Shorts by Jane Campion

30 luglio 2024 ore 11:50

Monday, September 30 - Waiting for Prix   |   Lunedì 30 settembre - Aspettando il Prix

Massimo Cinema, room 2
Film review
The Greatest of Prix Italia: Shorts by Jane Campion
Film Exhibition in collaboration with the National Museum of Cinema
Edited by Carlo Gentile

To be screened:

· An Exercise in Discipline: Peel (1982, 9')
· Passionless Moments (1983, 13')
· Mishaps of Seduction and Conquest (1984, 15')
· A Girl's Own Story (1984, 27')
· After Hours (1985, 26')
· The Water Diary, episode of 8 (2008, 18')
· The Lady Bug, episode of Chacun son cinéma - To Each His Own Cinema (2007, 3')








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