GR Parlamento is Rai’s station for
news and information on the activity
of Republic Senate and the Chamber
of Ministers, the other government
institutions, the territorial authorities
and the European Union. It is the
radio of the Italian and European
government agencies.
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Over the past two years, programming has been deeply transformed to make GR Parlamento a radio offering a specialised flow of news and information.

An attentive documentation of parliamentary activities and those of the territorial institutions and of the European Union is joined by the reporting of the political-cultural debate that revolves around the government agencies. This has allowed full implementation of the instructions of the law and compliance with the expectations of the service contract. During the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, GR Parlamento reported and documented all the main activities of the Celebratory Committee.

With the renovation of the website GR Parlamento offers a rich and precious database, comprising the registration of parliamentary activity in the Chamber and by the commissions and the documentation of the Italian and EU political-institutional debate.