2012 was characterised by the
completion of the switch-off of the
analogue signal on the whole national
From the fourteen regions that were
already ‘all digital’ at the beginning of
2012 (about 78% of the Italian
population) the entire population was
reached in the months of May and June
with the switch-off of the remaining
Southern Italian regions (Abruzzo,
Molise, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria and
Sicilia, where the operations were
completed on the 4th of July in the
province of Trapani).
As observed during previous switch-offs,
the most significant effects due to the
expansion and diversification of the
television offering include:
•the increase in the audience which
continues to show a growth trend
which has witnessed levels
increasingly higher than those of
previous years since 2009;
•the redistribution of viewing figures
among general-interest and
specialized channels.
Thanks also to the presence of big
sports events like the European
Football Championships and the
London Olympics, the records
established the year before were
broken in 2012: for the second year
running, 10 million viewers on the full
day were exceeded (almost 10.4
million average viewers compared to
10.2 million in 2011) and for the first
time since the Auditel measurement
system became operational, 26 million
viewers were reached in prime time
(compared to 25.8 million average
viewers in 2011).
The general-interest channels (Rai 1, Rai
2, Rai 3, Canale 5, Italia 1, Rete 4 and
La7) continue to record a downtrend,
falling to a total share of 65.4% on a
daily basis (-5.5 points on 2011) and to
69.7% in prime time
(-4.7 points on 2011).
In this setting of growing competition,
the Rai Group retains its leadership,
succeeding in containing the drop in
viewers to a better extent overall than its
main historical rival.
On the
average day, Rai takes a
39.8% share (-0.4% on 2011) against
Mediaset’s 33.8% (-2.5%).
This result was obtained within the
scope of a general increase in the
number of free channels available on
satellite and/or DTT. Excluding the Rai
and Mediaset channels measured by
Auditel, the combination of ‘Other Free
Tv’ rose to 13.8% (+3.4 points
compared to 2011), while ‘Other Pay
Tv’ is largely stable at 9.2% (-0.1
A determinant contribution to the Rai
Group performance was made by the
specialised channels (‘Rai Specializzate’)
which obtained a total 6.2% share on
the full day (with a +1.4% increase on
2011) thanks, first and foremost, to the
performances of Rai Premium, Rai 4, Rai
Movie and the pre-school children’s
channel Rai Yoyo, all in the ranking of
the top ten channels in terms of viewers
in 2012.
Among all the specialised channels, that
with the best result is Real Time
belonging to the Discovery Group,
recording an average 1.4%, followed by
Rai Premium, 1.2% and Rai 4, 1.1%.
Rai also presents the highest number of
channels in this ranking, four
compared to the three Mediaset
channels (Iris, Boing and La5), to the
two of Discovery (Real Time and DMax)
and to the only channel of Switchover
Media (Giallo).
These results confirm Rai with its
completely free offering as the first
digital broadcaster on the Italian
market, bypassing Mediaset (5.3%), Sky
(4.6%), Discovery (2.4%) Fox (1.7%),
Switchover Media (1.6%) and all the
other national and international
competitors of the calibre of Disney,
Viacom and Turner.
Rai’s general-interest channels, like
those of the competition, show a
physiological decline, with the three Rai
channels maintaining their leadership
positions in front of the respective
competitors and being confirmed
among the most popular national
•Rai 1 with a share of 18.3% (-0.3
points on 2011) is confirmed as the
most popular channel overall and
retains a good margin compared to
the leading Mediaset channel (with a
share of 15.2%, -1.6 points on 2011,
which represents the biggest decline
among the general-interest channels);
•Rai 2 settles at 7.6% (-0.7 points)
confirming its position as fourth
national channel after Canale 5 and
the other two Rai channels;
•Rai 3, despite falling to 7.7% (-0.9
points) continues to be the third
national channel after the two leading
Rai and Mediaset channels.
prime time, the Rai Group
maintains its market share, confirming
its leadership with a 41.3% share
against the 34.9% of Mediaset (-1.9
During prime time, where the generalinterest
channels usually concentrate
their leading products, the growth of the
other specialised offers seems to be
more contained: the combination of
‘other Free Tv’ takes an 11.0% share
(+2.4 points compared to 2011), while
‘Other Pay Tv’ remains stable at 8.7%.
As regards the single channels:
•Rai 1 continues to be the most
popular channel, with a 19.4% share
(+0.4 on 2011) and bypasses Canale
5 by over 3 points (16.1%, -0.9).
Rai 1 is also the only general-interest
channel with a positive figure,
achieved thanks partly to the presence
of the European Football
Championships and the excellent
sporting result of Italy in the finals of
this competition;
Rai 2 and Rai 3 recorded similar
results, with 8.4% (-1 point) and 8.3%
(-0.8) shares respectively, confirming
their positions as the channels with
most viewers after the leading Rai and
Mediaset channels.
The combined offer of the ‘Rai
Specializzate’ channels reached 5.3% (a
share of +1.4 points compared kto
2011) equalling Mediaset’s specialised
offering (+0.8) which, in this time
bracket, also benefits from the relevant
contribution made by the premium
football events (such as the Serie A,
Champions League and the Europa