Prix Italia - Ifad - Copeam Special Prize
⧉ The Jury
Claudio Cappon (COPEAM), Susan Beccio (IFAD), Gino Alberico (RAI).
The President: Susan Beccio (IFAD).
The Finalists
Gaspillage alimentaire, n'en jetez plus ! (Food Waste: Receipe for Recycling)
Author, Direction: Lionel Baillon. Sound Track: Jérôme Perez, David Hadjadj. Editing: Fabienne Clavier-Kaufinger. Producer: Mathieu Hucher (Match Prod), Patrice Lorton (Capa Presse). Producing Organisations: France 5, Matcha Prod, Capa Presse. Coproducing Organisation: with the participation of France TV. Production Year: 2023.
In France, more than a third of the food produced never reaches a plate. Every French person throws away 130 kilos of food a year. This disaster has an impressive cost, estimated at over 16 billion euros a year. Yet the Garot law of 2016 prohibits the destruction of consumable food and requires players to find solutions to limit unsold losses. So, who are those responsible for this gigantic waste? Waste affects all levels of the food chain: producers, industry, supermarkets, restaurants and individuals. Numerous initiatives to put an end to this aberration are being launched in all sectors.
En France, plus d'un tiers de la nourriture produite n'arrive jamais dans une assiette. Chaque Français jette 130 kilos de nourriture par an. Ce désastre a un coût impressionnant, estimé à plus de 16 milliards d'euros par an. Pourtant la loi Garot de 2016 interdit la destruction des denrées consommables et impose aux acteurs de trouver des solutions pour limiter les pertes des invendus. Alors, qui sont les responsables de ce gigantesque gâchis ? Le gaspillage touche tous les étages de la chaîne alimentaire : producteurs, industrie, grande distribution, restauration, particuliers. De nombreuses initiatives pour mettre fin à ces aberrations voient le jour, et dans tous les secteurs.
In Francia, più di un terzo del cibo prodotto non arriva mai nel piatto. Ogni francese getta 130 chili di cibo all'anno. Questo disastro ha un costo impressionante, stimato in oltre 16 miliardi di euro annui. Eppure la legge Garot del 2016 vieta la distruzione di cibo consumabile e impone ai soggetti coinvolti di trovare soluzioni per limitare le perdite di invenduto. Chi sono dunque i responsabili di questo gigantesco spreco che riguarda tutti i livelli della catena alimentare: produttori, industria, supermercati, ristoranti e privati? Numerose iniziative per porre fine a questa aberrazione sono state avviate in tutti i settori.
Presented by: Sophie Chegaray, France TV Documentary Dept. Head Assistant
Since 2019, Sophie Chegaray is Renaud Allilaire's assistant, Head of Geopolitics and Current Affairs, Documentaries Department. From 2005 to 2019, Sophie was commissioning editor for documentaries at France 5, one of the France Télévision Group channels, on current affairs, international, domestic and social issues. Prior to that Sophie was part of the science health and environment team. She began her career in television as an investigative journalist. |
The Jury: We chose this documentary that explores modern food waste in France and provides a range of practical solutions, some of which viewers at home can replicate. With one third of all food in the world wasted before it reaches the table, the broadcaster makes an honest attempt to raise awareness and stimulate action.
Together… We Innovate
Author, Direction, Editing: Sofiane Moknine. Photography: Sofiane Haffar, Salah Haffar, Ibrahim Ballou, Salah Said. Other Participants: Youcef Baba Ami, Bakir Bouhoun Ali, Omar Hajj Said, Ibrahim Khalil, Baba Ami, Abdel Rahman Ben Youcef.
The film follows the journey of Youcef Baba Ami, a young inventor born in 2005 in the town of el Attef, in the southern Algerian city of Ghardaïa, 600 km from the capital. He is a high school student with a passion for technology, electronics and smart systems since childhood. In 13 minutes, we will follow the young Youcef Baba Ami through his process of inventing a remote-control system for irrigating orchards and equipping his small home room with smart systems. We will also highlight his activities in the "Let's Innovate for Science and Technology" association in the town of el Attef, which had a great impact on the young man's development, focusing him and teaching him the basics of technology control, teamwork and project and innovation management.
Un documentaire dans les pas de Youcef Baba Ami, un jeune inventeur né en 2005 à Attef, une commune au sud de la wilaya de Ghardaïa, à 600 km d'Alger. Youcef, lycéen, est passionné de technologie, d'électronique et de systèmes intelligents depuis son plus jeune âge. Pendant 13 minutes, nous suivrons Youcef dans toutes les étapes de l'invention d'un système d'irrigation de vergers contrôlé à distance, pour lequel il a dû réagencer une petite pièce de sa maison et y installer ses systèmes intelligents. Une occasion pour illustrer aussi les activités de Youcef au sein de "Innovons pour la Science et la Technologie", une association à Attef qui a exercé un puissant ascendant sur sa formation. C'est là qu'il a appris les fondamentaux de la technologie du contrôle à distance, le travail en équipe, et la gestion des projets et de l'innovation.
Il film segue il viaggio di Youcef Baba Ami, un giovane inventore nato nel 2005 nella cittadina di El Atef, nel sud dell'Algeria, a Ghardaïa, a 600 km dalla capitale. Youcef è uno studente delle superiori appassionato fin dall'infanzia di tecnologia, elettronica e sistemi intelligenti. In questi 13 minuti di film seguiremo il giovane nel processo che lo porterà ad inventare un sistema di controllo remoto per l'irrigazione dei frutteti e ad equipaggiare una piccola stanza della sua casa con sistemi intelligenti. Verranno inoltre illustrate le attività svolte da Youcef in seno all'associazione "Let's Innovate for Science and Technology" (Innoviamo per la scienza e la tecnologia) della città di El Atef, che hanno avuto un grande impatto sul suo sviluppo e sulla sua dedizione, e gli hanno insegnato le basi della tecnologia del controllo remoto, del lavoro di squadra e della gestione di progetti e innovazioni.
Presented by: Sofiane Moknine, Journalist, Producer
Sofiane Moknine has been a journalist with Algerian television since 2011. He worked as a producer for a weekly television program called "it can be you" for 6 years. He was also a tv comentator on environmental topics and marine resources in a morning tv program. Moknine directed a documentary film titled "Aicha and the Sea" in 2017 and authored a travelogue book entitled "An Algerian in Andalusia" in 2018. Currently, he is a journalist reporter in the Algerian television from Oran regional station. |
Echtes Fleisch ohne Tier – Die Zukunft schmeckt anders (Real Meat, Without Animals – A Taste of the Future)
Author, Direction, Producer: Ingolf Baur. Sound Track: Ralf Schönwiese. Editing: Tim Greiner. Photography: Florian Kössl. Other Participants: Experts and interview partners: Josh Tetrick, Lukas Böni, Alison Van Eenenaam, Ernst Hermann Maier, Aryé Elfenbein. Production Year: 2024.
It looks like chicken, it tastes like chicken, but it's not made from animals. In California, meat and fish are now grown in bioreactors. Science journalist Ingolf Baur tried them both. In 2022, the average person in Germany consumed 52 kilograms of meat. Now, companies worldwide are painstakingly cultivating muscle cells to satisfy our cravings for meat in an eco-friendly and ethical way. Could we soon enjoy real meat, guilt-free and without animal suffering? What other alternatives are out there? Solar Foods in Helsinki is pioneering a new method of sustenance by cultivating bacteria in large fermenters fed with CO2 and hydrogen to create a product called Solein. This flavourless, protein-rich substance can replace eggs and milk in almost any food. Future meat will taste different. Bon appétit!
Il ressemble au poulet, il a le goût du poulet, mais il n'est pas d'origine animale. En Californie, la viande et le poisson sont cultivés dans des bioréacteurs. Le journaliste scientifique Ingolf Baur les a goûtés. En Allemagne, en 2022, on a consommé 52 kg. de viande par personne. Actuellement, des entreprises du monde entier se tournent résolument vers la culture de cellules musculaires pour satisfaire notre envie de viande dans une approche écologique et éthique. Pourrons-nous encore savourer de la vraie viande sans souffrance animale ni mauvaise conscience ? Quelles sont les autres alternatives ? Solar Foods, à Helsinki, est le pionnier d'une nouvelle méthode : la culture de bactéries nourries au CO2 et à l'hydrogène dans de grands fermenteurs pour créer un produit appelé Solein, une matière première privée d'arôme et riche en protéines qui peut remplacer les œufs et le lait dans la plupart de nos aliments. L'avenir aura un autre goût. Bon appétit !
Sembra pollo, sa di pollo, ma non è un prodotto di origine animale. In California, carne e pesce sono ora coltivati in bioreattori. Il giornalista scientifico Ingolf Baur li ha provati entrambi. Nel 2022, il consumo di carne medio pro capite ammontava a 52 kg. Ora le aziende di tutto il mondo si stanno impegnando per coltivare cellule muscolari per soddisfare la nostra voglia di carne in modo ecologico ed etico. Potremmo presto gustare vera carne, senza sensi di colpa e senza infliggere sofferenza agli animali? Quali altre alternative esistono? La Solar Foods di Helsinki sta sperimentando un nuovo metodo di sostentamento attraverso la coltivazione di batteri in grandi fermentatori alimentati con CO2 e idrogeno per creare un prodotto chiamato Solein. Questa sostanza insapore e ricca di proteine potrebbe essere in grado di sostituire uova e latte in quasi tutti gli alimenti. La carne del futuro avrà un sapore diverso. Buon appetito!
Presented by: Ingolf Baur, Science presenter and filmmaker
Ingolf Baur is a science presenter and film author of numerous television documentaries on research topics. He presents the weekday future magazine NANO on German public Broadcasting TV Channel 3sat and hosts various scientific conferences and events for ministries and companies. Ingolf Baur studied physics, astronomy and biophysics, as well as classical singing. He still performs as a singer and gives seminars as a media trainer at the National Institute for Science Communication. |