TV Drama


The Jury

Denis Bojić (RTRS - Bosnia Herzegovina), Katerina Lambrinova (BNT - Bulgaria), Barbara Mamabolo (CBC/SRC - Canada), Veronica Slámová (ČT - Czech Republic), Toni Mekhael (ART - Egypt), Elke Müller (ZDF - Germany), Zoltán Pető (MTVA - Hungary), Walter Ingrassia (RAI - Italy), Gabriella Tafuri (TV2000 - Italy), Vuk Perović (RTCG - Montenegro), Carlos Maio (RTP - Portugal), Mar Díaz (RTVE - Spain), Adam Barker (BBC - United Kingdom)

The President: Veronica Slámová (ČT - Czech Republic)



The Finalists

DR Danmarks Radio

Huset (Prisoner)

Direction: Frederik Louis Hviid, Michael Noer. Screenplay: Kim Fupz Aakeson in collaboration with Frederik Louis Hviid and Michael Noer. Actors: Sofie Gråbøl, David Dencik, Charlotte Fich, Youssef Wayne Hvidtfeldt, Bjarne Henriksen. Producer: Rikke Tørholm Kofoed.

Sammi, Henrik, Miriam and Gert are prison officers and colleagues in an old, worn-down Danish prison. Their work environment is raw and hostile, and their respective lives outside the prison walls are filled with conflict secrets and loneliness for very different reasons. Secrets that will soon resurface and have great consequences not only for the four officers, but for everyone inside and outside the walls.

Sammi, Henrik, Miriam et Gert sont des gardiens de prison et des collègues dans une vieille prison danoise délabrée. Leur environnement de travail est brutal et hostile, et leurs vies respectives à l'extérieur des murs de la prison sont remplies de conflits, de secrets et de solitude pour des raisons très différentes. Des secrets qui ne tarderont pas à refaire surface et à avoir de lourdes conséquences non seulement pour les quatre gardiens, mais aussi pour tout le monde à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur des murs.

Sammi, Henrik, Miriam e Gert sono agenti penitenziari e colleghi in un vecchio e logoro carcere danese. Il loro ambiente di lavoro è crudo e ostile e le loro rispettive vite al di fuori della prigione sono piene di solitudine, conflitti e segreti, ciascuno per ragioni molto diverse. Segreti che presto riaffioreranno e avranno gravi conseguenze non solo per i quattro agenti, ma per tutti coloro che si trovano dentro e fuori le mura.

Presented by: Michael Noer, Director

Born in 1978, Denmark. Graduated from the National Film School of Denmark, 2003. Noer's first feature film R (2010), co-directed by Tobias Lindholm, won top awards at Göteborg and Mumbai plus several accolades at the two top annual Danish awards ceremonies Bodil and Robert. Since then, Noer has directed several films, including the international feature Papillon (2017), starring Charlie Hunnam and Oscar-winner Rami Malek, which premiered at Toronto Film Festival, as well as the period drama Before the Frost (2019), winner of several prizes, including the Special Jury Award at Tokyo International Film Festival.

The Jury: A visceral and compelling portrait of the reality of life in prison, with a strong ensemble cast, dynamic shooting and editing style, and a story offering a broader metaphor for the injustices widespread in modern society.

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RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana

Esterno notte (Exterior Night)

Direction: Marco Bellocchio. Screenplay: Marco Bellocchio, Stefano Bises, Ludovica Rampoldi, Davide Serino. Actors: Fabrizio Gifuni, Margherita Buy, Toni Servillo, Fausto Russo Alesi, Gabriel Montesi, Daniela Marra, Paolo Pierobon. Photography: Francesco Di Giacomo. Sound Track: Fabio Massimo Capogrosso. Producers: Lorenzo Mieli (The Apartment), Simone Gattoni (Kavac Film), Francesco Nardella, Daria Hensemberger, Sara Polese (Rai). Organisation: Patrick Carrarin. Producing Organisations: The Apartment (Fremantle Group), Kavac Film. Coproducing Organisations: Rai Fiction, ARTE France.

Rome, March 1978. Aldo Moro, President of the Christian Democratic Party, has been freed by the Red Brigades, a far-left terrorist group. He now scrutinises his party comrades, Giulio Andreotti, Francesco Cossiga, and Benigno Zaccagnini, gathered at his hospital bed. Riots rage in the streets as the West clashes with the Soviet block. Moro works towards creating a unity government with the support of the Italian Communist Party. He faces discontent from his party factions and seeks the vote of confidence from Enrico Berlinguer (the Communist Party leader). The "Historic Compromise" promoted by Moro causes widespread discontent. Meanwhile, members of the Red Brigades' "Roman column" kidnap Moro on March 16th, killing five men of his escort, on the same day the vote of confidence for the Andreotti government is granted.

Rome, mars 1978. Aldo Moro, président de la Démocratie chrétienne, a été libéré par les Brigades rouges, un groupe terroriste d'extrême gauche. Il examine maintenant ses camarades de parti, Giulio Andreotti, Francesco Cossiga et Benigno Zaccagnini, réunis près de son lit d'hôpital. Des émeutes éclatent dans les rues alors que l'Occident s'oppose au bloc soviétique. Moro travaille à la création d'un gouvernement d'unité avec le soutien du parti communiste italien. Il fait face au mécontentement des factions de son parti et cherche à obtenir le vote de confiance d'Enrico Berlinguer (leader du parti communiste). Le « Compromis historique » promu par Moro provoque un mécontentement généralisé. Entre-temps, des membres de la « colonne romaine » des Brigades rouges enlèvent Moro le 16 mars, tuant cinq hommes de son escorte, le jour même où le vote de confiance est accordé au gouvernement Andreotti.

Roma, marzo 1978. Aldo Moro, presidente della Democrazia Cristiana, il primo partito d'Italia, è stato liberato dalla Brigate Rosse, l'organizzazione terroristica di estrema sinistra che l'aveva rapito, ed ora scruta con occhi inclementi i suoi compagni di partito, riuniti al capezzale del suo letto di ospedale: Giulio Andreotti, Francesco Cossiga e il segretario di partito Benigno Zaccagnini. Fuori infuriano gli scontri di piazza: è la stagione più calda dello scontro tra Occidente e "blocco sovietico". In realtà Aldo Moro non è stato ancora rapito e sta invece lavorando per far nascere il primo governo di unità della storia repubblicana con l'appoggio esterno del Partito Comunista Italiano. Da un lato contiene i malumori espressi dai rappresentanti delle varie "correnti" del suo partito, dall'altro si adopera per ottenere la garanzia del voto di fiducia da parte del segretario del PCI Enrico Berlinguer. Il "Compromesso storico" promosso da Moro provoca un diffuso malcontento. Nel frattempo, membri della "colonna romana" delle Brigate Rosse rapiscono Moro il 16 marzo, uccidendo cinque uomini della sua scorta, nello stesso giorno in cui viene concessa la fiducia al governo Andreotti.

Presented by: Michele Zatta, Commissioning Editor in charge of International Coproductions - Rai Fiction

Former travel-guide, copywriter and lawyer, I started my career in television as an editor of tv-movies and series. The turn in life happened in 1994, when I developed together with the Australian writer Wayne Doyle the first italian soap ('Un posto al sole'), which started in october 1996 and is still on air. I worked 12 years as co-headwriter and producer and in the meanwhile I dealt with a prime-time cop-series ('La squadra') that lasted 8 seasons (221 episodes of 100' each), another soap ('Cuori rubati') and a couple of tv-movies. In 2008 I became headwriter of the soap 'Agrodolce'. Soon after Rai offered me an employment as an executive in the fiction department. In this position I deal with the editorial and productive process of various projects (tv movies, mini-series, long running series), keeping a strong focus on the narrative development. The most recent series I've worked on are 'La porta rossa' ('The red door'), a paranormal thriller in which the protagonist has to find out who killed him, 'Di padre in figlia' ('From father to daughter'), an intense family saga that takes place in Italy and Brazil, the second season of 'Non uccidere' ('Close murders'), the first Italian 'Nordic noir' and 'Il cacciatore' ('The hunter'), that won the price for the best actor at the recent Canneseries. Now I'm in charge of international coproductions and in this position I worked on the series 'The name of the rose' as on 'Survivors', a series that is co-developed by Zdf and FranceTv and more recently 'The sea beyond', RaiPlay's biggest success ever with almost 200m. views. I'm also in charge for RaiFiction's master class for writers who want to work on returning series.


United Kingdom
CH4 Channel 4

I Am Ruth

Direction, Screenplay: Dominic Savage. Actors: Kate Winslet, Mia Threapleton. Sound Track: Anthony John. Editing: David Charap. Executive Producers: Dominic Savage, Kate Winslet, Richard Yee. Producers: Krishnendu Majumdar, Josh Hyams. Producing Organisations: Me+You Productions, Juggle Productions.

I Am Ruth offers an honest and authentic portrayal of a mother and daughter's increasingly strained relationship. Kate Winslet stars as Ruth, a loving and concerned mother who witnesses her teenage daughter Freya (Mia Threapleton) retreating into herself as she becomes more and more consumed by the pressures of social media. A story for our times about the endemic mental health crisis affecting young people.

Je suis Ruth dresse un portrait honnête et authentique de la relation de plus en plus tendue entre une mère et sa fille. Kate Winslet incarne Ruth, une mère tendre qui s'inquiète pour sa fille adolescente Freya (Mia Threapleton), qu'elle voit se replier de plus en plus sur elle-même, écrasée par la pression des médias sociaux. Une histoire moderne sur la crise endémique qui affecte la santé mentale des jeunes.

I am Ruth offre un ritratto onesto e autentico del rapporto sempre più teso tra una madre e una figlia. Kate Winslet interpreta Ruth, una madre amorevole e preoccupata per la figlia adolescente Freya (Mia Threapleton) che vede chiudersi sempre più in sé stessa, schiacciata dalle pressioni dei social media. Una storia moderna sulla crisi endemica che colpisce la salute mentale dei giovani.

Presented by: Dominic Savage, Director/Writer

Dominic Savage is a BAFTA-winning filmmaker. Dominic created, wrote and directed three seasons of award-winning anthology drama series for Channel 4, I AM. Each film has been developed in collaboration with one of Britain's leading female actors: Season one starred Samantha Morton, Vicky McClure, and Gemma Chan. The second series starred Suranne Jones, Letitia Wright and Lesley Manville. Most recently, Season 3 opened with a feature length film I AM RUTH starring Kate Winslet. It won two BAFTAs (Single Drama and Lead Actress) as well as a Royal Television Society award for Lead Actress. CLOSE TO YOU is his latest film. Dominic Savage was born in Margate, England, and studied directing at England's National Film and Television School. His other credits as writer and director include the features Nice Girl (00), When I Was 12 (01), Out of Control (02), Love + Hate (05), Freefall (09), Dive (10), The Escape (17), and Close to You (23).
