Tg2 has accepted the
challenge of
digitalisation and, by the
end of 2012, it will be
the first television news
programme to use the
new technologies,
confirming its vocation
for the experimentation
of new television
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2011 has been characterised by numerous events of national and international importance: the explosion at the nuclear power station of Fukushima, the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden in a bunker-hideaway near Islamabad, the war in Libya, the capture and death of Gheddafi, the popular uprisings in Cairo against the military junta with deaths in Tahrir Square and the resignation of Mubarak, the killing in Afghanistan of Italian soldiers Roberto Marchini and David Tobini, the beatification and canonisation of John Paul II, the royal weddings of William and Kate in London and of Albert of Monaco and Charlene Wittstock in the Principality of Monaco.
In Italy, the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy; in October, the fatal floods in the Spezzino and Lunigiana districts and those that took place in Sicily at the end of November, which particularly hit the Saponara, Milazzo and Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto areas. On the political front, 2011 witnessed the end of the Berlusconi Government and the arrival of the technical government led by Mario Monti.

The 8.30 p.m. edition of the Tg2 reached an average 2,451,991 viewers (average age 53) in 2011, with a 9.97% share.

The 1.00 p.m. edition of the Tg2 has recorded a further increase in viewers compared to the previous year from an average of 2,866,000 viewers to 3,062,282 with an 18.78% share); at the same time Tg2 Costume e Società, broadcast from Monday to Friday, recorded an average of 2,188,118 viewers with a share of 12.43%; and Medicina 33, had 1,790,530 viewers and a share of 10.8%. Both were slightly higher than the previous year. During the same time slot on Friday, Eat Parade recorded 1,745,717 viewers with a share of 9.96%.

The early evening Tg2, broadcast at 6.15 p.m., broadcast from Monday to Friday, recorded an average of 741,345 viewers (6.20% share), while the edition in sign language for the hearing impaired, on air at 5.45 p.m., reached an average of 634,087 viewers with a 5.88% share.

The night time edition of the Tg2, in the 321 editions broadcast in 2011, had an average number of 712,159 viewers with a 5.50% share.

In the morning time slot, the journalistic ‘container’ Tg2 is broadcast between 10.00 and 11.00 a.m. from Monday to Friday, reaching an average 228,285 viewers and a 5.04% share.

During the hour-long programme, various columns were broadcast, such as Nonsolosoldi, with an average of 258,053 viewers and a 5.48% shares, Achab, libri in onda, a feature specialised in new books which, during the 40 episodes broadcast, recorded an average of 281,817 viewers and a 5.75% share, while the feature Cinematinée, dedicated to new films had an average of 299,757 viewers and a 6.39% share.

On Tuesday evening, after the Tg2 della notte, the analysis Punto di Vista was watched by 1,046,911 viewers, with a share of 6.85%.

On Sunday, at 1.30 p.m., Tg2 Motori, Tg2’s long-running feature on what’s new in the world of cars and motorcycles recorded 2,324,772 average viewers with an average age of 51 and a 12.50% share for the 49 episodes broadcast in 2011.

Rai 2’s late evening slot on Saturday is dedicated to other successful features: Tg2 Dossier, Tg2 Storie, Mizar, Sì Viaggiare.

In 2011, besides 4 extraordinary editions (with an average of 1,267,250 viewers – 10.48% share), Tg2 also monitored events of national interest with numerous news reports. In 2011, Tg2 totalled 1,265 hours of broadcasts with 3,902 editions.

In 2011, Tg2 totalled 1,265 hours of broadcasts with 3,902 editions.