Rai 2 has to be a trend-setting
channel, attentive to emerging cultural
movement, current events and recent
history. A channel associated with
semantic connotations, such as
modernity, dynamicity, curiosity,
originality and creativity.
  Rai 2 knows that it has
a demanding and active
public, which watches its
programmes by choice
and not out of habit, a
public which knows how
to move among the
various platforms but
appreciates the
programming dynamics
of Rai 2 and particularly
its products..
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2011 was a particular year for Rai 2.

Not only due to the change in direction at the end of July, but more for a series of losses which were relevant not only in terms of viewers but also of identity. These changes made it hard for the channel to achieve the goals imposed by corporate instructions and by the new organisation of the television market.

Michele Santoro and Simona Ventura both ended their professional relations with the channel, and a historical programme, X Factor, was – unfortunately – purchased by the competition.

Consequently, Rai 2 operated in a sort of open worksite, in which the need for change and the consequent planning activity flanked the ordinary daily management of programming and the need to guarantee the Company and advertisers viewing figures and targets in line with aims assigned.

At the same time, we witnessed the explosion of the digital offering, the fragmentation of viewers and the advancing of new competitors.

A modern and dynamic universe in which the audience of Rai 2 recognises some of the languages it is used to and which it naturally tends to explore with curiosity.

In this context, the channel worked towards a redefinition process which would not be detrimental to certain consolidated appointments, such as those with the best buying consistency, proposing new elements in the fields of music and comedy, the appeal of which allows the best definition of the strategic lines for future programming.

In a sort of moving worksite the channel had to schedule the existing and plan the future programming.

Such as that of the reality genre for example, which has had such a considerable effect on younger members of the female audience: l’Isola dei famosi.

A narration now in its ninth year needed a review of the language and also a sort of conclusion.
Thanks to the presentation of Nicola Savino and Vladimir Luxuria and to the presence of previous winners in the game, a new irony and much less drama, befitting something which, at the end of the day, is only a game, characterised the programme.

As mentioned above, music and comedy have to characterise the future of an increasingly contemporary channel.

Two universes in which programme planning requires particular care. On one hand, insofar as the demanding and competent music audience has taken as standard that of the specialised multiplatform offering – obviously aimed at a niche target – and for generalinterest television, the balance between the quality of the offering and the quantity of views is particularly difficult.

As regards comedy, it seems obvious that a team of talents, both performers and writers, has to be built up over time, patiently scouting new faces and also attracting consolidated professionals around a credible project. The experiment, for example, involving the broadcasting of so-called ‘stand-up comedians’, popular in America but less so in Italy, during prime time, brought unexpected results, especially in terms of quality of the target, and it is one of the directions in which the channel can continue along a path consistent with the objectives assigned to it.

Among the consolidated programmes, the first to mention is Roberto Giacobbo’s Voyager, due to its increasing appeal and, above all, for the editorial direction taken, which has enabled the programme to grow constantly in terms of authority.

During day time, Victoria Cabello, flanked by the Trio Medusa, Massimo Caputi and many emerging comedians, is the new presenter of a renewed Quelli che il calcio which is ironic and bang up to date, making it the preference of a young and curious audience.

For news & information and analysis, an area in which the programmes of Giovanni Minoli are a valuable heritage, we ought to mention the collection of documentaries entitled Tracce, as well as the original story of the noir rock of Ezio Guaitamacchi, Delitti rock, presented by Massimo Ghini.

On weekday afternoons, Lorena Bianchetti and Milo Infante are the new couple of the news and social analysis programme Italia sul 2, while Giancarlo Magalli is still presenting I fatti vostri every day at 11.00 a.m.

Lastly, Osvaldo Bevilacqua continues his narration of the exoticism of Italian tradition.