
Each year the Prix Italia, founded at Capri in 1948, organises an International Competition which awards prizes for Radio, Television and Multimedia programmes. The bodies of the Prix Italia are the General Assembly and the Secretariat.

The General Assembly, made up of representatives of the member organisations, takes all decisions by a simple majority vote. An assembly is held once a year, during the competition. Other assemblies may be called by the Secretary General or at the request of two fifths of the member organisations. 

Only broadcasting organisations duly authorised by the competent authorities are eligible to be Members of the Prix Italia. They must provide a national service or guarantee through syndication the widest diffusion of the programmes throughout the country and assume direct creative and financial responsibility for the programmes they broadcast.

The outgoing Presidents automatically become members, free of charge, of an Advisory Committee which supports the Secretary General in pursuing Prix Italia’s goals and in strengthening the Festival. The members may offer non-binding opinions, suggestions and advice, take part in meetings convened by the Secretary General and, following his/her favourable opinion, they propose the participation, again free of charge, of international network and new media experts.

The Secretariat is permanently entrusted to Rai - Radiotelevisione Italiana, promoter of the Prix Italia, which appoints the Secretary General. The Secretariat is responsible for implementing Prix Italia’s aims, promoting every activity with this purpose in mind and making all the necessary arrangements for running the competition. Rai also covers the expenses of the Secretariat.

Prix Italia 2022 Staff

Chiara Longo Bifano Secretary General

Angelo Lorenzetti Competitions and Production Coordination
Debora Tavani Editorial Coordination

Laura Guida
Françoise Kerrouche
Marta Maria L’Abbate
Riccardo Loconte
Giorgio Merlo
Radmila Mihajlovic 
Irina Stoilova
Carla Teofani

Riccardo Polignieri Temporary Staff