In a television scene subject to transformation, RaiUno takes on a difficult challenge: the consolidation of its authority of Public Service reference broadcaster and the experimentation of new products and languages to intercept the needs and expectations of audiences which are evolving too.
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2010 was the year in which the switchover from analogue TV to DTT with the consequent multiplication of the television channels available and the expansion of the television offering was extended to new, highly populated regions.

In this new setting the consumption models and competition between old and new broadcasters are changing, with an increase in viewers (averaging around 10 million over the whole day). This is thanks to the boost brought by the new digital channels and, more in general, by Other TV, which exceeds a share of 21% over the whole day, while the viewing figures relating to the traditional general-interest television channels are gradually declining (-4% during the prime time slot and -4.5% during the day time slot), despite the generally larger audience.

In this context, the results obtained by RaiUno for the whole day (20.71%; - 0.46%) and during prime time (22.35%; +0.01%) are very good, enabling not only maintenance of the leadership of the broadcasting system, but promotion as the only channel with an average viewing figure in excess of 20%, albeit in consideration of the positive effects generated by the World Cup in the summer.

In the competition with Canale 5, RaiUno comes out as clear winner in terms of viewing figures and weeks of primacy (48 out of 52, with 4 draws), distributed evenly during the whole year. The 'flagship channel' has succeeded in consolidating its relationship with the audience, with a popular, high-quality offering which has attracted huge audiences, both with large-scale events, from the Sanremo Music festival to the World Cup and Formula 1 Motor Racing, and with highly innovative proposals, such as the theatre of Eduardo De Filippo, revisited by Massimo Ranieri and Marianegla Melato in Filumena Marturano, recorded in Rai's production studios in Naples, creating an original combination of theatre, TV and fiction. Filumena Marturano was the most watched cultural programme, among all the general-interest channels, with a share of almost 6 million viewers, opening up new prospects for a genre which seemed to be completely incompatible with the prime time slot. The Sanremo Music festival, presented by Antonella Clerici with a view to prioritising an uncomplicated style and excellent music, obtained a 53% share on the closing night, with 12 and a half million viewers, mirroring the channel's past greatness, despite the increase in competition from new television settings.
Another innovation in programming in 2010, as emphasized in the Geca Yearbook was "the return of mass viewers to TV fiction series, with the classic miniseries events" (Sissi, La mia casa è piena di specchi, Preferisco il paradiso, La leggenda del bandito e del campione, Sant'Agostino, Mia Madre, Lo scandalo della Banca Romana, La città dei matti, etc.), mostly with historical and literary themes. These were also joined by TV series of medium duration: Terra Ribelle and Paura d'amare, with episodes that exceeded 7 million viewers, equalling the results of some of the miniseries listed above, and by Rai-produced TV movies, like Mi ricordo Anna Frank and Il sorteggio (over 6 million).

The strong vocation of the channel to the mission of Public Service Broadcaster was also expressed in the choice of cinema programming, with the Christmas offering of the Disney classics featuring the three princesses: Sleeping Beauty, Snowhite and the Seven Dwarves and Cinderella. The over 7 million viewers offer proof of the aggregative strength that Rai holds in a context like that of children's television, which is increasingly fragmented.

In the entertainment segment too, RaiUno characterized its offering with tried and tested products, constantly renewing their language and presentation, with the aim of combining the features traditionally associated with the image of RaiUno, namely sobriety, elegance and the ability to successfully arouse audience emotions.

Music as visual entertainment, the discovery of new artistic talents and the posing of challenges represented the common denominator of programming ranging from Ballando con le stelle to Ti lascio una canzone, Raccomandati and Ciak... si canta, from evenings with Gigi D'Alessio to the nostalgic emotions of I migliori anni.

Cultural music was another surprising protagonist of RaiUno's programming: after confirmation of the format, Mettiamoci all'opera, the special evening dedicated to opera and ballet from the Arena in Verona gained no fewer than 5 million viewers.
Michele Guardì, with I Promessi sposi, screened an original experiment of modern opera, a mix of musical and rock opera, in prime time. Lastly, we should remember the spectacular event broadcast at global level offered by Rigoletto from Mantua, a live television film, shot in the places and according to the timing envisaged by the libretto of Verdi's opera. The performance was directed by Marco Bellocchio, with Placido Domingo in the leading role, and conducted by Zubin Mehta.
With a view to renewing a genre, entertainment, which increasingly identifies the general-interest offering, several experiments were carried out during prime time and in the strategic access slot. The new formats included 4 prime time appointments with Voglia di aria fresca, with Carlo Conti searching for new comedians, and the debut of Da da da with Michele Bovi, a proposal which was hugely successful during the channel's summer access slot, characterizing it with the originality of a story built-up entirely from material kept in the Rai Teche archives.

Da da da, Soliti ignoti, Affari tuoi, three successful formats which alternate in RaiUno's access programming, guaranteeing a strong entry into the prime time slot.

In 2010 the traditional and consolidated talk shows and containers - Uno mattina, La vita in diretta, with Mara Venier alongside Lamberto Sposini, Le amiche del sabato, Domenica in l'Arena - and the programmes most popular with audiences - Occhio alla spesa, Verdetto finale, La prova del cuoco, which enjoyed the return of Antonella Clerici, Linea verde presented by Elisa Isoardi - were joined by new proposals like Bontà loro, a current affairs, culture and entertainment programme presented by Maurizio Costanzo in the early afternoon slot on weekdays and Se.... a casa di Paola, the new afternoon talk show presented by Paola Perego. In 2010 RaiUno continued its gradual and consistent renewal during the day time, with a publishing style that continues to prioritise the direct relationship with the audience, as a characterizing element of generalinterest television, and the appointments with considerable Public Service value, without neglecting the fun and games featured in Carlo Conti's Eredità, which provides a moment of undisputed success in the early evening slot.
With this in mind, we should also remember the new programming that characterizes Sunday afternoons, with Giletti's Arena followed by two new female faces, Sonia Grey with love stories and Lorella Cuccarini with the entertainment and variety of Domenica in...onda.

RaiUno's early morning weekend slot also features new programming, with the arrival of Mattina in famiglia where, under the guide of Michele Guardì, presenters Tiberio Timperi and Miriam Leone liven up the early hours of Saturday and Sunday.

News and information continue to represent the strengths of the channel's programming which proposes appointments with political, social and current events in the evening slot of Porta a Porta with Bruno Vespa and the incursions of Piero and Alberto Angela into the world of science, history and archaeology, with the traditional Christmas and summer versions of Superquark and the documents of Passaggio a nordovest.

A Map of RaiUno

Emotions: Sissi, Terra ribelle, Capri, Paura d'amare, Ragazze dello Swing, Il bandito e il campione, Mia Madre

Events: Filumena Marturano, Rigoletto, Promessi Sposi, Festival di Sanremo, Miss Italia, Galà da Verona, Mondiali di calcio, Premio Regia Televisiva, Le tre principesse Disney

Entertainment: Ballando con le stelle, Voglia di aria fresca, Tutti pazzi per amore, Stasera è la tua sera, Soliti ignoti, Affari tuoi, La ladra, I Raccomandati, L’Eredità, Reazione a catena, Tutti i padri di Maria

Music: Ti lascio una canzone, Ciak si canta, I migliori anni, Gigi questo sono io

Commitment: La città dei matti, Lo scandalo della Banca Romana, S. Agostino, Sangue pazzo, Sorteggio, Sotto il cielo di Roma, Anna Frank, Cose che restano

Culture and science: Superquark, Passaggio a nordovest, Quark Atlante, Mettiamoci all’opera, L’appuntamento, Cinematografo, Applausi, Memorie in bianco e nero

News & Information: Porta a porta