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Rai Radio


The main interventions of 2012 were aimed at defining more fluid programming consistent with the profiles of the stations, at reducing fragmentation and duplications, at creating original audio accompaniments and at drawing up a layout by genre and time slot which is effective also at commercial level.
The results have highlighted overall improvements but also further requalification prospects, some of which already planned in 2013. In particular, the rationalisation of the Giornale Radio formats, already consolidated for the Gr1 and the Gr3, to be extended to the Gr2, the improvement of the programming profile of Isoradio and in general of the services of infomobility and the creation of a more adequate online offer by Radio1.

The boost to the implementation of the offer and of digital services involved the entire division: from web-only theme-based products (especially on the Radio2 and Radio3 websites) to the exceptional result of the RadioRai Podcasting (over 50 million downloads, up 35% on 2011), from the three WebRadios specialised by profile and target to the associated view contents, from the experiments of radio-tv-websocial network hybridisation to the successful mobile app Tutta la Radio in tasca (to be implemented in 2013). Ending with the technological innovation of production, from HD audio recording to the digitalisation of the audio library.

From the market and listening figure points of view, in 2012 a system to measure the number of listeners was perfected and from 2013 it will produce new data for planning advertising, filling a gap which has accentuated the negative trend in investments.