The public service stations provide a range of services centred on a variety of radio offerings. Management is responsible for the concept, organisation and development of the services of Isoradio, Cciss Viaggiare Informati, Canali Metropolitani and Filodiffusione.  
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Public service stations

2010 witnessed the arrival of numerous innovations on the various Stations.

In relation to the Isoradio Station, the new broadcasting plan redesigned the offering in line with the mission assigned by the shareholder. The first and most important innovation was the extension of the infomobility service to the night.

From 1 April 2010, the network offers full time monitoring and the contents of infomobility are presented within a format – Diesel – which vehicles them in an original way, flanking live music spaces with important guests like Lucio Dalla, Francesco De Gregori, Fiorella Mannoia, Negramaro, with young musical cultures.

Moving away from the night-time slot of Isoradio, new programming conveys a faster pace to the station, starting with the opening programme Autoradio where we start with the traffic of the news and move on to news on traffic, reaching Contromano which provides a hinge between daytime and night-time programming. The programme reproduces a special journey through the Italian provinces, in search of possible connections between the past and the future of Italian music. Continuing among the principal innovations in broadcasting by Isoradio, it is important to point out that the daytime programming is hinged on two fulcrum-programmes: in the morning, Falcetti on the road, a container centred on the figure of the conductor, who in our case becomes an ombudsman of the driver, i.e. a civil defender who speaks out in favour of citizens-road users; the second, broadcast in the afternoon-evening, where two great presents of the calibre of Susy Blady and Patrizio Roversi simulate a car journey, using the travellog formula.

The logic that supports all the new programming of Isoradio consists in the division of strong subjects into themespecific segments, through talk shows (8 every day), organised into current news, analyses and communication with regard to road safety and news in relation to the station's mission.

Following the authentic revolution of programming, the web offering was also renewed, with a new homepage and the possibility to consult the historical archive containing all news which has already been published. A programmes area has also been created, where it will be possible to consult a brief artistic datasheet for every broadcast and listen to the programme again.

As regards the service of Cciss- Viaggiare Informati the television studio was renewed, basing the new set on virtual technology. Links were also intensified with Rai News24 – particularly with the introduction of a link at 9.00 p.m. within the TG – and the number of appointments with Onda Verde rose, with introduction into the night-time programming of Isoradio.


As regards Filodiffusione, during 2010 station V dedicated lots of retrospectives to the main composers subject to celebration for some reason, examples being Robert Schumann (no. 1810), Frédéric Chopin and Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (no. 1710).

Innovations included: Note d'attualità which dedicates extensive space to important musical and cultural events, with particular reference to current events and the social and humanitarian commitment made by artists and institutions; the feature Almanacco in musica which informs listeners of the day's main events.

Lots of space was given to concerts by the Rai National Symphony Orchestra, the Concerts of the Quirinale on Radio3, the repertory of recordings contained in the Rai's historical archives and classical opera (over 52 new titles in 2010).

From 1 April 2010, the musical archive of the Filodiffusione Station IV (light music) was renewed for use as integration and support for Isoradio's night-time programming.