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Rai 5

Rai 5 was born in 2010 with the mission of proposing an offering of cultural entertainment and with the ambitious aim of bringing back to television a demanding audience with lots of different entertainment resources available and numerous ways of enjoying the specific products in which it is interested.

With this formula, the channel has succeeded so far in interpreting the most authentic spirit of the public service, offering its viewers nonpedagogical or academic ‘cultura’ programming which is lively and innovative, interesting, modern, varied and capable of arousing the varied curiosity of its public.

Being a semi-general-interest channel, Rai 5 offers numerous topics: art, show, travel, science, opera and dancing, theatre and design, trends and lifestyle, documentary and auteur films. All topics are treated “after the fashion of Rai 5” always trying to combine culture with entertainment, in line with models of excellence and international success, to meet the needs of the more attentive and curious audience.