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Rai ProduzioneTv

During the year TV Production activity sustained – with the usual commitment by staff of their operating lines – the technical production support for filming, post production and broadcasting of the entire television product.

Events included the long television marathon for the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, between 16 and 20 March, with links (to outdoor locations, studios and theatres) and live initiatives which required the special deployment of people and equipment in the cities involved in the celebrations (Rome, Milan, Turin, Florence and Naples).

During the local elections held on 15/16 May and the subsequent ballots, which involved over 1,300 municipalities including Milan, Naples, Cagliari, Trieste, Ragusa, Cosenza and other big cities, as well as 11 provinces throughout Italy, links were guaranteed with the prefectures involved in counting the votes and with the party headquarters, and technical support was given to the departments of the national and regional news programmes for the filming. Similar support was guaranteed by the Production on 12 and 13 June, during the popular consultation on four referendum issues.

The autumn season reserved the most important event of the year however, with Fiorello’s ’one man show’ entitled Il Più Grande Spettacolo dopo il Week End broadcast during prime time on Rai 1. Made in Studio 5 at Cinecittà, broadcast live and in HD, on Monday from 14 November for four weeks, it required an outstanding commitment by Production.

As regards the studio, a set was created with high-tech lighting effects and it was able to hold an audience of 1,400 people, a 44-piece orchestra and 14 dancers.

With regard to sports events, these were the most important:
94th Giro d’Italia 7/21 May;
XIV edition of the FINA World Swimming Championships, held in Shanghai, in China, from 16 to 31 July 2011;
XIII World Athletics Championships 2011, held in Daegu, South Korea, from 27 August to 4 September;
Beach Soccer September Ravenna.

Investments for 2011, as envisaged in the 2011-2013 three-year plan, were organised according to various instructions.

News Area Digitalisation

Work continued on the complete renewal of the Tg2, which has been underway for several years now and is based on the introduction of the ‘Integrated production system’, which enables a radical review of the work flow processes, creating the potential conditions for cost-saving operations and an ample preparation for presenting the offering on different platforms.

The Rai News production system has been upgraded with the creation of a test system and an emergency system.

In coordination with Rai Way the broadcasting of the Regional Offices involved in the switch-off during the year in progress were digitalised.

Lastly, in 2011 the plan for introduction of XDCAMs, with particular reference to the News area, was developed as scheduled.

Support for the multichannel and multiplatform offering

During 2011, work continued on the modernisation of the centralised systems located in the four Production Centres that can be undoubtedly be considered essential to the life of the company.

The renewal of Central Control in Rome and the renewal of the systems for broadcasting all the theme-based channels, mostly broadcast from Rome and partly from Turin continued, as did the renewal of the signal management and transport systems installed in Milan and Naples.

Digitalisation and computerisation of production processes

The creation of a completely new IT infrastructure (T-Cube project) which allows the creation, processing, transportation and storage of audiovisual content in the form of IT files was further implemented.

Lastly, various procedures were activated for the digitalisation of the production systems, with the massive introduction of flat screens and HD, as well as all the activities necessary for the maintenance and compliance with standards of the systems.