With the broadcasting programme of
Rai 5, the Company has set itself an
ambitious aim: to bring back to
television a demanding audience with
lots of entertainment resources
available and numerous ways of
enjoying the specific products in which
it is interested.
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Rai 5

Rai 5’s mission is to be a ‘place’ where viewers can come, with reasonable certainty and confidence in finding an interesting, modern, varied product capable of arousing their various curiosities.

Rai 5 is just over a year old and the initial success it achieved when it was launched hasn’t waned, as confirmed by the audience trend: during 2011 the full day share climbed from 0.17% to 0.29%, while that for prime time went from 0.22% to 0.40%.

The project’s originality is obtained thanks to a mix of unusual subjects for the national free DTT scene: art, design, fashion, food, travels, music, auteur film, theatre, opera, dance and documentaries. In just one year 1,500 hours of first broadcast, 49% of which purchased or produced, and consequently brand new.

Another particular feature of Rai 5 is its nature as a Social TV, capable of approaching viewers with different languages.

A new television channel concept, no longer a linear narration but an experience dedicated to a multitasking, enterprising and active viewer.

Facebook, Twitter and the web portal (in 2011 the traffic data positioned it as 4th most-watched Rai channel on the web) took Rai 5 into a territory where more active audiences can express their opinions and discuss things, engaged, to date, over 45 thousand people.

Rai 5 launched numerous initiatives during its first year of life:
it drew attention to the most important cultural events in Italy, taking them live to viewers’ homes (the opening of La Scala, the inauguration of the New Florence Opera Theatre);
it broadcast, for the first time, an important work by Lelio Luttazzi, L’Illazione, immediately after the restoration that followed its rediscovery;
it is the first Rai channel to offer the public a live Facebook meeting in which they can take part;
less than 24 hours from the American airing, it broadcasts the David Letterman Show in English, with Italian subtitles, every day;
it was among the first 10 broadcasters in the world to subscribe to the TED Open TV project, and the only one to produce a version with a voice over;
it is the only Rai non general-interest channel to offer the Replay TV service;
together with RaiNet, it has created an application for iPhone and for tablet and is soon to release another for smartphones using Android.