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Human Resources

The on-going financially and economically critical situation has made it necessary to strengthen the measures already taken to contain the main cost items and, particularly for the Human Resources and Organisation Department, activities were increasingly focused on containing personnel costs, in line with the aims of the 2012 budget.

Therefore, once again this year, attention was focused on operations to rationalise the resources available, prioritising internal mobility and the conversion of professional profiles, but also carefully placing and using staff, as indicated in the trade union agreements – entered into in implementation of Law 247/2007, which established the assignment of permanent employment contracts to employees who had had fixed term employment contracts for a total of 36 months as at 1 April 2009 and had had, after such date, further fixed-term contracts with the same employer – both at office level and as journalists.
Towards the end of 2012, the Board of Directors authorised the use of a fund for incentivised resignation, to reduce the Group’s structural costs by encouraging staff to take retirement. This process, launched at the beginning of 2013 and initially destined to those who have matured pension requirements, is aimed also at favouring the decongestion of careers and a physiological recovery of bonus programmes – which have been idle for several years –, the accelerated stabilisation of temporary contracts and the introduction of young staff members via apprenticeship contracts.

This operation will generate future savings as of the second half of 2013.

In numerical terms, the Company workforce increased in number from 10,196 units at the beginning of the year to 10,476 in December 2012, broken down by macro categories as shown in the chart:

Changes consisted of 184 resignations and 464 new employees, most of the latter being women (59%). The new employees were hired as follows: 409 in application of trade union agreements; 16 for mobility within the group; 15 arrivals finalised at the limited reformation of the workforce due to turnover or to satisfy new structural requirements; and lastly, 24 returns following legal disputes.

As regards the organisational aspects, action was taken to implement rationalisation measures, aimed at streamlining the overall macro-structural layout, reducing the number of corporate reports and making operational mechanisms more efficient; in particular, the layouts and consequent adaptation of processes deriving from certain board decisions (such as the reallocation of contractual activities relating to the fiction contracts for example, as well as the abolition of the New Media Division, which has merged with RaiNet, and the cancellation of the Rai Entertainment Division and its reallocation among the Channel programming structures).
As regards micro-organisation interventions, support was provided, within the scope of the work teams and in collaboration with the other Divisions, for the definition of the interdivision and intercompany processes (e.g.: definition of the flow of approval of the Radio Product datasheet, Project for new programming system, product placement, etc.) which have an impact on the procedures and operating methods of the Divisions and corporate structures involved, optimizing processes and resources.

In agreement with the other structures operating in this sector, the update and validation continued of the so-called “Organisation and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001” and of the corresponding “231 protocols” and types of company proxy, in keeping with the evolution of company processes and the reference standards.

For optimisation and control activities, in collaboration with the ICT Department, an extensive plan of operations has been drawn up to simplify and dematerialise the management processes, which is one of the levers for recovering internal efficiency. As regards rationalisation and savings, certain policies were adapted, including those for mobile and landline phones, deriving from adhesion to the CONSIP agreements.

As regards interventions on the governance of variable costs, key indicators and reporting for spot checks and systematic checks with regard to travelling and production expenses have been improved.

Lastly, the monitoring of business trips for so-called “Big Events” continues, expanding the setting of the latter to include “minor” events for the purposes of governance and increased efficiency.

In terms of relations with the Trade Unions, confrontation with the Trade Unions representing middle management, white collars and blue collars continued with regard to the renewal of the collective labour contract, which expired on 31 December 2009. Confrontation expanded to include the debate on the provisions contained in the Special Plan for Renewal approved by the Board of Directors.

Negotiations led, in February 2013, to an agreement for closure of the regulatory part, with the introduction of professional profiles that respond more to technological evolution, and of the economic part.

Also with reference to middle management and to white and blue collars, the associate Rai Cinema was supported in confrontation with the trade unions at local level on issues linked to the merger by incorporation of 01 Distribution.

As regards journalistic staff, during the first half of the year, the Special Plan for Renewal (and particularly the interventions regarding Rai Internazionale, the Correspondence Offices and Rai Corporation) was the main subject of discussion with the UsigRai.
In July the subject of intervals between temporary contracts was tackled with the Trade Union, with regard to the entry into force of Law no. 92 of 28 June 2012 for the reform of the labour market. On this subject, on 19 July 2012, the Parties signed an agreement which, implementing the reference to the collective bargaining contained in the aforementioned Law, established the reduction to 20 and 30 days of the intervals of 60 and 90 days envisaged by the same Law, for contracts with a duration of up to 6 months and a duration of more than 6 months.
Subsequently, again with UsigRai, discussion was developed in relation to the new digital system for the production of news and, on 14 November 2012, the Parties signed an agreement on the matter, with which it was, among other things, envisaged that, in relation to the greater versatility and simplification of the production equipment, all journalistic staff can also perform the complementary activities that can be carried out without the aid of technical staff, such as, by way of example, the preselection of images, placement in sequence and assembly (where, obviously, time and place, as well as the product complexity, allow).

Within the scope of the out-of-court labour dispute, in addition to ordinary consulting activity, the investigation activity was launched on numerous in and out of court claims received by the Company, to check the possibility of reaching an amicable settlement to the individual issues. In particular, this activity led to the out-of-court transaction of 35 potential disputes and 53 individual legal disputes, by agreement with the defending lawyers of the plaintiffs, mainly through the employees’ final hiring within the Company workforce, following orders to such end by the judge. As regards the staff reduction policy, the transaction statements were prepared and signed with the employees who were awarded resignation incentives, accompanied by the closure of the case in court, where pending.

As regards legislation, indispensable interpretative and operational instructions were provided, as usual, to the various company sectors with regard to the year’s most important innovations, reflecting particularly on the adaptations deriving from the application of the new legislation on the computerised certification of sickness, also by activating specific agreements with the INPS social security department, which allowed the mass reception of certificates, or the amendments made to the regulations on pensions and to those on defence for the assistance of the disabled.
Moreover, details were provided on the relevant innovations introduced by the law on the reform of the labour market (Law 92/2012) on the matter of fixedterm contacts, contracts with freelancers and for specific projects, for the regulation of resignations and consensual termination, also reviewing company contracts. The fulfilment continued to be implemented of obligations with an impact on declaring and paying contributions to the welfare and social security departments, activating the latest computerised procedures with the INPS. Lastly, constant relations were held with the competent administrative bodies in order to acquire clarifications with regard to the exact extent of the different provisions of a labour and welfare-related nature, also taking an active part in the initiatives of Confindustria.

In terms of regulatory control, about 270 potentially relevant cases in terms of disciplinary action were examined and prepared, following reports by structures concerned.
On the basis of the preliminary inquiries carried out, disciplinary action was taken in over 170 cases. In 2 cases, the sanction applied implicated dismissal. All the activities linked to preliminary action and representation of the Company within the scope of mediation and arbitration procedures envisaged by article 7, paragraph 6, Law 300/70 were pursued, as were those envisaged by the Rai/UsigRai agreement of 21 May 2007. The usual aid was also supplied to the competent company structures, and also to the associated companies, in the case of appeal in court against the disciplinary order.

On the matter of training, the most significant activities performed during the year include, in the first half of 2012, the accomplishment of the second phase of the training course for executives appointed during 2008. This course included outdoor activities, individual coaching and seminars held by international experts.

In the second half of the year, the training activity focused particularly on needs linked to technological and productive adaptation processes for the news. Of particular importance was the creation of the training plan relating to the project for the digitalisation and computerisation of the Tg2, which involved about 350 people, among journalists, technicians and office staff, for just over two months, with in-house training staff working with all those involved.

Considerable commitment went into activating training initiatives dedicated to safety. Training in relation to the certification of the management systems regulated by the OHSAS legislation involved over 600 people for the Radio Division and about 300 for 4 regional offices (Venice, Ancona, Florence and Bari). The training campaign aimed at appointees was completed in the regional offices.
Remember that all training was provided by in-house training staff, who attended a specific training course for “safety training staff”. Lastly, a refresher course in First Aid was held for the members of the First Aid Team. This campaign, which initially involved about 150 people, was entirely planned and carried out using in-house resources only.

2012 also witnessed the continuation of training in the use of the Company’s IT applications and the Office package, as well as the usual activity for the specialised update destined to the different areas of the Company. As regards this last point, a refresher seminar on the new legislation introduced by the Labour Market reform approved during the year was held, involving about 110 resources operating in personnel management.

Among the other initiatives carried out, there was a training course dedicated to executives, which involved the presence of very high profile speakers with vast professional experience (such as Tal Ben Shahar, professor at Harvard University), as well as individual coaching and mentoring with top managers from big companies. There were also a special course for Marketing Management on semiotics, a highly specialised IT course for the Staff IT Systems area, and the participation in masters or master modules focused on specific training needs.

In the light of the numerous training activities pursued during the year, the sourcing of financing from interprofessional funds dedicated to training intensified significantly, allowing the recovery of a large amount of selffinancing to cover direct expenses.

The recruitment activity in 2012 regarded the process used for the assessment of the professional profiles of about 210 resources. Each profile was assessed and subject to specific technical tests during the overall recruitment process.
The recruitment activity was mainly carried out taking into account the Company’s need to fulfil certain compulsory placement regulations.
During the period of time considered, the recruitment process involved numerous candidates who, in accordance with Law no. 68 of 12 March 1999 relating to the “right to employment of the disabled”, could become part of the Company staff. The recruitment activity also regarded assessments required by the competent personnel office for the change of job duties aimed at existing members of staff.
Following the signing of an agreement in April 2012 between the Company and UsigRai, an initiative was promoted and pursued for the internal search for new ordinary editors among those registered in the roll/list of professionals already employed by the Company in another role, for assignment to the Testata Giornalistica Regionale.
The assessment sessions to recruit a team of new researchers were completed and the team is now collaborating on an important project of the Turin Research Centre aimed at generating patents. Some sessions to recruit producers of subscriptions to use in the Division for Subscription Production and Sales Agents for the Commercial Division were also completed.

In observance of the Company policy on internship programmes at Rai, we would like to point out that 156 internees were taken on from the main Universities and Journalism Schools recognised by the Order of Journalists, also within the context of bringing enterprise and the country’s educational system closer together.
The Company Health Service fulfilled the obligations envisaged by Lgs. Decree 81/08 for Rai (2500 preventive and periodical health checks at the Company premises throughout the country), and also for the Associated Companies (Rai Cinema, Rai World, RaiNet and Rai Way; the latter also received support for the updating of the Risk Assessment Document).

125 preventive interventions (medical examinations and vaccinations) in defence of the health of staff on foreign missions were also carried out in the Rome and Milan offices.
12 health assistance plans for big production of events throughout the territory.
Once again this year, flu vaccinations were carried out in all territorial offices.

In the light of the new Government- Regions Agreement of 21 December 2011 on the matter of employee training on H&S, the following were implemented:
updates to compulsory training envisaged for operators and coordinators of the prevention and protection services;
update and compulsory training envisaged for the workers’ health and safety representative (RLS);
in collaboration with the Production Division, the training process for Executives and Appointees was launched.

In this context, the overall actions undertaken determined a progressive reduction of the Index of Relative Frequency of Accidents, settling at levels well below the National Average recorded by Inail: in particular, the Company value, with reference to 2012 – together with other characteristics of the system considered as a whole – earned the Company a percentage reduction by Inail of the insurance premiums owed, with a consequential lower impact on the cost of labour.

Work continued on the safety activities of the Subsidiaries, aimed at guaranteeing a standardisation of assessments and actions in terms of prevention and protection of employees within the Rai Group, with the supply by Rai of the Prevention and Protection Service to Rai World and coordination with the Prevention and Protection Services of Rai Cinema and Rai Way.

Lastly, among the activities linked to internal communication, there was an update of the RaiPlace website, with significant technological innovations both of an infrastructural and functional nature, with the aim of supplying a wider range of services to employees.
With this in mind, an application has been created that allows employees to consult their payslips during the year and it will be available for use and printing exclusively online.

Finally, you are reminded of the organisation of the sixth edition of ‘Bimbo Rai’, the day on which the Company opens its doors to the children of its employees.

RAI: Rai Radio Televisione Italiana