2022 Festival Programme

Oct 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · locations · register · partners

IT  · primary language
IT  · simultaneous translation available
PrixItalia|RaiPlay|RaiNews.it · streaming available
   Course credits for registered journalists

All times are local (UTC+2)

Pdf programme for download (en)
Pdf festival flyer (it)



Monday, October 3

09:30 · 19:00 Old Fish Market

Accreditation Desk Opening

Arrival of International Guests and Delegations; photocall.


10:00 · 18:00 Old Fish Market

Multimedia Corner Opening

Featuring content by RaiPlay, Rai Cinema Channel Virtual Reality/Rai Teche, RaiPlay Sound on demand area, Prix Italia archives/podcast.


15:15 · 15:35 Prix Italia Square, Piazza del Ferrarese

Rai Regional News - 2022 Prix Italia Special, Rai3 live coverage


15:00 · 18:00 Civic Museum of Bari

YLab Special: Pitching Lab - How to Best Present Your Work

Training workshop for Ylab students.


20:30 · 23:00 Kursaal Theatre

Rai Pubblica Utilità and Rai Cultura present

Giuseppe Verdi's La Traviata

Director Mario Martone will be present, with Maria Chiara Andriello · Rai Pubblic Utilità and Francesca Nesler · Rai Cultura.

A great experimental production, "La Traviata" by Giuseppe Verdi, presented in 2021 at the Teatro dell' Opera of Rome by director and set designer Mario Martone, especially made to be accessible to hearing and visually impaired people, through the complete translation and interpretation of the booklet into LIS language and the audio description of scenes, colors, clothes, actions otherwise not visible to audience with severe low vision impairment.



Tuesday, October 4

09:00 · 19:00 Old Fish Market

Accreditation Desk Opening


09:00 · 13:00 Rai Headquarters, Bari

RAI Open Doors

Rai opens doors to students of all ages.


09:30 · 17:00 Kursaal Theatre, Sala Cielo

EBU Working Group: Pitch Workshop, Investigative Journalism Network


10:00 · 18:00 Old Fish Market

Multimedia Corner Opening


11:00 · 12:30 Petruzzelli Opera House

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Opening Ceremony

In collaboration with the Italian State Police

Tribute to Ennio Morricone: Wind Orchestra - State Police Band conducted by Maestro Maurizio Billi.


11:00 Bari Harbour

"Sustainable Me" street art project kick-off

Real-time street art work by artist Geometric Bang and art laboratories by Pigment Workroom


11:30 · 12:30 Prix Italia Square, Piazza del Ferrarese

Paparazzi, with Marco Ardemagni and Filippo Solibello

English language programmes made for Rai Italia's channel


12:00 · 13:30 Murat Area

Meeting: Comunità Radiotelevisiva Italofona


15:15 · 15:35 Prix Italia Square, Piazza del Ferrarese

Rai Regional News - 2022 Prix Italia Special, Rai3 live coverage


15:00 · 17:00 Murat Area

IT⬄EN   PrixItalia|RaiPlay|RaiNews.it   

Sustainable Sound – From Radio to Public Service Audio

Introduction by Marinella Soldi · Rai Chairwoman.

Claudia Mazzola · Journalist, Director of Rai Research Department; Filippo Solibello · Rai Radio2.

Luca Bandirali · DAMS Salento University; Tiziano Bonini · University of Siena; Elena Capparelli · Director of RaiPlay and Rai Digital;Graham Ellis · Prix Italia President, Controller - BBC Audio; Edita Kudláčová · EBU Head of Radio (remote connection); Albino Pedroia · La Sorbonne University, Paris; Marta Perrotta · Roma Tre University; Roberto Sergio · Director of Rai Radio; Franco Siddi · President of Confindustria Radio TV.

Paolo Morawski · Rai Chairwoman's Staff and Alessandra Zupi · Rai Research Department, the research study curators, will take part in the event.

The challenge of Radio broadcasting in the age of digital platforms, algorithms, voice commands and podcasts. Experts exchange ideas and debate on future perspectives on the occasion of the publishing of the research study "Ecosystem Audio-Sound. From Radio to Public Service Audio", distributed by Rai Libri editions.


18:00 · 19:00 Prix Italia Square, Piazza del Ferrarese

Live Podcast: Io ero il milanese

An event by RaiPlay Sound.

With author Mauro Pescio and sound designer Leonardo Carioti.


21:00 · 23:00 Kursaal Theatre

Rai Cinema presents

Il signore delle formiche by Gianni Amelio

A Kavac Film production, Ibc movie, Tenderstories and Rai Cinema
With Luigi Lo Cascio, Elio Germano, Sara Serraiocco, Leonardo Maltese, Anna Caterina Antonacci

Director Gianni Amelio will be present.



Wednesday, October 5

09:00 · 19:00 Old Fish Market

Accreditation Desk Opening


09:00 · 13:00 Rai Headquarters, Bari

RAI Open Doors


09:30 · 14:00 Archaeological Museum

EBU Working Group: Investigative Steering Committee


10:00 · 18:00 Old Fish Market

Multimedia Corner Opening


10:00 · 13:00 Murat Area

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YLAB Special Event: Destination Sustainability

Pitch Session: university students will present their sustainable projects.


11:30 · 12:30 Prix Italia Square, Piazza del Ferrarese

Paparazzi, with Marco Ardemagni and Filippo Solibello

English language programmes made for Rai Italia's channel


15:15 · 15:35 Prix Italia Square, Piazza del Ferrarese

Rai Regional News - 2022 Prix Italia Special, Rai3 live coverage


15:00 · 19:00 Murat Area

EN⬄IT   PrixItalia|RaiPlay|RaiNews.it   

Sustainable Media

From creativity to production. How broadcasters are becoming sustainability-oriented players and contribute to the well-being of society. "There is a cost to everything. but the biggest cost is doing nothing", as reported by António Guterres, UN Secretary-General.

15h - Session 1: THE COMMITMENT
The UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Role of Public Service Media

Presented by Rai International Relations and European Affairs.

Maria Gianniti · Rai correspondent in Jerusalem.

Maria Francesca Spatolisano · Assistant Secretary-General UN DESA; Noel Curran · EBU Director General; Thilo Pommerening · Deputy Head of Sustainability Management at Deutsche Welle; Cons. Amb. Davide Marotta · Deputy Director for Communication – MAECI; Micol Rigo · Rai Sustainability Deputy Director.

Q&A: face to face between Maria Francesca Spatolisano · Assistant Secretary-General UN DESA and Marco Modugno · Spokesperson of Fridays for Future.


17h - Session 2: THE DISSEMINATION
Sustainability Is On-Air: A Comparison of Storytelling Forms

Presented by Rai Sustainability with the collaboration of ASviS – The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development.

Roberto Natale · Director of Rai Sustainability – ESG.

Simonetta Giordani · Civita Association Secretary General; Luca Mercalli · climatologist, science communicator; Marco Modugno · Fridays For Future Spokesperson; Ottavia Ortolani · Advocacy and communication supervisor at ASviS; Telmo Pievani · philosopher and science communicator; Vincenzo Schettini · physicist, teacher, TikToker and author of the book La fisica che ci piace (The Physics We Love).

With the participation of Maria Chiara Giannetta · Actress.


15:00 · 19:00 Kursaal Theatre

Juries works

Special Prize in Honour of the President of the Italian Republic (Sala Verdi), IFAD Special Prize (Sala Vivaldi).


19:00 · 20:00 Murat Area

Sustainability and Stories: FAME, Remebering Amedeo Ricucci

Live reportage by Amedeo Ricucci from sub-saharan Africa and south-east Asia, in collaboration with Cesvi, Fao, Wfp and Action Against Hunger.


21:00 · 23:00 Kursaal Theatre

Rai Documentaries presents

Le tre vite di Donato Bilancia

Author Pino Corrias · Rai Fiction and Renato Pezzini · journalist at "Il Messaggero" newspaper will be present.

Moderator Oscar Iarussi · Editor in Chief of the "Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno" newspaper.



Thursday, October 6

09:00 · 19:00 Old Fish Market

Accreditation Desk Opening


09:00 · 13:00 Rai Headquarters, Bari

RAI Open Doors


09:00 · 17:30 Archaeological Museum

EBU Working Group: Classical Music Group


10:00 · 15:30 Kursaal Theatre

EBU Working Group: Statutes Group


10:00 · 18:00 Old Fish Market

Multimedia Corner Opening


10:30 · 18:30 Government Palace, Seat of the Prefecture

Meeting: DG7


10:00 · 12:00 Kursaal Theatre


Measuring Sustainability: Dive Into Sound

A deep listening experience on primary forest ecosystem

In collaboration with Rai Sustainability, Rai Radio, RaiPlay Sound and CRIT - Rai Centre for Research, Technological Innovation and Experimentation.

With David Monacchi
Andrea Borgnino · RaiPlaySound and Daria Corrias · Rai Radio3.

Laboratory / Experiential Performance with David Monacchi, Italian Sound Artist. With his project "Fragments of Extinction" he developed a new approach of a scientific and artistic communication based on high-definition 3D recordings aimed to raise awareness on the global crisis of biodiversity. Accessibility is also provided to people with visual or hearing impairment and cochlear implant users.


11:30 · 12:30 Prix Italia Square, Piazza del Ferrarese

Paparazzi, with Marco Ardemagni and Filippo Solibello

English language programmes made for Rai Italia's channel


14:30 · 16:30 Kursaal Theatre

Prix Italia General Assembly


15:15 · 15:35 Prix Italia Square, Piazza del Ferrarese

Rai Regional News - 2022 Prix Italia Special, Rai3 live coverage


15:00 · 17:00 Murat Area

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Measuring Sustainability - "All Inclusive": Promoting Diversity and Civil Rights. How to Give Everybody a Voice

Mat Fraser · Writer and Actor, and Debbie Christie · Executive Producer at BBC, will be present.

Moderator Markus Nikel · Expert on Rai International Projects.

How to make a successful TV programme or an editorial product aimed to promote inclusion. In the United Kingdom, the "Crip Tales" BBC Series has obtained a great success with the public and the critics as well. In 2021 it was awarded the Prix Italia Prize in the TV Performing Arts category.


16:30 · 20:00 Kursaal Theatre, Sala Cielo

Meeting: URTI International Radio and Television Union


19:00 · 20:00 Murat Area

EN⬄IT   PrixItalia|RaiPlay|RaiNews.it

BBC Lecture – Tim Davie in conversation with Marinella Soldi

Face to face dialogue on the future of media, between Tim Davie · BBC Director General and Marinella Soldi · Rai Chairwoman.


21:00 · 23:00 Kursaal Theatre

A Rai Fiction – Viola Film Co-production

Vincenzo Malinconico - Avvocato d'insuccesso

Tv Series in four episodes. Director: Alessandro Angelini

Writer Diego De Silva, actors Massimiliano Gallo, Lina Sastri and Denise Capezza, Ivan Carlei · deputy Director of Rai Fiction and Alessandro Passadore · Viola Film Producer will be present.



Friday, October 7

09:00 · 19:00 Old Fish Market

Accreditation Desk Opening


09:00 · 13:00 Rai Headquarters, Bari

RAI Open Doors


09:00 · 17:00 Kursaal Theatre, Sala Cielo

EBU Working Group: Radio Committee


09:00 · 13:00 Archaeological Museum

EBU Working Group: Classical Music Group


09:00 · 13:00 Government Palace, seat of the Prefecture

Meeting: EBU Executive Board


09:30 · 10:30 Murat Area

Sustainability and Stories: Mediterranean Cinema

Screening of A Première Vue Short Film Award Winners, in collaboration with Copeam.


10:00 · 18:00 Old Fish Market

Multimedia Corner Opening


10:00 · 13:00 Kursaal Theatre

Meeting: Juries Report


11:00 · 13:00 Murat Area

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No Sustainability Without Gender Equality

In collaboration with IFAD/Copeam.

Moderator Veronica Fernandes · RaiNews.it correspondent.

Ndaya Beltchika · Lead Technical Specialist - Gender and Social Inclusion, IFAD; Cristina Bowerman · Chef; Athina Kazolea · Film Director, ERT-Greece; Akim Mogaji · Media Producer and Trainer; Micol Pancaldi · Project Coordinator, Copeam; Brian Thomson · Communication Lead Thematic Priorities, IFAD; Arianna Voto · Rai Sustainability.

Gender inequality is one of the main obstacles for the achievement of sustainable development in society. Presentation of successful case stories, co-productions, multimedia productions with local authorities, ideas for change and debate on women empowerment.


11:30 · 12:30 Prix Italia Square, Piazza del Ferrarese

Paparazzi, with Marco Ardemagni and Filippo Solibello

English language programmes made for Rai Italia's channel


15:00 · 16:00 Murat Area

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The future is in Space

With Tommaso Ghidini · Head of the Structures, Mechanisms and Materials Division at ESA, and the contribution of the Master in Journalism, Bari.
To follow: Award Ceremony of the best YLab projects


15:00 · 18:00 Grande Albergo delle Nazioni

EBU Executive Board Strategic Seminar


16:15 · 16:35 Prix Italia Square, Piazza del Ferrarese

Rai Regional News - 2022 Prix Italia Special, Rai3 live coverage


17:30 · 18:30 Kursaal Theatre

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Award Ceremony

Awarding the winners of 74th edition of the Prix Italia.

Presenter Carlo Gentile


18:00 · 20:00 Kursaal Theatre and Prix Italia Square, Piazza del Ferrarese


With Sara Zambotti and Massimo Cirri

The Rai Radio2 cult programme that created "M'illumino di meno" events, in a special episode fully dedicated to Prix Italia.


20:00 · 22:00 Kursaal Theatre

Public Screening of the Prix Italia Winning Programmes

Original language with English subtitles.



Saturday, October 8

09:00 · 13:00 Old Fish Market

Accreditation Desk Opening


09:00 · 13:00 Grande Albergo delle Nazioni

EBU Executive Board Strategic Seminar


10:00 · 11:30 Murat Area

Rai Kids presents

Trulli Tales

A Congedo Culturarte production, Fandango and Rai Kids

Oreste Castagna will be present with authors Maria Elena and Fiorella Congedo.


10:00 · 17:00 Kursaal Theatre

Public Screening of the Prix Italia Winning Programmes

Original language with English subtitles.


15:00 · 15:20 Prix Italia Square, Piazza del Ferrarese

Rai Regional News - 2022 Prix Italia Special, Rai3 live coverage




Locations and Facilities

The Prix Italia festival will take place in the Bari Vecchia old town of Bari, in the Apulia region. The map below lists the main locations of the events, meetings and conferences.

The Accreditation Desk will be located at the "Ex Mercato del pesce" Former Fish Market area.


Download a list of facilities in Bari (pdf file).





In order to attend the Prix Italia festival, register yourself at the link below.




Please note: the link is intended for the general audience only. Broadcaster delegates, panelists, speakers and staff will receive a separate registration link.




The 74th edition of the Prix Italia has been organized by RAI - International Relations and European Affairs Department,

in cooperation with
Regione Puglia · Pugliapromozione #WEAREINPUGLIA

under the Patronage of
Città di Bari

in cooperation with
Fondazione Teatro Petruzzelli · ASVIS Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile · Polizia di Stato · Ordine dei Giornalisti · Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro · Università di Foggia · Università del Salento · Università LUM Giuseppe di Gennaro · Politecnico di Bari

international Partners:
IFAD · COPEAM · EBU · ABU · TAL · URTI · CRI · Japan Prize


Under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic