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Rai 4

The year of the completion of the switch-off process and the final arrival at an all-digital national market confirm the ascending viewing trend of the previous three years for Rai 4, while this year’s increase was more contained: with reference to the full day, the annual average individual share was 1.08%, while the value referred to the 25-54 year-old target was 1.38%. Figures also show a better audience response among more qualified clusters from an advertising point of view (‘eclectic’ and ‘explorative’).

The trend in average monthly viewing figures during 2012 confirms the consumer dynamics already highlighted in the previous two years, with an ‘alternative and complementary’ positioning of the channel to that of general-interest tv. In particular, the physiological drop in viewers in the summer was again accompanied by very high levels of share, while the period not guaranteed by Christmas equalled the high viewing averages and shares recorded during the previous winter guarantee period.