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Shareholders' Meeting Resolution

The Rai Shareholders’ Meeting, held on 4 May 2012, unanimously resolved:

to approve the Statutory Financial Statements of RAI–Radiotelevisione Italiana SpA as at 31 December 2011, consisting of the balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements, closing with a net profit of 39,338,513.88 euros, as well as the report on operations;

to allocate the net profit of 39,338,513.88 euros as follows:

– 1,966,925.69 euros, equal to 5% of the net result, to the Legal Reserve;

– 927,923.16 euros as Reserve for foreign exchange gains under art. 2426, para. 8 bis of the Italian Civil Code;

– the remainder, amounting to 36,443,665.03, to the Other Reserves;

to take cognizance of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Group for 2011 (consisting of the balance sheet, income statement, and explanatory notes) showing a profit of 4.1 million of euros, together with the report on operations.

RAI: Rai 
Radio Televisione Italiana