2010 was a fortunate year for Radio1 and for the Giornale Radio Rai. Radio1 consolidated its leadership in terms of listeners and lengthened the distance from the private radio stations in direct competition with it. This was thanks to programming that was consistent with its mission as an allnews station, capable of combining the news with a base of music and of communicating with a younger audience than that traditionally loyal to the station, with live light entertainment.    
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Radio1 - Giornale Radio vai giu'


The new Radio1: the news can't wait. During 2010 Radio1 passed the experimental phase with flying colours, securing its position as a strictly live informative station. The old restrictions linked with the breaking down into blocks of features and pre-recorded spaces, often divided by current events and lacking coordination, have been eliminated. A new open and flexible programming philosophy, capable of including breaking news and real time updates as and when necessary, has been tested.

Faithful to the station's slogan 'Radio1, the news can't wait', Radio1 has considerably strengthened its informative mission as an all-news station. Its programming is presented through big informative 'lungs'.

The morning slot, traditionally strong and credible, has confirmed the peak Radio Journals preceded and followed live by Emanuela Falcetti (Italia, Istruzioni per l'uso), the feature on the economy (L'economia in tasca), light news and information (Benfatto) and the traditional morning talk show, now led by Ruggero Po (Radio anch'io). The central daytime slot has also been strengthened, with the lucky invention of Start, an information and music programme presented live by Giulia de Cataldo and Julian Borghesan.

The strength of the medical and social features leading up to the 1.00 p.m. edition of the Gr1 has been confirmed. Important confirmations and innovations characterise the afternoon of Radio1, with Umberto Broccoli (Con parole mie), Luzzi and Bassignano (Ho perso il trend), with 'concessions' to infotainment by Pupo (Attenti a Pupo) and the experimentation of young languages with Igor Righetti (Il Comunicattivo) which was awarded international third prize at the dell'Urti awards.

The news can't wait in the afternoon either, thanks to Baobab, the analytical news and information and music container, presented by Francesco Graziani and Tiziana Ribichesu.

The early evening and evening slots are characterised by the drivetime container led by Enrica Bonaccorti (Tornando a casa) and with the now historical evening appointment with Aldo Forbice (Zapping), which opens the way to a soirée usually dedicated to sport (football and other sports commentary) or music (Invito personale and Demo) moving on to the day's first presentation of the newspapers, presented by Giancarlo Loquenzi (Prima di domani), the perfect opener to the traditional appointment with the Giornale della Mezzanotte.

2010 was also characterised by a new, revolutionary opening: that of the night. Radio 1 doesn't close during the night and it doesn't broadcast pre-recorded music.

Besides the traditional appointment with Maurizio Costanzo (L'uomo della notte), space has been given to a new daily appointment of commitment and reporting, created by Francesca Barra (La bellezza contro le mafie). The container presented by Sandro Capitani and Francesca Parisella (La notte di Radio1) accompanies us live to the appointment with Paolo Notari (Metro), and the art criticism of Arnaldo Colasanti.
This takes us up to the brand new 'morning news' of Radio1, presented by Diana Alessandrini (Hello, Italia) and back to the morning news and information slot with link-ups from Italy and the world.

Things don't end there though. Radio1 also wins in terms of sport. In addition to radio commentaries and numerous analytical spaces, the remarkable sports department led by Riccardo Cucchi has re-launched the appointment with Tutto il calcio minuto per minuto. This programme, which has celebrated its 51st birthday, is presented with the historical voice of Alfredo Provenzali and has been celebrated by the whole world of news and information, not just in the sports segment. The new programme by Simona Ventura entitled Ventura Football Club has fitted beautifully into the sports page, combining entertainment and information, in keeping with the network's philosophy.

A separate mention must go to music, which provides the basis for the news and information, and the soundtrack of Radio1 is a pleasant and weighty accompaniment, all strictly live, with the studio intervention of brilliant performers who sing their songs live.

Lastly, the features. All live and bang up to date. The farming feature La terra and the feature of travelling and literature Il viaggiatore passed the experimental stage brilliantly. Then there was the women's news programme presented by Maria Teresa Lamberti and Jo Squillo (Doppio Femminile). The experimental phase was also passed by Gr1 ragazzi, the weekly children's news programme conceived by Laura Pintus as a Radio Journal created entirely by school children.

The consolidation of Radio1 in 2010 was completed by the remarkable summer programming, coordinated by Casimiro Lieto. With the slogan 'Radio1, open for vacation', the summer programming of Italy's leading radio station involved the morning slot with Francesca Fialdini and Roberto Zampa (Un'estate fa), that of the afternoon with Georgia Luzi, Laura Freddi and Arianna Ciampoli (No comment) and the early evening slot with Lorena Bianchetti (Lido Lorena).

In June and July, Radio1 became the 'World Cup Station', completely revolutionising its programming to following the World Cup Football from South Africa, being the only national broadcaster to cover the 64 world cup matches with commentary, discussions and analyses.

Last November, the brand new website www.radio1.rai.it was launched. Not only does it have fantastic new graphics, it represents a showcase to guarantee more interactivity between Radio 1 listeners and the station's main programmes. The new additions include the possibility to listen to Serie A and Serie B championship matches in real time.

Giornale Radio Rai, one department for three stations, with Rai strengthening its traditional reputation as the 'aircraft carrier of radio news and information' in 2010.

The station has maintained its singularity, differentiating the programmes with the headings of Gr1, Gr2, Gr3 and Gr della Mezzanotte on the Rai's three radio stations. This differentiation has been the guiding light for the new broadcasting plan, making the news reports compliant with the standard of the reference station.

In this way, thanks to the boost provided by the new production department, Radio Rai no longer has 'photocopy Grs'. The Radio Journals are all different, right up to date and, most importantly, different from station to station. Those of Radio1 fit into a new logic of an all-news network, with a mainly informative network. Those of Radio2 fall within a fast network, aimed mainly at young people, using language and with contents designed specifically to reach this target. Lastly, those of Radio3, provide listeners with cultural analyses and reflection. This is the logic that inspires the remoulding of the news and information offering carried out by the new management.

The new project has eliminated all the overlaps between the Radio Journal edition on the three stations. Now it is possible to answer the question of information on the three Radio Rai stations in an almost constant manner during the day. Furthermore, the new Gr formats comply to uniform, easily recognisable standards.

Gone from Radio1 are the 'gr flash', replaced by Gr every five minutes, all with the dignity of a veritable radio journal. News flashes, breaking news and updates are given during the daily programmes.
Gr2 and Gr3 can also rely on standardised formats now, which make listening more pleasurable. Giornale Radio Rai also followed the big events that characterised 2010 (first and foremost the political situation, with the regional elections, and, more recently, the two-day debate and vote of confidence in the government), dedicating them long live broadcasts and special editions, also reporting on foreign events (the day dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the demolition of the Berlin Wall); or culture and entertainment (special programming dedicated to the Book Fair in Turin or the Sanremo Music Festival); or sport (special to celebrate 50 years since the Rome Olympics). On the subject of sport, the sports department of Giornale Radio Rai offered outstanding performances during the Vancouver Winter Olympics and the World Cup in South Africa.

Since last November, the new website www.grr.rai.it, which has fantastic graphics, has been up and running. The Giornale Radio website offers the possibility to listen to programmes that have already been broadcast, to hear the original audio contributions of the Gr, to follow events in real time, with live audio-video coverage (e.g.: live broadcast from the Chambers or press conferences at Palazzo Chigi) and forms a leading new informative tool in the department's comprehensive offering.