The public service stations manage the travel information service
on all the platforms, radio, tv, digital
terrestrial, web, rds, etc., and
guarantee a wide variety of radio
offerings. They organise the
programming of Isoradio, CCISS
Viaggiare Informati, Canali
Metropolitani and Filodiffusione
Channel IV and V.
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Public service stations

In 2012 Isoradio strengthened its mission, expanding the concept of safety, from roads to civil protection, acting as intermediary between the Institutions (Civil Protection Department, Regions, Provinces and Municipalities) and the public. As proof of the above, Isoradio was in the front line during the snow in February, during the earthquake that struck Emilia, alongside the 24h user, with continuous updates and intervention on the development of events.

The implementation of the editorial plan includes an average of 180 daily interventions with information on traffic, concentrated in the morning time slot dedicated to users travelling to work.

The flow of Radiofd4 underwent a complete review on 16 April 2012. The station took on a completely different character and role, based on highquality music of all types.

fd4 offers space to those new or veteran Italian and foreign artists who do not receive sufficient exposure in the radio programming.

Radiodf5 has expanded its already rich and articulate offering with the introduction of new spaces reserved for religious music, to the country’s musical panorama and to the record production of Italian and international winners of prestigious awards. There was also an extensive series of broadcasts dedicated to seven famous orchestra conductors born in 1912 and a small music quiz for opera buffs.

In 2012,CCISS-Viaggiare Informati confirmed its role as the travel information service for the other radio and television networks, offering over 30 Onda Verde news bulletins, a tv news bulletin every 30 minutes.
Along with Isoradio it is part of the National System of Civil Protection and cooperates with CCISS, Centre for the Coordination of Road Safety Information of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, with the Centre for the Coordination of Viability of the Ministry of the Interior and with the National Council on Road Safety of Motorways for Italy.

The news of CCISS is published on the website along with a news video with the traffic and weather forecasts three times a day. The station offers a close up on road safety, with investigations on technology, weather, traffic and road safety.