2022 Prix Italia Competition


Update - October 3, 2022


The Prix Italia official catalogue has been released and it is available for download here.


The shortlists have been released on our website.

The nine Juries of the Radio, TV and Web competitions have completed their pre-evaluation work, and the shortlists have been released. You can browse them starting from the home page of our website, or by clicking on these direct links:


86 jurors took part in the pre-evaluation work this year; 64 programmes were selected. Among these, the nine winners of this year's Prix Italia competitions will be chosen. The 74th edition of the Prix Italia festival will take place in Bari, Apulia from 4 to 8 October 2022. Stay tuned!

A warm thanks to all the jurors who participated, and congratulations to the selected programmes!




About the Prix Italia Competition

The main theme.

Sustainability, in all its forms, will be the main theme of this Edition. And a new "Prix Italia - IFAD - Copeam Special Award" will also be dedicated to Sustainability, which will select the best program dedicated to the problems affecting rural communities in developing countries: namely food security, women's emancipation, youth unemployment, the impacts of COVID-19, climate change and subsequent adaptation, loss of biodiversity, hunger and nutrition, indigenous peoples, poverty, migration and conflict.


The Competition.

The Prix Italia Competition is open to all broadcaster organisations, both private and public service. If you have never competed in the Prix Italia before, you should fill out an application form first.

The Competition is divided into three sections: for Radio programmes; for Television programmes; for Web projects. Each section is divided into three categories, as follows:


The Prizes.

The Prix Italia awards each year a prize for each of the categories listed above (9 prizes). In addition this year four Special Prizes will be awarded by selected Juries:


The timetable.

The submission of the programmes and the registration of the Jurors must be completed by June 8th.

The pre-evaluation work by the Jurors will take place from June 15th to September 8th.

The winners will be decided by the Juries during the Prix Italia festival, in Bari from 4 to 8 October 2022. We will set up a hybrid meeting mode, for the Jurors who will not be able to reach us in person.


Downloads and links.


For more information: prixitalia@rai.it