amounting to 250.3 million euros;
• rights to television programmes held under fixed-term licences amounting to 438.3 million euros.
Overall investments in television programmes made in 2010 amount to 521.6 million euros, including 186.5 million euros in
programmes which were not yet available at 31 December 2010, which are carried under Intangible assets under development
and payments on account.
Analysing investments by type, at 31 December 2010, 324.0 million euros had been invested in fiction programmes (series,
miniseries, TV movies, soap operas etc), 123.0 million euros in films, 33.6 million euros in cartoons and comedy programmes,
10.1 million euros in football libraries, 11.8 million euros in documentaries, 14.6 million euros in classical music
and drama and 4.5 million euros in other genres.
Concessions, licences, trademarks and similar rights. These items, which are stated net of accumulated amortisation,
include costs incurred on the acquisition of licences for digital terrestrial frequencies, and own trademarks. Overall, these
amount to 18.1 million euros, of which 17.9 million euros with reference to digital network frequencies (see Schedule 1).
Intangible assets under development and payments on account. These amount to 283.0 thousand euros, including:
• 278.4 million euros for the cost of television programmes and films which are not yet available, and therefore not subject
to amortisation; compared with the figure at 31 December 2009, this has shown a net increase of 2.1 million euros, as
shown in Schedule 1. Specifically, the aforementioned increase is equal to the balance between increases for new assets
(186.5 million euros), decreases for items transferred to Industrial patents and intellectual property rights in that they relate
to productions and/or acquisitions which have become usable during the period in question (177.3 million euros) and
eliminations for 7.1 million euros;
• 1.1 million euros for software programs and analysis, showing a net reduction of 5.2 million euros compared to the figure
relating to 31 December 2009. The aforementioned reduction is equal to the balance between increases for new assets
(0.6 million euros), decreases referring almost entirely to items transferred to Industrial patents and intellectual property
rights in that they relate to products that became usable during the year (5.8 million euros);
• 1.7 million euros refers to alterations and improvements under way on property under leasehold or concession (31
December 2009: 1.4 million euros);
• 1.8 million euros for the cost of purchasing option rights on commercial exploitation agreements regarding football libraries
booked to the Parent Company's financial statements (at 31 December 2009: 1.2 million euros).
For television programmes and films that have not yet become available, the total of 278.4 thousand euros includes:
• 158.8 million euros for television programmes owned by the Company that were not ready at 31 December 2010 or for
which usage rights began after 31 December 2010;
• 119.6 million euros regarding third-party television programmes held on fixed-term licence beginning after 31 December
Other intangible assets. The amount of 15.6 million euros includes:
• 13.2 million euros for costs incurred, net of accumulated amortisation, on alterations and improvements to property under
leasehold or concession (31 December 2009: 14.1 million euros);
• 1.7 million euros relating to investments in software programs and analyses (at 31 December 2009: 1.9 million
• 0.6 million euros for costs incurred during the year, net of accumulated amortisation, on stand-by loans with a duration
of three years, to be broken down throughout the loan period (at 31 December 2009: 1.1 million euros);
• 0.1 million euros (31 December 2009: 0.8 million euros) mainly for the purchase of a right to the first negotiation and
option on the broadcasting of football matches, net of amortisation calculated over the concession period, booked to the
Parent Company financial statements.
Tangible Assets
These comprise the costs and related revaluations of tangible fixed assets with a useful life of several years. They are carried
net of standard depreciation and writedowns for lasting value impairments if any.
The standard depreciation rates applied are listed below:
At 31 December 2010, Tangible assets amount to 613.4 million euros and show, overall, a net increase of 32.2 million euros compared with 2009, comprised of the balance between new assets for 142.3 million euros, amortisation for 108.6 million euros and reclassifications for 1.5 million euros, as specified in Schedule 2.
It should be noted that new assets recorded, which reflect investments made in the year, comprise 8.4 million euros for the
capitalisation of the cost of internal personnel engaged in the construction of buildings, plant and machinery.
The gross value of revaluations recorded under tangible non-current assets is reported below, listed according to the applicable
• 0.2 million euros gross in implementation of Law 823 of 19 December 1973;
• 47.0 million euros gross in implementation of law 576 of 2 December 1975 and law 72 of 19 March 1983;
• 62.1 million euros gross in implementation of Law 413 of 30 December 1991;
• 534.8 million euros gross in implementation of Law 650 of 23 December 1996.
Non-current Financial Assets
These represent the cost of durable financial investments and related revaluations, net of any writedowns described in the
comments on the individual items.
These total 19.6 million euros and are comprised as follows:
Equity investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries. The caption no longer presents any value, because the liquidation
of Sacis Spa has been closed and the value of the investment written off (at 31 December 2009: 4.6 million euros);
Equity investments in associated companies. These relate to companies not falling within the scope of the consolidation
in which interests of over 20% are held and over which a dominant influence is not exercised. Details follow:
Equity investments in the associated companies are all held in the Rai portfolio.
Equity investments in other companies. These total 0.8 million euros and are comprised as follows:
Receivables from others.
These amount to 6.3 million euros (31 December 2009: 5.7 million euros) and are comprised
as follows:
• advances paid in relation to mandates for the sale of rights for 3.4 million euros;
• guarantee deposits of 2.5 million euros;
• loans granted to employees of 0.4 million euros;
The composition of these captions is shown in Schedule 3. Schedules 6 and 8 detail their distribution by maturity, type and
currency, while Schedule 7 by geographic area.
Other securities. These amount to 3.8 million euros (31 December 2009: 3.8 million euros) and are entirely comprised of
collateral securities.
The composition of the item is shown in Schedule 3
Current Assets
Inventories amount to 4.5 million euros net of the inventory provision (31 December 2009: 5.0 million euros). As shown in
Schedule 4, they comprise:
• Raw materials, supplies and consumables: these amount to 2.2 million euros net of the inventory provision for 14.4 million
euros. They consist almost entirely of supplies and spare parts for maintenance and the operation of equipment, considered
as consumables since they are not directly incorporated into products.
• Contract work in progress: this amounts to 0.1 million euros, most of which is carried in Rai Way's financial statements,
relating to costs incurred on developing the Isoradio network.
• Finished goods and merchandise: these amount to 2.2 million euros net of the inventory provision of 0.5 million euros,
mostly relating linked to the books and periodicals business, home video distribution and inventories of items acquired in
exchange for advertising.
Receivables total 834.2 million euros, showing a decrease of 165.2 million euros on 31 December 2009, as can be seen in
Schedule 5, which gives a breakdown of receivables, and Schedules 6 and 8 which show their distribution by maturity, type
and currency. Their distribution by geographic area is shown in Schedule 7.
Receivables from customers. These disclose trade receivables. They total 655.6 million euros, with a nominal value of
715.3 million euros which has been written down by 59.7 million euros to bring them to their estimated realisable value and
compared with 31 December 2009 they show a decrease of 124.0 million euros.
Details of the caption are divided into:
• receivables from Sipra customers for advertising services sold: exposed for a nominal value of 307.8 million euros, they
show a 12.1 million euro increase on 31 December 2009;
• receivables for services rendered by Rai to the Government under specific agreements: as shown in the following table,
these amount to a nominal 83.8 million euros, down 100.4 million euros on 31 December 2009, equivalent to the balance
between the increase in invoices issued and for amounts accrued for 2010 less collections;
• net receivables for licence fees: these amount to 34.2 million euros, up 10.4 million euros on 31 December 2009, representing
licence fees not yet transferred to Rai. Activities are underway to recover such receivables. They consist in asking
the Ministry of the Economy and Finance to increase the specific provision of the expense section during the settlement
of the Government Financial Statements for 2011, in order to allow recovery, with liquidation of the fourth instalment of
transfer of the fees, envisaged to take place in December 2011;
• other receivables: these amount to a nominal value of 289.5 million euros, down 31.1 million euros compared with 31
December 2009, and represent, among the most significant entries, receivables from customers of Rai for the sale of rights,
technical assistance to third parties and others for 182.0 million euros, receivables from Rai Trade for the sale of rights for
54.3 million euros, film companies and home video customers booked to the financial statements of 01 Distribution for
31.8 million euros, receivables from customers of Rai Way for 10.8 million euros and receivables from customers of Rai
Cinema for 8.8 million euros.
Receivables from associated companies. These amount to 0.1 million euros (31 December 2009: 0.3 million euros), and
represent the balance of trade receivables from the companies Auditel, San Marino RTV and Tivů which are carried in the
Parent Company financial statements.
Tax receivables. These are carried at a nominal value of 56.3 million euros (31 December 2009: 54.0 million euros). They
relate for the most part to receivables recorded in the Parent Company financial statements (55.0 million euros), to Group
VAT (46.1 million euros), IRAP credit (2.1 million euros), tax reimbursements requested (6.6 million euros), and minor captions
for the difference.
Deferred tax assets. These represent the amount receivable deriving from items subject to deferred deductibility. They total
48.2 million euros (31 December 2009: 37.4 million euros) comprising deferred tax assets recorded by the individual companies
(46.3 million euros) and deferred tax assets from consolidation adjustments (1.9 million euros). They are up 10.8 million
euros as detailed in Schedule 9. They relate mainly to:
• 41.3 million euros taken up by the Parent Company in connection with items which are deductible on a deferred basis for
tax purposes (41.2 million euros) and items transferred from group companies under the consolidated taxation mechanism
(0.1 million euros);
• 2.4 million euros for prepaid tax assets taken up by Rai Way;
• 1.8 million euros for prepaid tax assets taken up by Sipra;
• 0.8 million euros for prepaid tax assets taken up by Rai Cinema.
Receivables from others. These amount to 74.0 million euros (31 December 2009: 128.1 million euros). Net of writedowns
of 2.2 million euros, they reflect the value of other types of receivable as described below:
• advances to suppliers on sports events filming rights, carried at nominal value of 35.8 million euros;
• advances to welfare and social security institutions on contributions payable for artistic activities and for advance payments
of severance pay, carried at a nominal value of 10.8 million euros;
• receivables from personnel, carried at nominal 6.6 million euros. They are entirely composed of advances of various types,
mainly for travel expenses and production expenses;
• miscellaneous advances to suppliers carried at a nominal value of 12.5 million euros;
• receivables from others carried at a nominal value of 10.5 million euros.
Cash and cash equivalents
These amount to 3.0 million euros (31 December 2009: 20.8 million euros) relating mostly to the Parent Company which
manages central treasury services. They comprise the following:
• Bank and post office deposits: these amount to 2.5 million euros (31 December 2009: 20.4 million euros). They represent
sight or short-term balances on deposit or current account with banks, financial institutions and the Post Office.
• Cash and cash equivalents on hand: these amount to 0.5 million euros (31 December 2009: 0.4 million euros) and
include liquid funds in the form of cash and equivalent instruments (duty stamps, cashier's cheques or bank-guaranteed
cheques etc.) held by the Company at 31 December 2010.
Schedule 8 gives a breakdown of cash and cash equivalents in euros and other currencies.
Accrued income and prepaid expenses
These total 46.1 million euros (31 December 2009: 43.9 million euros) and consist of prepaid expenses for 46.0 million
euros and accrued income for 0.1 million euros.
The composition is detailed in Schedule 10.
Shareholders' equity
Shareholders' equity amounts to 530.8 million euros, down 101.0 million euros on 31 December 2009 mainly due to the
loss for the year (98.2 million euros).
The components of shareholders' equity and the effects of operations carried out in 2010 and the previous year are shown
in Schedule 11.
Following the purchase of the share in RaiSat held by RCS Media Group SpA, on 18 March 2010, the consolidated Shareholders'
equity at 31 December became the exclusive property of the Group.
Share Capital
At 31 December 2010, Rai's fully paid-in and subscribed share capital was represented by 242,518,100 ordinary shares with
a par value 1 euro each, owned by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance (241,447,000 shares, equal to 99.5583% of
the share capital) and SIAE, the Italian Association of Authors and Publishers (1,071,100 shares, equal to 0.4417% of share
Legal Reserve
This is booked to the Parent Company financial statements for 7.0 million euros.
Other reserves
Other reserves total 379.5 million euros. This combination of items comprises:
• 253.7 million euros, of merger surplus;
• 125.8 million euros of other reserves.
Group loss for the year
This amounts to 98.2 million euros.
Provisions for risks and charges
These amount to 402.7 million euros, down 10.5 million euros net on 31 December 2009. The composition of these items
and details of the aforementioned increase are shown in Schedule 12. The notes which follow provide additional information
on the individual provisions.
Provision for pension and similar liabilities. These amount to 151.8 million euros (31 December 2009: 153.9 million
euros) and comprise the supplementary seniority benefits provision, the retirement benefits provision and the company supplementary
pension fund.
• The provision for supplementary seniority benefits,amounts to 1.5 million euros (31 December 209: 2.1 million euros). It
represents the sums owed in respect of indemnities in lieu of notice towards employees of Rai, Rai Way and Rai Cinema
hired before 1978 who have reached the compulsory retirement age. The amount is revalued each year in consideration
of consumer price inflation. In the event of early termination of employment, or changes in category, the amounts accrued
are released.
• The provision for retirement benefits, amounts to 0.3 million euros (31 December 2009: 0.3 million euros), and includes
amounts accrued until 31 December 1988 and annual revaluations allocated in subsequent periods in order to protect
the real value of the provision for eligible Rai employees in accordance with the terms of the national collective labour
• The provision for supplementary company benefits, amounts to 150.0 million euros (31 December 2009: 151.5 million
euros). This includes the expense for supplementary pension benefits currently being paid, consisting of funds accrued for
Rai and Rai Way employees who have opted for the supplementary pension plan under the trade union agreements, which
are kept at an adequate level to ensure said benefits, with respect to actuarial reserves. It also includes the expense for
supplementary pensions that will be paid to eligible Rai and Rai Cinema managerial staff still in service in the event that
some of these opt for the supplementary pension plan calculated on the basis of pay earned, seniority and financial and
demographic parameters normally used in similar cases.
Provision for current and deferred taxes. This amounts to 12.0 million euros (31 December 2009: 14.5 million euros)
represented by provisions booked to the financial statements of the individual companies, particularly Rai (9.9 million euros),
Rai Way (1.1 million euros) and Sipra (0.4 million euros) and those resulting from consolidation adjustments (0.6 million
euros). It is down 2.5 million euros as detailed in Schedule 13.
Other provisions. These amount to 238.9 million euros (31 December 2009: 244.8 million euros). They include provisions
for costs or losses the existence of which is certain but the amount of which cannot be exactly determined, or which are probable
and the amount of which can be reasonably estimated. They are up 5.9 million euros as detailed in Schedule 12.
As regards pending litigation with employees and third parties, the amount carried in the provisions for liabilities and risks is
the best estimate of the likely liability based on the most up-to-date information available.
Provision for staff severance pay
The provision totals 339.4 million euros (31 December 2009: 358.2 thousand euros). The provision for staff severance pay is
determined at individual level in conformity to the provisions of art. 2120 of the Italian Civil Code, complemented by Budget
Law 2007 (Law 296 of 27 December 2006), which established the entry into force of the new legislation on pension funds
(Legislative Decree 252 of 5 December 2005) as 1 January 2007.
By effect of the new legislation, provisions for staff severance pay converge into pension funds other than those inside the
company, unless employees ask to maintain the severance pay within the company: In this case, the provisions are paid into a
reserve managed by the INPS, which will transfer to the company all the benefits disbursed by the latter in the event of payment
of advances or termination of the employment contract, as envisaged by Article 2120 of the Civil Code.
The composition of the provision and changes during the year are shown in Schedule 14.
Payables amount to 1,161.9 million euros, down 65.1 million euros on 31 December 2009. More specifically, financial debt
to banks totals 148.8 million euros, with a net decrease of 14.9 million euros on the figure disclosed in the 2009 financial
statements. No payables covered by collateral in the form of company assets are recorded.
A breakdown of the caption is given in Schedule 15, while Schedules 16 and 17 show the composition of payables by maturity,
type and currency.
With regard to geographic distribution, the greater part of payables (about 83%) relates to Italian residents, for an amount of
about 968.4 million euros, and 13% relates to non-EU residents, for an amount of about 151.7 million euros, on a total of
1,161.9 million euros.
The notes indicated hereunder provide further details on the contents of the individual items.
Due to banks. These amount to 148.8 million euros (31 December 2009: 163.7 million euros), representing current account
overdrafts with certain banks.
Due to other lenders. They total 2.9 million euros (31 December 2009: 2.7 million euros), and represent mainly the balance
of the amount due to the leasing company in connection with the financial lease over the building in Aosta housing the
regional office.
Advances. These amount to 5.8 million euros (31 December 2009: 8.4 thousand euros) relating entirely to miscellaneous advances.
Due to suppliers. They total 796.2 million euros (31 December 2009: 797.7 million euros) and show a decrease of 1.5
million euros with respect to the figure disclosed for the previous year. They consist of 0.1 million euros in financial debts (unchanged
from 31 December 2009) and 796.1 million euros in commercial debts (31 December 2009: 797.6 million euros).
Due to associated companies. These amount to 5.6 million euros (31 December 2009: 5.5 million euros) and concern
Parent Company balances with San Marino RTV for 4.6 million euros, with Tivů for 0.7 million euros and with Audiradio for
0.3 million euros. They consist of 1.6 million euros in financial liabilities (31 December 2009: 0.1 million euros) and other
debts of 4.0 thousand euros (31 December 2009: 5.4 million euros).
Taxes payable. These amount to 77.6 million euros (31 December 2009: 70.8 million euros) and show an increase of 6.8
million euros with respect to the figure disclosed for the previous year. They consist of:
Welfare and social security institutions. These amount to 50.3 million euros (31 December 2009: 55.6 million euros).
They reflect contributions due on remuneration paid to employees and free-lance workers, to be paid over to the institutions
at the scheduled dates. They consist of:
Other payables. These amount to 74.7 million euros (31 December 2009: 117.5 million euros). They show a net decrease
of 42.8 million euros, as follows:
Accrued expenses and deferred income
These total 50.7 million euros (31 December 2009: 56.3 million euro). Details and a comparison with the previous year are
provided in Schedule 18.
The caption contains the entire amount contributed of 46.8 million euros, net of the amount already booked to the income
statement, disbursed by the Ministry for Communications in support of initiatives to accelerate the switch-over to the digital
terrestrial platform, consisting of operations on systems and adaptation of the site infrastructures to extend areas covered by
the digital signal and improve reception and the quality of service perceived by the user.
The task of making the necessary investments is entrusted to the subsidiary Rai Way SpA, which is also responsible for the
design, installation, construction, maintenance, implementation, development and operation of the telecommunications networks.
The contribution is disclosed in the income statement of each year in relation to amortisation booked by the subsidiary, taking
into account the relationship between the amount of contributions collected and the overall investments envisaged for the
accomplishment of the projects related to it.
6) Memorandum accounts
These amount to 656.0 million euros (31 December 2009: 768.4 million euros), formed as indicated in consolidated balance
sheet and analysed in Schedules 19 and 20.
Conditions in the hedging contracts covering specific Group commitments and the relative fair values are summarised in
Schedule 21. The fair value of these instruments is determined with reference to the market value on the closing date of the
period under assessment; in the case of unlisted instruments, fair value is determined using commonly used financial evaluation
On the whole, hedging contracts entered into are, in observance of the Group policy, of a reasonable amount in relation to
the overall entity of the commitments subject to such risks.
The purchase commitments also include the DEAR property complex, with a value of 50.5 million euros, being transferred in
In addition to the details provided in the memorandum accounts, the amount receivable by the Parent Company from the
subsidiary Sipra, 2.2 million euros, has been attached in favour of I.N.P.G.I..
At 31 December 2010 there were no further commitments of particular significance for the purchase or sale of goods and
services with respect to those taken on in the normal course of business that would require specific information to be given for
a better understanding of the Company's financial position.
Schedule 20 details the amount of company assets held by third parties.
7) Income Statement
Production value
Revenues from sales and services. These have been booked for 2,962.0 million euros, down 172.1 million euros on 31
December 2009, and mainly include revenues pertaining to the year, net of transactions between group companies, from
licence fees and advertising. A breakdown into major components is given in Schedule 22. As can be seen from the distribution
of revenues by geographic area, they are almost all of national origin.
As regards revenues from licence fees, the mechanism used to determine the per-unit fee envisaged by the Consolidated
Broadcasting Law ("separate accounting"), aimed at guaranteeing the proportions between costs sustained by Rai, and certified
by an independent auditor, for the performance of its public service remit and resources from licence fees, highlights a
lack of the latter for the period from 2005 to 2009, totalling over 1.3 billion euros, of which more than 300 million euros
refer to 2009 alone. For 2010, the "separate accounting" figures will be available, as established, within four months of the
date on which the Shareholders' Meeting approves the financial statements.
Changes in inventories of work in progress, semi finished and finished goods. amount to 0.2 million euros (31
December 2009: -0.2 million euros) they refer mainly to DVD inventories.
Changes in work contracts in progress. These amount to a negative value of 0.6 million euros (at 31 December 2009: insignificant
value) and refer mainly to the amount carried in the accounts of Rai Way for the completion of the Isoradio network.
Internal cost capitalisations. The amount of 27.6 million euros (31 December 2009: 30.4 million euros) represents the
total of internal costs associated with non-current assets, which were capitalised under the specific asset captions. Details are
shown in Schedule 23.
Other production-related income. This totals 112.1 million euros (31 December 2009: 103.2 thousand euros), as detailed
in Schedule 24.
Production costs
This caption comprises costs and capital losses related to ordinary activities, excluding financial operations. The costs shown
here do not include those relating to fixed and intangible assets, which are recorded under the respective asset accounts.
Raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise. These total 29.1 million euros (31 December 2009: 29.5 million
euros), which includes purchases of technical materials for inventory - excluding items used in the construction of plant,
which are allocated directly to fixed assets - production materials (sets, costumes, etc.) and miscellaneous operating materials
(fuel, office supplies, printed documents, etc.), net of discounts and allowances, as shown in Schedule 25.
Services. This totals 736.5 million euros (31 December 2009: 776.5 million euros) and comprises costs for freelance workers
and other external services, net of discounts and allowances, as shown in Schedule 26. Among other things, they include
emoluments, remuneration for special functions, attendance fees and reimbursement of expenses paid by the Parent Company
to Directors for 2.2 million euros and to Statutory Auditors for 0.2 million euros. The caption includes independent auditors'
fees for the statutory audit (0.4 million euros) and other auditing services for 0.1 million euros.
One Director and one Statutory Auditor on the Parent Company's payroll also performed similar roles for other subsidiaries
at the same time, receiving emoluments for a total of 0.2 million euros and 0.1 million euros respectively.
Use of third-party assets. These amount to 534.2 million euros (31 December 2009: 638.9 million euros), and express
costs for rents, leases, usage rights and filming rights, as detailed in Schedule 27.
Personnel costs. Employee-related costs amount to 1,014.5 million euros (31 December 2009: 1,009.6 million euros),
broken down as indicated in the income statement. The average number of employees on the payroll in 2010 was 13,295,
including employees on fixed-term contracts, work-introduction and apprenticeship contracts (31 December 2009: 13,352),
distributed by category and by company, as shown in Schedule 28.
Amortisation, depreciation and writedowns. These total 693.3 million euros (31 December 2009: 712.8 million euros),
of which 532.9 million euros relates to amortisation of intangible assets and 108.6 million euros to depreciation of tangible
assets, as detailed in Schedules 1 and 2. They include a writedown of programmes amounting to 36.7 million euros, which
was made to take account of the risk that certain programmes may not be transmitted or re-broadcast, as well as the commercial
exploitation of certain rights.
Changes in inventories of raw materials, supplies, consumables and merchandise. These are carried at nominal value
of 0.1 million euros (31 December 2009: 0.1 million euros) and represent the decrease in net inventories carried under current
assets at 31 December 2010 with respect to the previous year.
Provisions for risks. These amount to 17.2 million euros (31 December 2009: 23.4 million euros). They indicate allocations
to provisions for risks. The most significant items are detailed in Schedule 12 and relate mainly to provisions made by the
Parent Company (14.0 million euros).
Other provisions. These amount to 2.2 million euros (31 December 2009: 3.8 million euros). The most significant items are
shown in Schedule 12 and relate mainly to provisions booked to the financial statements of Rai (0.5 million euros) and Rai
Way (1.5 million euros).
Other operating costs. These amount to 93.6 million euros (31 December 2009: 107.8 million euros). Their distribution
is shown directly in the income statement and further information is provided in Schedule 29. For the most part they refer to
costs disclosed in the Parent Company financial statements (82.5 million euros).
Financial income and expense
Other financial income. This totals 1.7 million euros (31 December 2009: 1.1 million euros) and breaks down as shown
in Schedule 30.
Interest and other financial expenses. These amount to 5.1 million euros (31 December 2009: 5.1 million euros) and include
interest expense, costs for commission on financial services received and other financial operating expenses, as detailed
in Schedule 31.
Foreign exchange gains and losses. These show a gain of 3.0 million euros (31 December 2009: a loss of 0.5 million
euros). This item comprises both foreign exchange charges and premiums on foreign currency hedge transactions as well as
the effect of translating the value of payables and receivables in foreign currencies at year-end exchange rates or the rate in
force at the time of the hedge in the case of exchange risk hedges, as detailed in Schedule 32.
Value adjustments to financial assets
Revaluations. These amount to 1.1 million euros (31 December 2009: 0.5 million euros), determined by the measurement
of investments in associated companies at equity.
Writedowns. They total 0.1 million euros (31 December 2009: 0.3 million euros). They comprise writedowns of non-current
financial assets following losses incurred for the year.
Exceptional income and expense
Exceptional items comprise income of 0.6 million euros and expense of 46.2 million euros, as detailed in Schedule 33.
Current income taxes for the year, and deferred tax assets and liabilities
The amount of 33.8 million euros is comprised of current and deferred taxes for the year disclosed in the financial statements
of the individual companies, and of theoretic taxes resulting from consolidation adjustments. The breakdown of the item is
shown in the following table:
8) Result for the year
The year closed with a loss of 98.2 million euros pertaining exclusively to the Group.
9) Reconciliation between Rai's statutory and consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2010 and 31 December 2009
The following table shows the reconciliation between the result for the year and Shareholders' equity as appearing in the Parent
Company and consolidated financial statements:
10) Additional disclosures
As regards disclosures on related parties, no relevant transactions took place within the Group outside of normal market
By rulings no. 2379/2010 of 28 October 2010 (filed on 9 December 2010) and no. 326/2011 of 15/18 November 2010
(filed on 23 February 2011), the Court of Auditors - Jurisdictional Section for the Lazio Region - ordered payment to Rai for
state tax damages by certain parties including executives and members of the Board of Directors of Rai. Despite these rulings
being immediately enforceable, subject to suspension following appeal, uncertainties exist in relation to possible subsequent
developments in court. Owing to this, the conditions no longer obtain for recording an account receivable.
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