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Rai Storia

In 2012, the programming of Rai Storia developed around the programme Res, which looked at topics of poverty, with the internationally coproduced series Why Poverty, of legality, with the 12 Lezioni di mafia with the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor Pietro Grasso and with Maxi+25 on the anniversary of the big Palermo lawsuit, the conflicts that characterised the 20th century and women.

In addition to this, Res produced two prestigious titles: the third part of Dai nostri inviati, presented on a noncompetitive basis at the Venice Film Festival and the series Ben & Clara, on which the documentary Mussolini il cadavere vivente was based, shown on prime time on Rai 3 and presented in competition at the most prestigious international festivals.

Also worth remembering is the new magazine Italia in 4D, which told the story of Italy from the 50s to the 80s.

In addition to history in the strict sense, the channel also covered art and culture, with Magazzini Einstein and Art News, literature with Scrittori per un anno and CultBook, the contextualized re-proposal of historical fiction series with Rewind and the memoires of celebrities from television’s past with Visioni Private.