Radio2 is a flexible structure from a
programming and organisational point
of view, in line with the most modern
European radios. The project combines
public service and appeal for advertising
investors, thanks to a mutliplatform offer
and programming on demand. Variety,
music and entertainment are the
distinguishing features of the station and
with a daily production of 24 hours of
original broadcasts, 365 days a year.
Radio2 has made ‘alternative’ choices,
focusing on auteur music and emerging
artists, unbridled by exclusively
commercial logics, alongside current
contents like the specials for the
primaries of the Pd (democratic party) of
Un giorno da pecora.
Radio2 is immediately recognisable also
in relation to the style of the various
entertainment programmes which are
then developed into other forms on the
web and in the different cross-media
initiatives. The potential and
opportunities of the web are exploited to
multiply the contacts, using social
networks, downloads, streaming, tv as a
vehicle of the product.
Radio2 has its own YouTube channel,
network profiles and profiles of the
various programmes on the social