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The innovations introduced into programming in 2011 made it possible to reach most of the goals envisaged in the Reorganisation Plan drawn up in 2009.

Having bypassed a programming style crowded with pre-recorded features, often detached from current situations, a new open and flexible programming has been applied, making the public service information channel’s mission – to update people in real time – fully achievable.

The slogan “The news can’t wait”, repeated in the station’s jingles, reflects the everyday situation on all programmes, in all time slots, 24/4.

Radio 1 affirms its identity as an allnews channel through the extensive informative areas distributed throughout the day and with an important new addition in the early morning, the prime time of radio, which determines a broadcaster’s weight and prestige.

The debut of Primaditutto has altered the profile of morning news on the radio: a completely live container on air from 5.00 a.m. to 8.00 a.m., with the main editions of Gr1 and the first edition of GR Regione, analyses, previews, live links with the world that is waking up and that which is going to sleep.
There are also the summaries of the newspapers, guests (always live), listeners and, to end with, the feature L’Economia in tasca.
In just a very short time, Primaditutto has scaled the ranking of downloads in Podcasting.

This is followed by the more familiar showcase of Radio anch’io, presented by Ruggero Po. The morning continues with Start, where the pace of information slows down and opens up to live music, with the voices of Giulia de Cataldo and Julian Borghesan.

The medical and social features lead up to the 1.00 p.m. edition of the Gr1.

The afternoon programming witnessed the confirmation of Con parole mie with Umberto Broccoli; Pupo and his infotainment slot (Attenti a Pupo); the irony of Gianluca Guidi with Gianvarietà; and later, the linguistic experimentation of Comunicattivo by Igor Righetti.

The afternoon is the second informative area that characterises Radio1, with Baobab, the information, analysis and music container presented by Francesco Graziani and Tiziana Ribichesu, and the pre-evening drivetime magazine, Tornando a casa led by Enrica Bonaccorti, which takes programming up to the 7.00 p.m. edition of Gr1.

The evening begins with Aldo Forbice’s historical programme Zapping, which hands over the microphone at 9.00 p.m. to a generally sporting type of programming (with the radio commentaries of weekday football, and more) and to the music of Invito personale and Demo.

The first look at the following day’s newspapers, Prima di domani, with Giancarlo Loquenzi, leads up to the traditional appointment with Giornale della Mezzanotte.

2011 was also characterised by the strengthening of the night time information slot.

Radio1 never closes and doesn’t broadcast long sequences of pre-recorded music.

La notte di Radio1, a programme by Sandro Capitani, is live and hosts news reports on the clock. At 4.00 a.m., the night merges into the dawn with Check in, presented by Paolo Notari and Benedicta Boccoli.

Sport is one of the mainstays of Radio1: from Tutto il calcio minuto per minuto to the big weekend containers, from Zona Cesarini to live coverage of every discipline, from Italy and the rest of the world, the Giornale Radio sports department tells of successes, medals, records and also dreadful disappointments.

But Radio1 is also entertainment and music, both in the role of indispensable support for information (the ‘carpet’ on which the news travels) and in prestigious opportunities to listen to live broadcasts by the most popular Italian and foreign performers.

As regards the theme-based features, also broadcast live; just think of La terra and the news programme Doppio Femminile presented by Maria Teresa Lamberti and Jo Squillo, and Gr1 ragazzi, a successful experiment which has become a classic, made entirely by school children in their classrooms.

In summer, Italy’s ‘flagship’ radio station stays ‘open for vacation’ and proposes containers or quality infotainment programmes, like Lido Laura, with Laura Freddi, or Un estate fa, with Roberto Zampa and Arianna Ciampoli.

The website, a ‘showcase website’ which also guarantees greater interactivity between Radio1’s listeners and the channel’s main programmes, was also extremely successful.

In 2011 the number of contacts and downloads grew, involving the channels’ main news and information programmes.

2011 was a year of confirmation for the Testata Giornale Radio.
The news bulletins on Rai’s three national channels are the country’s main source of radio news and information and the innovations introduced in 2010 prove it: the clear diversification by channel, format and informative content, reflected in the growing characterisation of Radio1’s allnews profile.

The effort to create news programmes that are updated right at the last minute and suited to the channel’s programming has paid off.

Gr1 responds to basic informative needs and also to those of a more specific nature (economy, politics, local news, etc.) in a continuum of news and programmes that produces a well synchronised flow. Gr2 is built up, in terms of language and content, for a radio destined to a young/young adult audience; while Gr3 fits into an area mainly of analysis and cultural reflection.

Giornale Radio followed the important events that took place in 2011 with live broadcasts and special editions.

Close attention was paid to domestic politics: the long phase relating to the vote of confidence to the government and the resignation of the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, the consultations of the Head of State and the birth of the Monti government. Foreign politics were also followed, focusing on the uprisings in North Africa, starting in Algeria, the capture and death of Gheddafi, the earthquake in Japan and the dramatic events that took place in the nuclear power station of Fukushima.

Spiritual issues were also handled: the beatification of John Paul II and World Youth Day in Madrid. Lastly, culture and entertainment, with special programmes dedicated to the Sanremo Music Festival, and sport, with the World Swimmng Championships in Shanghai.

The offering of news and information is completed by the support of the website, upgraded at the end of 2010 and managed by a dedicated department, which is reflected in the contacts, page views and downloads, which grow constantly.