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Once again in 2010, RaiNet pursued the expansion of the broadcasting offering, also available on the mobile platform and I-pad, which enabled the attainment of the new absolute record in terms of traffic (source: Nielsen):

• a monthly average of 7.4 million single users, up 30% on 2009;
• 1,374 million pages visited, up 27% on 2009;
• 266 million videos issued on the platform, up 60% on 2009.

The great results form both an arrival point and a departure point at the same time. The excellent economic results, achieved within a very difficult context, are joined by the huge success achieved by the broadcasting offering on and

RaiNet continued the activities begun in 2009, which witnessed the launch of the portal and the renewal of the offering of the Rai's main websites and portals. During 2010, work continued on the expansion of the offering, with the launch of new products, services and contents, with restyling on the new websites and adaptation of those already online.

Consistent with the new portal launched in 2009, in 2010 work was carried out to improve the quality and variety of the contents and services offered by the media portal to users. During 2010, the Vod offering of the programmes broadcast on the three general-interest channels grew constantly, as did that connected with extra productions exclusively for Rai web; over 1,000 programmes are currently available on demand, over 100 programmes are available via podcast and over 450 hours of product on demand are published every month on, organised by programmes and themes.

One of the great areas of potential of the web is that it allows users to actively participate in the creation of contents and share them online. also gave space to user generated content and stimulated user participation by activating specific contests: via an easy registration and upload procedure, the portal gathers the contributions (audio, video, photos) of all those who wish to submit and share their personal creations and take part in the contests launched.

An important project in progress is the Desktop Application of, an application available for local download which will enable users to utilise the contents of on demand, even if they are not connected.
The project to upgrade the Videocommunity is in progress and this will enable improved integration of the tools available with the network's websites and portals.
Besides the constant upgrading of the portals, numerous websites were created within the scope of the first network's offering in 2010.

Within the scope of the Radio web offering, the common denominator of the main projects was the integration of the contents, rationalisation, presentation of the offering and of the progressive and continuous enhancement of the audio clips.
During 2010 numerous TV fiction series and mini-series were produced, with a corresponding offering on the web, with texts, plots, backstage, photo gallery, video gallery, exclusive interviews with the protagonists and video chat.

During 2010 RaiNet continued to implement the theme-specific channels of RaiOn (formerly Rai Click): Culture, Entertainment, News and sport, Fiction, Junior, for the TV Vod platform, guaranteeing the weekly refresh of all the theme-based channels.

Every month the offering envisages new contents and special paths for every channel, to make the most of television and current events, as well as metatelevision paths. All the activities necessary for the switchover from the Fastweb platform to RaiNet, in the first ten days of January 2011, were completed.

2010 was also characterised by RaiNet's participation in the elaboration of broadcasting projects and the architecture of contents relating to the exposure of Rai multimedia and other contents on mobile devices: Rai Mobile website (in progress), Tg3 iPhone application (launched), Tg1 iPhone application (launched), Rai Programme Guide iPhone application (launched), Rai Replay iPhone application (in progress), iPhone application (in progress), Un posto al sole iPhone application (in progress), La Prova del cuoco iPhone application (in progress).

The iPad, the new tablet computer launched by Apple and capable of reproducing multimedia contents and navigating on the Internet, has opened up a new market.

The first presidia of the platform consisted in the launch of the free application Rai Mondiali Plus. The Rai Replay application is currently being produced and several websites are being optimised for use on iPad (e.g.: TG3). In line with the developments outlined by the analysis of the New market, a new project has been launched for monitoring the offering on Connected Tv, i.e. television appliances capable of connection to the broadband network in order to allow direct access to television content offered by online providers with whom agreements have been entered into, directly on the user's display.

In this sense, RaiNet has launched a first partnership with Sony, for the offering of contents on demand. 6 channels (Comici, Fiction, Rai Kids, Rai Tween, Primo piano) have been made available on Sony Bravia.

'Cittadini' is the service area of the portal, which offers space and visibility to different communication campaigns promoted by various institutional subjects (Airc, Lilt, L'Azalea della ricerca, Puliamo il mondo, etc.) through the construction of textual and multimedia contents.

'Junior' is the service area of the portal, which offers space and visibility to different Rai programmes for children and teens and which presents a rich and articulate offering created especially for younger users. The most important project was that of the new community of Junior, My Junior Rai, which was launched at Christmas 2010. Numerous websites were created within the Junior offering in 2010.

During 2010, the Rai Portal attained a new absolute record in terms of traffic (source: Nielsen Site Census by Audiweb) with over 1,000 websites (entertainment, news and information, service sites) with:

• a monthly average of 7.4 million single users, up 30% on 2009;
• 1,374 million pages visited, up 27% on 2009;
• 266 million videos issued on the platform, up 60% on 2009.

These results were achieved thanks to the performances recorded by the Video Portal, by Rai news and information, particularly RaiSport during the World Cup in South Africa in June 2010, and by the programme Vieni via con me in November, which reached a web traffic value never recorded before by the RaiTre portal.

The average duration of the visits has grown significantly too: 8 minutes and 22 seconds (roughly +40% on 2009). During the last year, the websites that received most visits were:

1, with +81% on 2009 in terms of single users (and +73% in terms of pages visited);
2 the home page with +13% on 2009 in terms of single users (and +8% in terms of pages visited);
3 RaiNews, with +13% on 2009 in terms of single users (and +7% in terms of pages visited);
4 Rai Sport, which rises two places, with +67% on 2009 in terms of single users (and +73% in terms of pages visited).

The communication activity continued in 2010, with banner, television and radio campaigns, focused particular on the launch of the single product or service (e.g.: Rai Replay. My, Rai Music, in-house self-promos), thanks also to a strong and close collaboration with Rai's Promotion and Image sector.

However, the most important communication activity of the year envisaged the study and opening of web spaces to meet the needs of increasingly active users, offering aid in terms of the formation, alteration or consolidation of the brand image. The decision was made to create a institutional profile on the different social networks with most users (Facebook, YouTube and Twitter).

On Facebook in particular, Tabs, applications and quizzes have been developed. Photo galleries have been published, along with videos of particular interest to users (particular interest was generated by previews of the TV fiction series Tutti pazzi per amore).
The result of all these actions was the increase in the number of users of the official page (about 28,000 to date) which we expect will contribute, through targeted actions, to the organic growth of all the other official channels on Facebook.