Digital Factual


The Jury

Nathan Farr (CBC/SRC - Canada), Dorota Vašíčková (ČT - Czech Republic), Kåre Poulsen (DR - Denmark), Marie-Emmanuelle Wamanisa (FRANCE TELEVISIONS - France), Philipp Müller (ZDF - Germany), Rhie JinSung (KBS - Korea, South), Marije Andela (NPO - Netherlands, The), Neuvides Guerrero (TELESUR - Venezuela)

The President: Marie-Emmanuelle Wamanisa (FRANCE TELEVISIONS - France)



The Finalists

NHK Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai

The Papageno Project – Stories of Life with Suicidal Feelings

Content Manager: Hattori Natsuko. Designer: Studio Morning. Website Editor: Muranaka Mika. Social Media Editor: Tanaka Kumiko. Direction: Gotoh Lea. Executive Producer: Watanabe Yoshihiro. Drama Unit Producers: Kurasaki Ken, Osaki Hirokazu.

The Papageno Project highlights the personal stories of people who experience suicidal feelings but have chosen not to die. The project refers to research on the "Papageno effect", according to which sharing such stories acts as a deterrent for people who are thinking of killing themselves. The project website contains many video interviews with the Papagenos and articles about them. The website also contains a bulletin board with over 400 stories of personal experiences. In addition, NHK has aired a TV drama and mini-programmes based on interviews, especially when there is a high risk of people committing suicide. In addition, every month the team publishes personal accounts on social media to engage people. Thus, the team uses a variety of media to create a place for people with suicidal feelings to go on living day by day.

Le projet Papageno met en évidence les histoires intimes de personnes qui éprouvent des sentiments suicidaires mais qui ont choisi de ne pas mourir. Le projet se réfère à la recherche sur « l'effet Papageno », selon lequel le partage de ces histoires a un effet dissuasif sur les personnes qui envisagent de se suicider. Le site web du projet contient de nombreux entretiens vidéo avec les Papagenos et des articles à leur sujet. Il contient également un tableau d'affichage avec plus de 400 récits d'expériences personnelles. En outre, la NHK a diffusé une série télévisée et des mini-programmes basés sur les entretiens, en particulier lorsque le risque de suicide est élevé. En outre, chaque mois, l'équipe publie des récits personnels sur les médias sociaux afin de susciter l'intérêt du public. Ainsi, l'équipe utilise une variété de médias pour créer un endroit où les personnes ayant des sentiments suicidaires peuvent continuer à vivre au jour le jour.

Il Progetto Papageno mette in luce le storie personali di persone che provano sentimenti suicidi ma che hanno scelto di non morire. Il progetto fa riferimento alla ricerca sull'effetto Papageno, in base al quale la condivisione di tali storie funge da deterrente per le persone che stanno pensando di uccidersi. Il sito web del progetto contiene molte interviste video con i Papageno e articoli su di loro. Il sito web contiene anche una bacheca con oltre 400 storie di esperienze personali. Inoltre, la NHK ha mandato in onda una fiction televisiva e piccoli programmi basati su interviste, soprattutto quando c'è un rischio elevato che le persone tentino il suicidio. Inoltre, ogni mese l'équipe pubblica storie personali sui social media per coinvolgere le persone. L'équipe utilizza quindi diversi mezzi di comunicazione per creare un luogo che permetta alle persone con pensieri suicidi di continuare a vivere giorno per giorno.

Presented by: Gotoh Lea, Program Director, NHK

Lea joined NHK in 2010. In 2016, she began working in the production team of "Heart-Net TV", the social-welfare program for people with disabilities. Producing programs focus on the suicidal crisis and mental disorder among youth as a main theme. Continuously conducting interviews with people who have suicidal feelings since 2017 and producing interactive programs with the original online platform to share their feelings.

The Jury: The Jury has unanimously been convinced by the efficiency of this production which presents multiple layers and had a huge impact on society. With this prize we want to support the authors' work and the way they are tackling the difficult subject of suicidal thoughts.

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SVT Sveriges Television

Den stora älgvandringen (The Great Moose Migration)

Project Managers: Johan Erhag, Moa Frygell. Producers: Stefan Edlund, Nils Pejryd.

For thousands of years, moose in Sweden have migrated to the summer pastures following the same route. It is a dangerous journey that takes them into the territory of several predators and makes them walk, literally, on thin ice. The biggest obstacle is crossing the wide Ångermanland river. How many moose will manage to swim across it? And will they all make it to the other side?

Depuis des milliers d'années, les élans de Suède migrent vers les pâturages d'été en suivant le même itinéraire. Il s'agit d'un voyage dangereux qui les conduit sur le territoire de plusieurs prédateurs et les fait marcher, littéralement, sur de la glace fine. Le plus grand obstacle est la traversée de la large rivière Ångermanland. Combien d'élans parviendront à la traverser à la nage ? Et parviendront-ils tous à atteindre l'autre rive ?

Da migliaia di anni gli alci in Svezia migrano verso i pascoli estivi seguendo lo stesso percorso. È un viaggio pericoloso che li porta nel territorio di molti predatori e li fa camminare, letteralmente, sul ghiaccio sottile. L'ostacolo più grande è l'attraversamento dell'ampio fiume Ångermanland. Quanti alci riusciranno ad attraversarlo a nuoto? E riusciranno tutti a raggiungere l'altra sponda?

Presented by: Nils Pejryd, Online and Interactivity Producer, SVT

Mr. Pejryd has been working as a journalist and online producer at SVT (Sveriges television) for 10 years. In recent years he has been focusing his attention to various interactive projects, ranging from factual and entertainment programmes to investigate journalism. "What engages the audience?" – "How can we make the audience directly and deeply involved with our content?" These questions are always at the heart of what Mr. Pejryd and his colleagues at the interactive hub at SVT strive for in their work.

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SRG SSR Société suisse de radiodiffusion et télévision

Immersion – Sauvetages en Méditerranée (Immersion – Rescues in the Mediterranean Sea)

Content Managers: Julien Bagourd, Sacha Porchet. Designer: Sacha Roth. Social Media Editor: Cezanne Trummer. Direction: Pablo Delpedro. Producers: Sacha Porchet, Julien Bagourd, Regine Bucher.

In this 33-minute report, Sacha (our presenter) spent 1 month on the SOS Méditerranée ship: the Ocean Viking, a boat dedicated to rescues in the Mediterranean Sea. During the shoot, we were able to witness and document the rescues at sea, but also spend time with the survivors, to understand the journey that led them to risk their lives. Sacha's approach is one of equals, a fundamental Tataki value, and he was totally transparent with the audience, allowing us to experience this immersion with him. Through vlogs and testimonials, the audience was able to understand the tragedies that unfold every day on one of the world's deadliest migration routes: the Mediterranean Sea.

Dans ce reportage de 33 minutes, Sacha (notre présentateur) a passé 1 mois sur le navire de SOS Méditerranée : l'Ocean Viking, un bateau dédié aux sauvetages en Méditerranée. Pendant le tournage, nous avons pu assister et documenter les sauvetages en mer, mais aussi passer du temps avec les rescapés, pour comprendre le parcours qui les a amenés à risquer leur vie. Sacha a une approche d'égal à égal, une valeur fondamentale pour Tataki, et il a été totalement transparent avec le public, nous permettant de vivre cette immersion avec lui. Au travers de vlogs et de témoignages, le public a pu comprendre les tragédies qui se déroulent chaque jour sur l'une des routes migratoires les plus meurtrières au monde : la mer Méditerranée.

In questo reportage di 33 minuti, Sacha (il nostro presentatore) trascorre un mese sulla nave di SOS Méditerranée: l'Ocean Viking, un'imbarcazione dedicata ai salvataggi nel Mediterraneo. Durante le riprese, abbiamo potuto assistere e documentare i salvataggi in mare, ma anche trascorrere del tempo con i sopravvissuti, per capire meglio il viaggio che li ha portati a rischiare la vita. L'approccio di Sacha è di essere pari agli altri, un valore fondamentale per Tataki; e lui è stato totalmente trasparente con il pubblico, permettendoci di vivere questa esperienza con lui. Attraverso il video-blog e testimonianze, il pubblico ha potuto comprendere le tragedie che si verificano ogni giorno su una delle rotte migratorie più letali al mondo: il Mar Mediterraneo.

Presented by: Sacha Porchet, Journalist

A reporter for the past 5 years for RTS (Radio Television Swiss) in the media Tataki, Sacha Porchet hosts the "Immersion" format, which gives a voice to young people from Switzerland and the rest of the world. At 31, his aim is to tell the most inspiring stories and lives through his reports.

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