YLAB 2023 Webinar


7 June 2023 / 17:00-18:30 CEST


How do you face the challenge of sustainability and sustainable development as a large international organization? What sustainability standards do you apply in the day-by-day work on your projects, and how do you promote sustainability in your communication?
In this webinar we will meet IFAD, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, an important United Nations agency, to discuss their strategies when it comes to sustainability and to understand how IFAD carries out its mission - that is, making the world a more sustainable planet. IFAD is an international financial institution and specialized United Nations agency based in Rome, the UN food and agriculture hub. Since 1978, IFAD has provided US$23.2 billion in grants and low-interest loans to projects that have reached an estimated 518 million people.
The meeting will be held in English and Italian and will last approximately 90 minutes. At the end of the presentations there will be time for questions.






Federica Emma, Social Inclusion and Youth Specialist - IFAD.
Federica Emma works as Social Inclusion and Youth Technical Analyst in the Youth Desk of the Climate Gender and Social Inclusion Division (ECG) at IFAD. She is part of a dynamic team that is responsible for mainstreaming youth across IFAD programmes and projects in the most remote regions of LICs, LMICs, and UMICs countries with the objective of supporting the creation of decent rural employment and enterprise options that are appropriate for rural young people, in both the farm and the non-farm sector. She and her team are also responsible for enhancing the involvement of youth voices in IFAD governance at all levels and for shaping a tailored approach that enables IFAD to engage more systematically with young people, which, coupled with capacity-building activities, aim at increasing the youth-sensitivity of IFAD investments and supporting the socio-economic empowerment of rural youth. Before joining the Youth Team in 2018, Federica worked for the IFAD Rural Institutions & Organization desk, focusing on maturity analysis of Smallholder Organisations, and for the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations in the context of policy support. She holds an MSc in Development Economics from the University of Tor Vergata, Italy, and a BSc in International Studies and Diplomacy from University of Bologna, Italy.



Karla Sofía Pita
Karla is a national from Mexico currently working with the Indigenous Peoples team at IFAD. Her tasks focus on the implementation of the Indigenous peoples Assistance Facility (IPAF) and knowledge management activities relating to Free, Prior and informed consent, bio cultural diversity and Indigenous Peoples climate action. She also supports the continuous dialogue with the Indigenous Peoples' Forum at IFAD. Karla holds a degree in international law with focus on human rights and a postgraduate degree from the ITC ILO on management of development with a focus on self-driven development of Indigenous Peoples. She grew up in Veracruz, in a farmer's family and she is passionate about diversity of cultures and livelihoods. Before joining IFAD she worked at the ministry of culture in Mexico to promote intercultural dialogue between indigenous and non-indigenous communities, and in the Climate, Biodiversity, Land and Water Department at FAO supporting the development of a framework for engagement with afro-descendant communities.




Markus Nikel, International Advisor, RAI
For RAI, Markus has worked as an Editorial Supervisor and Executive Producer of factual coproductions. He has been moderating Master Classes with Oscar winning Directors at GZDoc in Guangzhou, China's biggest Documentary Festival, and professional sessions at NHK's Japan Prize in Tokyo. He regularly conducts workshops with COPEAM in Rome, ASBU in Tunis and with TAL in Latin America.