2023 Prix Italia - Ifad - Copeam Sp. Prize Regulations

08 marzo 2023 ore 09:27

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in English, French and Italian languages.


1. Introduction

For the second year running, the Prix Italia-IFAD-Co.Pe.A.M. Special Prize (hereinafter referred to as "Special Prize") is confirmed. It has been established by an agreement among RAI, IFAD and Co.Pe.A.M. RAI, concessionaire of the radio, television and multimedia public service, is the organiser of the Prix Italia which, since 1948, has been promoting and rewarding the best quality, innovation and creativity in the production of radio, television and multimedia programmes. IFAD is an international financial institution and a specialised agency of the United Nations, and its mission is to transform rural economies and food systems that affect developing countries, by making them more inclusive, more productive, resilient and sustainable in the fight against hunger and poverty. Co.Pe.A.M. is a non-profit association, devoted to the promotion of intercultural dialogue and international cooperation in the Mediterranean region, through the involvement of public, private and institutional players of the audio-visual media sector. The Special Prize aims to raise awareness and promote the theme of food security through the media.


2. Participation

2.1 The Special Prize is open to all the Participants of the Prix Italia Community; it is free of charge and envisages the entry of radio, television and multimedia programmes of any format and genre. Each Participant may submit to the Special Prize only one programme that must have been on air no earlier than 1 January 2022 or already scheduled for broadcast by the Participant no later than 31 December 2024. Should the Participant decide to compete in both the 2023 Edition of the Competition and the Special Prize, the programme submitted to the Special Prize has to be other than the programme(s) submitted to the Competition. The participation to the Special Prize is not subject to the participation to the Competition.

2.2 Starting from the opening date of the Competition (13th March) until its closing deadline (7th June), the Participants to the Special Prize may register their programme by completing a dedicated "entry form" available on the Prix Italia platform www.prixitaliacompetition.rai.it. The programme must be accessible for jurors through subtitles in English or the uploading of a translation of the script or, for multimedia programmes, an in-depth description of the programme in English.

2.3 The programme must describe how a sustainable development, integrating renewable energy, advanced technologies, sustainable use of resources, respect for biodiversity and equal access to the same resources, without any kind of discrimination, is a key element not only to reduce rural poverty and malnutrition, but also to enhance global food security, transforming today's food systems and thus fostering an inclusive and sustainable economic growth.


3. Winner and Prize

3.1 The Special Prize will be awarded to the best programme focused on at least one of the following issues: food security, hunger and nutrition, environmental sustainability of food production and resilience to climate change, women's empowerment in rural communities, protection and recognition of rights of indigenous peoples, promotion of intercultural dialogue and cooperation for a sustainable development.

3.2 The prize pool, amounting to Euro 4,000 gross, will be assigned by IFAD (through Co.Pe.A.M.) to the Special Prize-winning Participant. The jury of the Special Prize may also assign a Special Mention.

3.3 The Special Prize-winning programme must bear the Prix Italia-IFAD-Co.Pe.A.M. logos in its credits, in its opening or closing titles, in its promotional material and/or on the website homepage of the Participant that submitted it.


4. Jury and Criteria

4.1 The Special Prize will be awarded by a jury composed of experts in the field of sustainability, invited by Prix Italia, including RAI, IFAD and Co.Pe.A.M. representatives.

4.2 On judging the programmes, the jury will consider the following main evaluation criteria, also highlighted by the partner Organisations promoting the Special Prize:

  • raising awareness in society on the importance of food security;
  • inspiring and educating audience on responsible and environmentally friendly behaviour in their personal choices;
  • revealing the complexity of sustainability issues, in particular the convergence of economic, environmental, and social aspects;
  • relevance of the topic for the intended audience, and ability to ignite a debate and/or trigger social change;
  • creativity and innovation in the storytelling;
  • smart use of technology to enhance the realisation and circulation of the programme and audience engagement;
  • economic sustainability in the production of the programme.

4.3 The jury's online preselection will take place from 12th June to 7th September, after which the three nominated programmes will be voted. From 8th to 15th September the jury will meet online in order to decide the winner that will be announced later in Bari during the Prix Italia Event.



5. Regulations of the 2023 Edition of the Competition

For anything not envisaged in these Prix Italia-IFAD-Co.Pe.A.M. Special Prize Regulations, the Regulations of the 2023 Edition of the Competition and, therefore, also what provided by in Art. 11 "Rights", shall apply.


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