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Rai Radio

Never more than in the year that has just ended have the new Radio applications become the flipside of an ancient and very valuable coin, which maintains and increases its traditional value in the digital age.

People listen to the radio anyway and everywhere, using any kind of technology: analogue, digital, web and satellite. With every instrument: transistor, stereo, car-radio, internet, mp3 player, smartphone, satellite and digital television or social network. For any reason and with any expectation, or maybe without any expectation at all. Simply because it exists, there's plenty of it and it's free. Because it works in symbiosis with the Network and with its style.

In 2011 Digital Terrestrial Radio has become operational, with the progressive availability of frequencies, with the experimentation of standards also accepted by private radio stations, and with the initiative of the producers of receivers and big car manufacturers, decisive for technological, industrial and social regeneration.

RadioRai is called upon to fulfil its digital destiny in a dynamic, pluralist market, which offers extensive growth potential, also at commercial level: the advanced audio products market.

This explains the considerable development of innovative services aimed at generating new flows of consumption, new listener profiles and new opportunities to generate income.

Podcasting. This is the first and most fortunate example of RadioRai's nonlinear offering. In 2010, it totalled 21 million downloads (+56% on 2009), broken down as follows: 48% Radio2, 42% Radio3, 10% Radio1, reflecting the different broadcasting profiles. The growing appeal to a demanding and expert audience has favoured innovative choices: exclusive products, hybrid formats, language experiments and the first revenues from advertising (a total of 14 weeks of specially created advertising campaigns).

Streaming. Live listening via Internet, conditioned by the connection methods, is catalysed by big events. Radio1 touched the annual peak in June, with 1.5 million visits during the South African World Cup, Radio2 exceeded 1.2 million contacts during the specials of Caterpillar – M'illumino di meno (March), while Radio3 maintains a monthly level of 150,000 accesses.

Tutta Radio in tasca. The smartphone application launched in May develops an average of 4,300 single users a day. Overall, it was downloaded by almost 160,000 users during the first eight months of service, with listening sessions with an average duration of more than 9 minutes.

Web Radio. The three new audio channels which draw on the endless RadioRai audio deposits were launched in November. A fourth channel dedicated to Neapolitan music and song is being planned.

WR6 The past present. Dedicated entirely to the rediscovery of the documents of RadioRai's digital audio library.

WR7 Music and musicians. Rare performances by masters, selected from almost 100 years of repertory kept in Via Asiago.

WR8 The world of the web. It reverses the traditional relationship between broadcaster and listener, opening up to the taste and style of user generated content.

Radio is very good at adapting to changing technology and consumption, but digital forerunners continue to prefer Radio on air. The effort to make Radio productions is a necessity which is far from obsolete. It continues to be the main mission assigned to RadioRai.

Programming in 2010 accentuated broadcasting and communication synergies with big TV events, making the different broadcasting profiles more recognisable, reducing fragmentation and strengthening interactions with the web. The editions of the Giornale Radio were redesigned, with exclusive Channel formats, diversification of themes by target, elimination of overlaps or photocopy editions.

The measuring of listeners was stopped following the decision by Audiradio to suspend the Diari panel research, which assigned the medium and the big radio stations flattering results which weren't actually truthful. Consequently, 2011 is expected to bring the indispensable recovery of an advanced research, capable of portraying the physiognomy and value of the Radio. The Cati research continued to supply figure obtained from telephone interviews, relating to all local private broadcasters and a few national noncommercial stations, including Isoradio, which reports a stable performance compared to 2009 for the average day (1.0 million listeners) and a slight increase over the 7 days (4.2 million).


A map of RadioRai


Information: GR1 (25 editions a day) Hallo, Italia!
Analysis: Radio anch'io, Tutto il calcio minuto per minuto, Zapping, Zona Cesarini, Ventura football club
Culture, School and Learning: Con parole mie
Work, Society, Social Communication: Italia-Istruzioni per l'uso, La radio ne parla
Music and Entertainment: Festival di Sanremo, Start, Tornando a casa, Demo, Invito personale
Service: Oggi duemila
Variety: Ho perso il trend, Attenti a Pupo, Benfatto, Il comunicattivo


Society, Work, Social Communication: Ventotto minuti, Un giorno da pecora
Music and Entertainment: Caterpillar, Il ruggito del coniglio, Hit Parade, Decanter
Variety: Io Chiara e l'oscuro, 610 - Sei Uno Zero, Traffic, Ottovolante, Black Out, Nostree, Taxi driver,Radio2 days
Sport: Circo Massimo


Analysis: Prima pagina, Radio3 Mondo, Pagina 3, Tutta la cittŕ ne parla, Chiodo fisso
Culture, School and Learning: Fahrenheit, Hollywood party, Ad alta voce, Radio3 Scienza, Zazŕ,
Music and Entertainment: I Concerti del Quirinale, Momus, Passioni, Radio3 Suite, Sei gradi
Service: Uomini e profeti
Variety: Dottor Djembč, La Barcaccia