Tg1 continues to be Rai’s leading
news and information product: the
moment when people are able to
meet the world of government
agencies, politics, society, the
economy, culture and religion, with
considerable attention dedicated to
what’s going on outside of Italy. In this
framework, Tg1 aims to continue
being the leading Italian television
news programme, both in terms of
audience and with regard to the
authority of the general view of news
and information in Italy.
    Once again in 2011
Italians preferred the
Tg1 as their leading
source of information.
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During the past year, Tg1 confirmed its status as the most watched television news programme in Italy. All the top 75 positions in the ranking of the mostwatched news programmes are occupied by Tg1; in the top 100, 98 places are occupied by Tg1, and 2 by Tg5.

The productive efforts made by Tg1 in the last year have made it possible to create a quantity of broadcasts (news reports, specials, features, analyses and special editions) totalling about 1,226 hours, with 4,461 television events.

2011 was characterised by numerous events in Italy and the world. It was the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, Pope John Paul II was blessed and the command of the government was handed over from Silvio Berlusconi to Mario Monti. The news was dominated by the dramatic events regarding the murder of Melania Rea. The world of sport lost motorcycling champion Marco Simoncelli, who died in an accident during the Malaysia Grand Prix.

Overseas – alongside happy events like the English royal wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton – there was a terrorist attack which killed 21 people in the Church of Saints in Alexandria, Egypt, the Arab Spring and the fall of Mubarak, the uprising in Libya and the killing of Gheddafi, the terrible earthquake in Japan and the consequent explosion at the nuclear power station of Fukushima, the killing of Osama Bin Laden, the massacre in Oslo with 76 deaths and the death of the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs.

Tg1 continued the work of the internet department which consistently amplified the role of the programme’s previous website.
In 2011 the Tg1 website totalled 50.4 million pages visited and a monthly average of 504 thousand single users. This represents an increase of 87% on the previous year in terms of pages visited and of 52% in terms of single users. Within Rai’s news and information, the site’s traffic represents 13% of the total pages visited and 16% of the total single users. In the ranking for single users of Rai’s websites the Tg1 site climbs to 6th place, from 11th in 2010.

The 8.00 p.m. edition of the Tg1 is confirmed as the leading source of information and as one of the most watched TV programmes every day. In 2011, the 8.00 p.m. edition of the Tg1 obtained an average audience of 5,299,256 viewers with an average share of 23.66%.

The 1.30 p.m. edition of the Tg1 reached an average number of 4,261,356 viewers with a share of 24.03%. The Tg1 Economy supplement, which lasts 10 minutes and is broadcast at 2.00 p.m., attracts 2,076,226 viewers with a share of 12.11%.

The 5.00 p.m. edition of the Tg1 in 2011 obtained an average of 1,896,402 viewers with an 18.80% share.
In 2011, Tg1 Notte recorded an average of 483,928 viewers and a 10.71% share.
But the real innovation, and not only in broadcasting terms, is Tg1 60 secondi, which goes on air in the middle of the evening and totalled an average of 2,044,820 viewers and a share of 12.41%.
Tg1 60 secondi was the most watched programme in the Top 100 television news programmes of the general-interest channels, gaining 1st and 2nd places on 19 February 2011, with 9,824,908 viewers and a 67.97% share, and on 15 February 2011, with 7,474,866 viewers and a 49.23% share during the Sanremo Music Festival.

As regards the morning editions, the 7.00 a.m. Tg1 obtained an average of 871,633 viewers with a share of 25.56%, the 8.00 a.m. Tg1 obtained an average of 1,465,697 viewers with a share of 25.57% and the 9.00 a.m. Tg1 obtained an average of 1,331,855 viewers with a share of 25.57%.